How to fix split ends without cutting hair

Did you know a pamper session at home could be just what you need to get rid of split ends? So, if you’re looking for things to do when you’re stuck at home and you’ve found yourself picking at the tips of those tresses, read on to find out how to fix split ends at home with the best split end treatments around – no scissors necessary!

We all need a little self-love from time-to-time and if you’ve found yourself stuck at home, it might just be the perfect opportunity to focus on yourself (and those split ends!). The longer you have in between your all-important trips to the hairdressers, the more you’ll start noticing split ends. While trimming the very ends of your hair is the most effective way to rid your mane of fraying ends, there are other ways to manage them too. The best split end treatment options work to fuse the fraying ends together and reduce the visible signs of split ends. Think of it as being a bit like gluing the strands back together.

Keep reading for our complete home guide on how to fix split ends, from the best split end treatment to the prevention options that'll help keep them from coming back. But first, knowing the causes will better help you prevent them in the first place!

What causes split ends?

Split ends are probably the most common sign that your hair’s damaged; we all get them down to every day wear and tear. Those white dots at the ends of your hair, or even ends that have split completely in half, are what happens when your hair weakens over time.

Our hair’s subject to loads of different sources of friction in day-to-day life – heat styling, the environment and brushing are just some of the things that can cause damage to our hair. The ends of our hair are prone to split because they’re the oldest part of the strand and have been exposed to the most harmful factors and stressors for a longer period of time. That’s why the tips of hair need extra care.

Damaged hair is much less resistant to breakage – weaker hair cuticles are more likely to split and peel or, in more serious cases, break off completely. So, split ends are a major red flag that your needs some care and attention.

This is why it’s so important to repair and prevent hair damage within your styling routine if you want to keep the visible signs of damage at bay. But, how can you treat these pesky frayed ends?

How to fix split ends

We know, you don’t like the thought of a haircut because your end goal is lush, long hair. And, sometimes you get more taken off than you’d like. But regular trims remove the driest parts of your hair, the ends, that have built up the most damage over time.

Healthier hair is hair that’s cut more often – ensure you get a trim every 6 to 8 weeks for optimum health – and actually, nobody else will notice that you’ve been for a cut. It’ll be worth it in the long run because you’ll be keeping the ends healthier so less will need to be removed.

Healthier hair is hair that’s cut more often – ensure you get a trim every 6 to 8 weeks for optimum health – and actually, nobody else will notice that you’ve been for a cut. It’ll be worth it in the long run because you’ll be keeping the ends healthier so less will need to be removed. 

You may also use a dry oil such as PANTENE PRO-V KERATIN PROTECT OIL. It can be used on wet hair after washing, or as a top up of moisture in between washes. It will keep your hair ends softer and hydrated, protected from early breakage.

Part of split end repair relies on a few changes within your haircare routine to minimise further damage and dryness. Keep in mind that the things you can do to prevent split ends, also stop them from getting worse.

How to prevent split ends (or stop them getting worse!)

“Prevention is better than a cure” isn’t just a popular saying, it’s the truth, especially when it comes to your hair. Below are a few top tips to prevent split ends from occurring in the first place.

Use strengthening shampoo & conditioner

Stronger hair is healthier hair, so your regular shampoo and conditioner are good places to start if you need to fortify your routine. Try our Superfood Shampoo for fuller, stronger hair – it’s like a multivitamin for strands. Coupled with our Hair Superfood Conditioner, your hair will be nourished, strong and shiny with a reduced risk of breakage and split ends.

Minimise your use of heat styling products

Heat styling causes your hair to lose moisture and dry out, leaving it more prone to breakage.

Heat styling causes your hair to lose moisture and dry out, leaving it more prone to breakage. If you put a drop of water on a styling tool’s hot plate, it sizzles and evaporates – imagine that happening to your hair!

This is why heat protection for hair is essential every time you style; but cutting down on your hair’s exposure to heat or reducing the temperature of your hot tools if you can, can be a game-changer.

