Cats foaming at the mouth after flea treatment

Is your cat foaming at the mouth after medication? Does your cat drool after medicine or spit out liquid medicine?

I’ve had to give my cats quite a few different medications over the years, both pills and liquid form. Here’s everything I’ve learned along the way, and what you should be aware of:

Why Is My Cat Foaming at the Mouth After Medication?

First of all, there is a difference between foaming at the mouth and drooling. Both of which commonly happen for various reasons.

When I talk about foaming from the mouth, I’m describing seeing excess saliva coming from your cat’s mouth which is frothy. Drooling is watery saliva, which looks very different.

The main reason for a cat to foam from the mouth after taking some form of medication is because it had a bitter taste. This isn’t uncommon, there are quite a few medications that cause this reaction.

I know Benadryl has caused one of my cats to foam. I also hear that atropine and Flagyl have a bitter taste and can cause foaming when the hit the back of a cat’s throat. It’s also possible your cat has licked some of their flea medicine off their neck.

As a general rule, if the medication you’re giving your cat has been prescribed and you followed the instructions, there shouldn’t be anything to worry about. It’s worth checking the instructions to see if it’s listed as a known side effect too.

It doesn’t hurt to contact your vet and check that it’s nothing to be concerned about. Always better to err on the side of caution.

Other Reasons to Explain Excessive Foaming or Drooling

Seeing your cat foaming or drooling after receiving medicine might actually be highlighting another issue your cat has. If your cat is also showing these symptoms when not taking medicine, it might be due to one of these reasons:

Oral Issues

I’ve had cats that have had a problem with their teeth before and this caused excessive drooling (not foaming). You might be able to see something is not right by taking a look under their gums.


Anxiety can cause a cat to drool or foam from their mouths. Have you moved home recently or put your cat through a potentially stressful change in circumstances? Maybe you’ve introduced another pet into the home? It’s worth exploring this to see if something is causing them to be anxious.


This sounds worse than it probably is in most cases. I had a cat that would lick a plant in a neighbors garden and froth at the mouth afterward, for example. I never did figure out which plant it was exactly, but it didn’t agree with him.

Spot-on Flea Treatments

The reason you apply spot-on flea treatments to the base of the neck is because this is supposed to be an area cats can’t lick. Well, some cats might be able to get to it. Especially if you’ve applied it a little off-center. It can’t be pleasant to taste, and it can cause foaming or froth from the mouth.


A dehydrated cat may foam or have bubbly saliva around their mouths. If it’s a particularly hot day, or you can see your cat hasn’t drunk anything, try and encourage them to drink some water. Not drinking for a period as short as 24 hours can start to cause some health issues.

How to Give a Cat Liquid Medication

If your cat has previously foamed after being given medicine, you might be wondering if you’re doing something wrong. Let’s be honest here, it’s not easy giving most cats medication orally.

Although they usually put up a bit of a fight, it’s actually not that difficult. Most oral medicines are absorbed transmucosal. This means they are absorbed once they are in their mouths, they don’t necessarily have to swallow the medicine quickly.

Here are some tips that should help next time you have to give your kitty some oral meds:

Use a syringe – Most medicines come with a syringe. Not only does this allow you to measure the exact amount you’re using, but it also makes it easy to put it into your cat’s mouth and plunge it.

Get help – It’s so much easier if there is someone else helping. One person can hold your cat so they’re comfortable and can’t move, while you focus on the syringe. It’s a good idea to wrap their bodies in a blanket so they can’t scratch or use their claws for traction if they panic.

Put in the corner of the mouth – If you try and shoot the fluid straight into their mouth, it’s likely to run out. The best place to plunge the fluid out of the syringe is into the corner of your cat’s mouth. Aim for the area next to their molars at the back of their mouth and squeeze the fluid so it 

Stimulate swallowing – After syringing the medicine into your cat’s mouth, remove the syringe and gently hold their mouth closed. Stroking under the chin or down their throat, as well as blowing their nose will stimulate a lot of cats to swallow what’s in their mouth.

Treats! – It’s a stressful time for you and your cat. Don’t forget to reward them with a tasty treat afterward to show your appreciation and relief.

In Summary

If your cat is foaming or drooling, don’t panic. It’s more often than not due to a reaction to the taste of the medicine you’ve given them. There are, however, some other possible causes, so it’s worth exploring these and giving your cat a health check.

