Ethernet unidentified network windows 10 fix

Ethernet connection established through cable is usually considered to be way better than Wi-fi. It helps users achieve higher speed and better stability to run online activities. Unfortunately, some users experience an error stating that Ethernet Network cannot be identified. This problem becomes a real hiccup preventing people from using the Internet. Sometimes the issue is solved after running basic steps like rebooting a router or reconnecting the cable. However, there are also some broader reasons causing the error. This is what our guide will be all about.

Ethernet “Unidentified network” problem in Network and Sharing Center

Download Windows Repair Tool

There are special repair utilities for Windows, that can solve problems related to registry corruption, file system malfunction, Windows drivers instability. We recommend you use Advanced System Repair to fix the “Unidentified Network” Ethernet problem in Windows 10.

1. Run Network Troubleshooter

Before getting to more complex solutions, let’s try using Windows Troubleshooter to detect and fix network issues.

  1. Left-click on the Start Menu button in the bottom left corner of the screen and choose Settings. Or use Windows key + I combination.
  2. Then select Update & Security.
  3. In the opened tab, go to the left-pane menu, find and click Troubleshoot.
  4. After that find Network troubleshooter and click on it.
  5. In the drop-down click on the Run the TroubleShoot button.
  6. Let Windows scan for the issues and fix them. After finished, restart your pc and try to establish a connection again.

2. Reset TCP/IP

TCP/IP is a set of fundamental protocols used to set up proper communication for the Internet and similar computer networks. Thus, we will try to reset it via the steps below:

  1. Find Command Prompt by typing cmd into the searching box. Then right-click on it and choose Run as administrator.
  2. In the opened window, you should paste these commands one by one by clicking Enter after each.
  3. netsh winsock reset
    netsh int ip reset

  4. Close the console and the problem should disappear itself. If not, try to paste the following commands according to the same algorithm.
  5. ipconfig /release ipconfig /flushdns

    ipconfig /renew

Hopefully, this option will solve the problem and help you regain access to the Internet.

3. Change/Flush or reset DNS/IP configuration and internet settings

Maybe your PC cannot find the right server to get a proper connection. This is why DNS/IP changing or flushing can work out. So let’s try to change the automatic DNS and IP addresses to custom servers for the time being.

To change DNS and IP:

  1. Go to Control Panel > Network and Internet > Network Connections.
  2. Double click on your connection name.
  3. Click on Properties.
  4. Double click on Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4).
  5. Mark Use the following IP address and Use the following DNS server addresses.
  6. Change IP address, Subnet mask, Default gateway, and DNS according to the underneath image.

4. Update Network Adapter Driver

Whenever your system struggles to establish contact with the Ethernet network, this may be because Network Drivers are malfunctioned or working incorrectly. If you can access a Wi-Fi connection at the very least, please, do it. This is necessary for Windows to scan online libraries for installing the driver updates. Also, if you do not want to spend time messing around with manual steps, you can download and delegate this to IObit Driver Booster via the link below.

Driver Booster start screen

Driver Booster scan results

Driver Booster tools section

Download Driver Booster

To run a manual update, please stick around this algorithm:

  1. Left-click on the Start Menu button and choose Device Manager.
  2. Now find and expand Network Adapters.
  3. Right-click on your adapter and choose Update driver. If there are other drivers available on the list, you should also update them.
  4. In the opened window, select Search automatically for updated driver software.
  5. Then follow on-screen instructions to finish the process, and restart your PC.

5. Turn off Antimalware Software

If you have a third-party antivirus installed in your system, there is a chance it conflicts with the plugged cable. Sometimes protection software can identify external inputs as something suspicious. Some links between network services can be terminated and negated completely. This is why a solution could be in disabling your antivirus for some time to see the difference. If this option pad out well, you should delete it and migrate to a more suitable antivirus, instead.

6. Try to disable Windows Firewall temporarily

One more reason arising from the error can be due to Firewall settings. Whilst Firewall is an essential component of Windows Defender ensuring your connection is filtered and secured, sometimes it can put up the screws on the Ethernet network. Hence, disabling it, for the time being, can be a potential solution. Note that switching off Firewall settings may slacken your online protection, so keep that in mind as well.

  1. Type Control Panel into the searching bar next to Start Menu.
  2. Find and choose Windows Defender Firewall from the list (make sure you have Small icons selected on the top right).
  3. On the left pane, select Turn Windows Defender Firewall on or off.
  4. Then, choose Turn off Windows Defender Firewall under both options presented.


Although the last solution can be effective in solving the issue, it is far from ideal. You should not worry about the rest of the methods presented in our guide as they are pretty much safe and will not damage your privacy. If you have any other problems touching your everyday usage, please refer to the list of all issues located on our website.

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