Try air drying your hair more often, or giving up your curling wand or straighteners where you can and embracing your natural hair. We promise you’ll notice a difference after a break – your natural hair may even end up becoming your go-to! 

Another top tip’s to gently towel dry hair and avoid heat when possible. Just let the towel soak up extra moisture, a gentle approach is key.

Be brush smart

Of course, smooth and tangle-free hair feels like a must, but it’s important to be careful and brush or comb a way that doesn’t put excess strain on your hair.

The number one brush rule is to never comb or brush your hair while it’s wet; this is when your hair is at its most vulnerable and more prone to breakage and snags. Avoid metal combs too, as these are more likely to snag than a natural brush.

The number one brush rule is to never comb or brush your hair while it’s wet; this is when your hair is at its most vulnerable and more prone to breakage and snags. Avoid metal combs too, as these are more likely to snag than a natural brush. 

Backcombing is another no-no, as it tugs on the scales of your hair, lifting them and leaving them vulnerable to being ripped off – try one of these ways to add volume to hair.

Take up a treatment once or twice a week

Regular hair treatments are a great way to deeply moisturise your hair and seal off rough damage. Pantene Pro-V Repair & Protect Masque is an intensely nourishing solution that can be used 1-2 times per week to get to smoother, shinier and healthier looking hair.

Pressed for time or don’t know how much product to use? Pantene Pro-V 1 Minute Wonder Ampoules contain just the right dose for your hair, so there’s no danger of over-use, and only take 60 seconds to get to work. Use wide tooth comb to remove tangles and comb through your hair without pulling or breaking any strands.

The above tips on how to get rid of split ends without cutting hair, combined with a healthy lifestyle will help you on your quest for long, healthy looking hair. Brittle hair and split ends, be gone.

If you’re struggling with split end repair, we’ve put together a handy little 6-step guide to get those strands back to their best.

Everyone knows the dread of split ends. Your hair can go from healthy and luscious to damaged and frayed in a matter of months, and it’s not a good look. Having healthy hair is so important, but it can be hard to know how to keep it healthy all the time. There are so many things that damage our hair, from using curling irons and straighteners to over-shampooing and even sleeping on cotton pillowcases. If you’ve experienced split ends, you may have gotten advice to cut your hair, but not everyone wants to go to that extreme. If you’re looking for the best ways to prevent split ends, we’re letting you in on how to get rid of split ends without cutting your hair!

What Causes Split Ends?

Split ends occur when your hair becomes dry and brittle and as a result splits or frays. Usually split ends happen at the end of the hair, but you can get them further up the strand too. Split ends can occur due to everything from blow drying and using heat tools, to the use of chemical hair treatments, to everyday activities such as shampooing your hair.

Everyone can experience split ends, but not all hair encounters split ends to the same degree. Split ends cause your hair to look dry and uneven, so it’s important to prevent them or get rid of them if they’ve already started to surface.

8 Tips to Prevent Split Ends

1. Don’t Over-Shampoo Your Hair
Did you know you shouldn’t be washing your hair with shampoo more than twice a week? Your hair is super fragile when it’s wet and if you over-shampoo it, it can lead to split ends. When you’re washing your hair, make sure the shampoo is mostly concentrated to your scalp so your ends aren’t damaged too much.

2. Shower With Lukewarm to Cold Water
The hotter your shower water, the more damage it’s doing to your hair. The hot water makes your cuticles swell, making your hair more prone to split ends. Shower with the coldest water you can stand, or at least at the very end of your shower, run your hair under cold water to close the cuticles and prevent split ends.

3. Use a Microfiber Towel
Using a microfiber towel is another great way to prevent splits. Rubbing your hair with a normal towel can cause a lot of damage, so invest in a microfiber towel and wrap your hair in it, allowing the towel to absorb the moisture. It’s one of the best and healthiest ways to dry your hair.