I also included some tips that have helped me administer oral medications to my cats on a number of medications.

If you want to read more articles like, why is my cat foaming at the mouth after medication? Check out more health-related articles in the blog.

When a pet owner notices their cat has immediately begun foaming at the mouth, it might be frightening. If indeed the cat has just been vaccinated, the first notion that leaps to thoughts is rabies, which might cause additional fear and confusion.

Although a certified veterinarian will have to do a full medical examination of your cat to discover the exact cause of the mouth-foaming, there are several possible causes. When the cat foamed at the mouth, the owner worried about this especially if it occurred unexpectedly.

7 Reasons your Cat is Foaming at the Mouth

Rabies, nausea, nervousness, and dental problems have all made your cat foam at the mouth. When your cat was already poisoned or swallowed bitter-tasting substances, he or she may start frothing at the mouth. Other possibilities include allergic responses to flea treatments and having a seizure.

There are many reasons and causes, listed below are the frightening causes that lead your cat to foam in the mouth.

1. Nausea


In cats, nausea frequently leads to exhaustion. The good news is that, as soon as your cat has already been immunized against rabies, you may not even have to wave farewell to your cat quite yet. Foaming at the mouth might also be caused by simple nausea. Isn’t that a huge relief?

If your cat is sick, they will be tired, have a poor appetite, and perhaps foam from their mouth. Nausea in your cat can occur from a variety of causes, including pregnancy, dizziness, and illnesses including gastritis and diabetes.

Expert Tip: Cats, like humans, can get car sick, resulting in drooling/foaming at the mouth. Loss of appetite and fatigue are other symptoms of nausea.

2. In the late phases of the disease, rabies can induce mouth foaming.

In the late phases of the disease, rabies can induce mouth foaming.

Your cat’s foaming at the mouth could be due to rabies. As a pet parent, you’ve undoubtedly heard of rabies, and the moment you discover your cat frothing at the mouth, your first thought is that your furry friend has turned rabid.

While rabies is a potential, especially if your cat has been introduced to other animals, if your cat has been vaccinated, it is a remote likelihood. Because mouth-foaming doesn’t appear until late in the course of rabies, your cat would’ve been rabid for a long time before exhibiting this symptom.

The rhabdovirus causes a fatal viral infection. Foaming at the mouth is a symptom of this disease in its later stages. Rabies is a rare condition in cats because most cats in the United States have been vaccinated against it. and it does not exist in Australia or the United Kingdom.

Look for other indications your cat may be experiencing if you find him foaming at the mouth. Consider whether he has lately taken any medication or if he has ingested something he shouldn’t have. If you have any doubts, you should consult a veterinarian.

3. Anxiety

Cat anxiety

It’s possible that the cause of your cat’s foaming at the mouth isn’t even physical. Cats can be distressed emotionally. This could be related to separation anxiety, issues interacting with those other pets in the house, a fear response triggered by an interaction with an unusual animal, or just relocating.

When cats feel anxious, they may start to pace back and forth across the house, becoming hyper-vigilant, shiver, groom themselves obsessively, and sometimes even foam out of their mouth. While understanding the source of their anxiety can help them feel better, this can be difficult.

There are, however, drugs that can help with cat anxiety. Determine the source of concern, such as inter-cat violence or separation anxiety, and resolve it. Anti-anti medicines may be prescribed by the veterinarian in some instances.

When should you consult a veterinarian? If your cat begins to drool after receiving prescribed medication, consult your veterinarian; it’s likely just a reaction to the bitter taste, and aside from being uncomfortable and your cat perhaps not receiving the whole dose, he’ll be fine.

Expert Tip: When your cat is foaming at the mouth, get immediate veterinary assistance in addition to bitter-tasting recommended cat drugs. Bring the packaging with you if your cat has taken any medication, flea treatment, or poison for the veterinarian to examine.

4. Cat is been poisoned

Cat is been poisoned

Every cat owner’s worst nightmare is a poisoned cat. This is the frightening explanation for your cat’s frothing at the mouth, aside from the danger of rabies. Naturally, you should consult emergency veterinarian care if you suspect poisoning.

Flea treatments that have been put directly on your cat’s coat or mistakenly consumed by your cat may cause your cat to begin foaming at the mouth. Foods and drugs with a bitter taste might cause foaming as a reaction to the unpleasant taste.

There are so many dangers out there, and cats are especially vulnerable. Pyrethrins. venomous toads, plants, and snail bait are all examples of poisons that really can cause mouth frothing. Other signs of poisoning include confusion, ataxia (wobbly walking), vomiting, diarrhea, and lethargy, and you should seek veterinary help right away.

5. Dental problems can cause a cat’s mouth to foam up.

Dental problems can cause a cat’s mouth to foam up.

Dental disorders can lead animals to foam from their mouth in response to infection, similar to how an abscessed tooth might develop and cause discomfort.

If your cat develops gingivitis or breaks a tooth, they may endure not just pain, bad breath, and a loss of appetite, but they may also start to foam out their mouths as the dental symptoms worsen. Although it may seem strange, many veterinarians recommend brushing your cat’s teeth.

Sure, brushing your cat’s teeth may be good for your pet’s health, but if scrubbing your cat’s teeth seems too harsh for your tastes and you suspect dental illness, you should arrange a veterinary check-up right once.

A fractured tooth, gum disease, and stomatitis are just a few of the issues that can impact the mouth. Loss of appetite, foul breath, and soreness around the mouth are all common signs of dental disorders.

6. Seizures


Seizures can occur in cats. Unless the seizure happened when you weren’t around, it’s quite easy to identify whether your cat is having a seizure because the symptoms are identical to those of human seizures.

A cat will slump over to the floor, lose consciousness for a short time, tremble and shake violently, and begin to foam at the mouth. If your cat is displaying indications of a seizure disorder, you should schedule an appointment with your veterinarian.

Fortunately, drugs to cure cat seizure disorders and lessen the frequency of seizures are available. Seizures (also known as convulsions or fits) are caused by an uncontrollable surge of electrical activity in the brain. They’re among the most frequent neurological problems in cats, albeit they’re far less common than in dogs.

Seizures happen in the cerebrum, which would be positioned toward the top of the skull and controls sensory, neurological, and behavioral activities.

7. Flea treatments that are applied directly to the skin

Flea treatments that are applied directly to the skin

The foul taste can create extreme drooling and foaming if they are put in a location your cat can lick. Carefully administer topical flea treatments to the back of your neck, out of reach of your cat. Be warned that pyrethrin and permethrin, which can be utilized in canine topical flea medications, are extremely toxic to cats.

Expert Tip: If you fear your cat has consumed a dog flea treatment, seek medical attention right away because this is a potentially fatal condition.


Oral and ocular drugs, which typically have a bitter taste, are another common cause of this. Eye drugs, such as atropine, can cause a cat to froth at the mouth because the treatments reach the back of the throat after being injected into the eye, leaving a bitter taste in the mouth.

Flagyl (Metronidazole) and Benadryl, an over-the-counter antihistamine, are two more bitter-tasting drugs.

If your cat’s medication was given and provided according to instructions, there’s no need to be concerned if the only symptom is foaming at the mouth, though it’s always a good idea to notify your veterinarian. To assist your cat get rid of the bitter taste, give him a little meal or a reward after he’s received his medication.

If taking a bitter-tasting prescription is causing you or your cat problems, talk to your veterinarian about getting the drug compounded. Combining medication can offer it a more appealing flavor, such as tuna, which your cat will enjoy. Alternatively, the drug can be taken as a liquid rather than a pill.


Your cat will be examined thoroughly by the veterinarian.

Your cat will be examined thoroughly by the veterinarian, who will also take medical records from you. Is your cat consuming something he or she shouldn’t be? do you know if your cat has any underlying medical concerns, and have you seen any additional symptoms?

Workup for the diagnosis

Your veterinarian will use a biochemical profile, complete blood count, and urinalysis to get an overall picture of your cat’s health, including how the organs are working. He may need to conduct extra tests to determine the cause, based on his index of suspicion. Diagnostic imaging of the internal organs, as well as particular blood tests, may be used.


Nausea is a symptom, not a sickness, therefore it’s important to figure out what’s causing it and treat it Anti-nausea drugs can help you feel better.

  • Bitter-tasting meds – shortly after taking the prescription, give the cat a little bit of food or water or consider utilizing a compounding pharmacy to make it more pleasant.
  • Poisoning – If the poison was developed within the last two hours, gastric cleansing may be required, which may entail producing puking or emptying the stomach. Any toxin left in the gastrointestinal tract can be bound by activated charcoal.