4. Don’t Blow Dry Your Ends
Blow drying your hair is super damaging in general, but if you must blow dry it, at least stay away from your ends. Use the dryer on your roots and upper lengths of your hair, but avoid the ends. The heat from the blow dryer can cause split ends, so it’s best to keep blow drying to a minimum.

5. Avoid Using Hot Tools As Much As You Can
Are you noticing a pattern here? Heat and hair do not mix well. Using heated styling tools causes damage and split ends to your hair, so if you’re looking to prevent split ends, you’ll want to cut down on hot tools as much as possible. When you do use them, try using the low to medium setting, and avoid using them on the ends of your hair!

6. Take Folic Acid and Biotin
Folic acid and biotin are two vitamins that are incredible for your hair. They’ve been shown to supplement your hair health, growth, and thickness, making your strands full and lush. Folic acid increases the production of red blood cells, promoting the growth of hair; and biotin strengthens your hair through its metabolism of fats, carbs and proteins.

You can take folic acid and biotin in supplement form, or increase certain foods in your diet. Foods like dark leafy greens, oranges and soybeans are rich in folic acid, and you can find biotin in brown rice, lentils, peas, walnuts and sunflower seeds.

7. Limit Chemical Hair Services
From dying and highlighting your hair, to relaxing and perming it, any service that uses chemicals is going to be very damaging for your hair. All the damage it takes on can lead to split ends, so staying away from these treatments is your best bet if you’re dealing with lots of split ends.

8. Use a Silk Pillowcase
Switching your cotton pillowcases out for silk ones is one of the best ways to prevent split ends. While cotton creates friction between your hair and pillowcase, causing it to break, silk allows your hair to glide easily, preventing breakage and split ends.

7 Ways to Get Rid of Split Ends Without Cutting Your Hair

1. Use a Wide-Toothed Comb
Did you know using a brush on your hair can be extremely damaging to it and even cause split ends? Brushing your tangled hair can break and snap your strands, so instead run a wide-toothed comb through it after you apply conditioner in the shower.

2. Apply Leave-In Conditioner
Using a conditioner in the shower is good, but won’t do much for split ends. Instead, apply a leave-in conditioner to add extra protection to your hair. This will help prevent and repair damage and split ends.

3. Use Moisturizing Hair Masks
Split ends crave moisture! Use a moisturizing hair mask to revitalize your strands, and make your split ends much less obvious. Since split ends are super dry and lifeless, using a moisturizing hair mask a few times a week will bring your hair back to life!

4. Use Coconut Oil
Coconut oil has many uses, and it’s amazing as a remedy for split ends. Coconut oil has small molecules that penetrate the outer cuticle and hydrate from the inside out. It can also help replenish the protective oils on the outside of your hair. Apply warmed coconut oil on your hair once a week as a deep hydrating mask.

5. Try an Apple Cider Vinegar Mask
If you’re wondering how to repair damaged hair – including split ends – naturally, combine one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar with two tablespoons olive oil and three egg whites. Rub the mixture into your hair and cover it for half an hour using a shower cap. Shampoo and rinse your hair after. An apple cider vinegar mask is a great way to bring life back to your hair, too!

6. Consider a DIY Olive Oil Hair Mask
As someone who suffers from split ends, I cannot say enough good things about these hair masks by STYLECRAZE. The hydrating properties of olive oil combined with the beauty benefits of ingredients like honey make these types of hair masks my go-to remedy to prevent hair breakage and add a little shine to my hair. I use these frequently during the winter months!

7. Global Keratin Anti-Frizz Hair Smoothing Serum
If you prefer store-bought products and serums, this product not only transforms your hair from dry to smooth, it also restores your hair by providing a protective layer around each strand, making it an excellent choice if you want to know how to get rid of split ends without cutting your hair.

Split ends are never fun! Use these awesome tips to prevent and remedy split ends and get your healthy hair back!

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