    Furthermore, your cat will get supportive treatment such as IV fluids to treat dehydration and correct electrolyte imbalances.

  • Topical flea products can cause foaming at the mouth, which should go away immediately. To get rid of the taste, give the cat some water and a tiny bit of food as a reward.
  • Administer topical flea treatments to the nape of the head, where the cat can’t reach them. Topical treatments for dogs should never be used on cats because they are exceedingly poisonous.
  • Ingestion of dog flea treatment – If you have applied a dog product to your cat or recently treated your dog and suspect your cat has been affected, contact your veterinarian immediately.

    Treatment will be based on the severity of the symptoms, seizures, and tremors will be controlled, and supportive care will be provided. The goal of treatment for pyrethrin/pyrethroid toxicity is to manage symptoms rather than find an antidote.

  • Control seizures and tremors with diazepam (valium) and methocarbamol. Refractory seizures may necessitate gas anesthesia (seizures that do not respond to seizure medication). Fluid treatment is used to keep the body hydrated.
  • Seizures – The veterinarian must identify and treat the underlying cause of the seizures, as well as prescription drugs to help manage them.

    Treatment for dental issues is determined on a case-by-case basis. Some cats merely need to be cleaned and scaled. When a tooth is significantly damaged, it may be essential to extract it under general anesthesia.

  • Rabies – Rabies in cats has no effective treatment and necessitates euthanasia. By law, veterinarians must report any animal infected with rabies to the proper authorities.

Why Is My Cat Foaming At The Mouth? Frequently Asked Questions

How Long Does Rabies Take to Show Up in a Cat?

It’s quite difficult to say. A cat will usually start to show symptoms of rabies three to eight weeks after being bitten, but in certain situations, cats may not display symptoms for up to a year following exposure. Mouth foaming is a sign of rabies in its terminal stages.

After receiving medication, why is my cat foaming at the mouth?

Due to the flavor or difficulty swallowing, it is normal for cats to start frothing from their mouth after receiving medication. It doesn’t always mean you’re having an allergic reaction.

What Are the Poisonous Household Items for Cats?

If consumed, many home cleaners, such as bleach and laundry soap, are poisonous to cats, resulting in poisoning and foaming out the mouth. It’s critical to keep some common household items out of the reach of youngsters and dogs.

What to Do If Your Cat’s Mouth Is Foaming?

Extreme spitting and foaming at the mouth are generally accompanied by other signs and behaviors. While a little light drooling may not be cause for alarm, if you see aggressive behavior, a poor appetite, puking, or tremor in your cat you should seek medical help right away.

Drooling can be caused by a variety of factors, so it’s important to seek advice from your veterinarian to determine the best course of action.

To discover the likely reason for the excessive drooling, your veterinarian will perform a comprehensive physical examination and question you about your cat’s medical history, contact with other animals, and any dangerous substances.

If your cat has a dental disease, your veterinarian will have his or her teeth cleaned. In some circumstances, serious dental disease necessitates tooth extraction. Toxin ingestion causes foaming at the mouth, which necessitates immediate veterinary attention. It’s better to bring a specimen of the substance you reasonably believe poisoned your cat.

If your cat is suspected of being poisoned, he or she may be made to vomit or given charcoal to absorb poisons in the stomach. IV fluids may also be administered to assist your cat to recover from toxin consumption.

If your veterinarian suspects a respiratory infection, blood tests and x-rays may be ordered to establish the severity of the condition.

Your veterinarian will also need to determine if your cat has lately been interacting with other cats, and your cat will be kept far away from other pets throughout the infection to prevent the sickness from spreading.

Antibiotics and rehydrating fluids may be used to treat or prevent subsequent bacterial infections. To assist fight off an upper respiratory viral infection, rest, good nutrition, and oxygen therapy may be used.

Foaming in the Mouth Can Be Prevented

You can avoid a lot of health problems associated with foaming at the mouth by being a responsible cat owner and keeping your cat in a safe environment. Do not intentionally shock or agitate your cat, or allow others to do so. To avoid fear and anxiety concerns, provide a safe, caring environment where your cat feels comfortable and at ease.


It’s not always rabies if your cat is foaming at the mouth, but you should seek immediate medical attention. Mouth-foaming can be caused by a variety of circumstances, but in most cases, treatments are accessible and the prognosis is favorable. Fortunately, there’s a strong possibility your cat will feel well in no time.

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