How to get dogs used to cats

It’s important to have realistic expectations when introducing a new pet to a resident pet. Some cats are more social than other cats. For example, an eight-year-old cat that has never been around other animals may never learn to share her territory (and her people) with other pets in the household. However, an eight-week-old kitten separated from her mom and littermates for the first time, might prefer to have a cat or dog companion.

Cats are territorial and need to be introduced to other animals very slowly in order to give them time to get used to each other before there is a face-to-face confrontation. Slow introductions help prevent fear and aggression problems from developing.

PLEASE NOTE: When you introduce pets to each other, one of them may send “play” signals that can be misinterpreted by the other pet. If those signals are interpreted as aggression by one animal, then you should handle the situation as “aggressive.”


Confine your new cat to one medium-sized room with her litter box, food, water and a bed. Feed your resident pets and the newcomer on each side of the door to this room. This will help all of them to associate something enjoyable (eating!) with each other’s smells. Don’t put the food so close to the door that the animals are too upset by each other’s presence to eat. Gradually move the dishes closer to the door until your pets can eat calmly, directly on either side of the door. Next, use two doorstops to prop open the door just enough to allow the animals to see each other, and repeat the whole process.

Swap scents

Switch sleeping blankets or beds between your new cat and your resident animals so they have a chance to become accustomed to each other’s scent. Rub a towel on one animal and put it underneath the food dish of another animal. You should do this with each animal in the house.

Switch living areas

Once your new cat is using her litter box and eating regularly while confined, let her have free time in the house while confining your other animals to the new cat’s room. This switch provides another way for the animals to experience each other’s scents without a face-to-face meeting. It also allows the newcomer to become familiar with her new surroundings without being frightened by the other animals.

Avoid fearful and aggressive meetings

Avoid any interactions between your pets that result in either fearful or aggressive behavior. If these responses are allowed to become a habit, they can be difficult to change. It’s better to introduce your pets to each other so gradually that neither animal becomes afraid or aggressive. You can expect mild forms of these behaviors, but don’t give them the opportunity to intensify. If either animal becomes fearful or aggressive, separate them, and start over with the introduction process in a series of very small, gradual steps, as outlined above.


If one of your pets has a medical problem or is injured, this could stall the introduction process. Check with your veterinarian to be sure that all of your pets are healthy. You’ll also want to have at least one litter box per cat, and you’ll probably need to clean all of the litter boxes more frequently. Make sure that none of the cats are being “ambushed” by another while trying to use the litter box. Try to keep your resident pets’ schedule as close as possible to what it was before the newcomer’s appearance. Cats can make lots of noise, pull each other’s hair, and roll around quite dramatically without either cat being injured. If small spats do occur between your cats, you shouldn’t attempt to intervene directly to separate the cats. Instead, make a loud noise, throw a pillow, or use a squirt bottle with water and vinegar to separate the cats. Give them a chance to calm down before re-introducing them to each other. Be sure each cat has a safe hiding place.

Cat-to-dog introductions

Dogs can kill a cat very easily, even if they’re only playing. All it takes is one shake and the cat’s neck can break. Some dogs have such a high prey drive they should never be left alone with a cat. Dogs usually want to chase and play with cats, and cats usually become afraid and defensive. Use the techniques described above to begin introducing your new cat to your resident dog. In addition:

Practice obedience

If your dog doesn’t already know the commands “sit,” “down,” “come” and “stay,” you should begin working on them. Small pieces of food will increase your dog’s motivation to perform, which will be necessary in the presence of such a strong distraction as a new cat. Even if your dog already knows these commands, work with obeying commands in return for a tidbit.

Controlled meeting

After your new cat and resident dog have become comfortable eating on opposite sides of the door, and have been exposed to each other’s scents as described above, you can attempt a face-to-face introduction in a controlled manner. Put your dog’s leash on, and using treats, have him either sit or lie down and stay.

Have another family member or friend enter the room and quietly sit down next to your new cat, but don’t have them physically restrain her. Have this person offer your cat some special pieces of food or catnip. At first, the cat and the dog should be on opposite sides of the room.

Lots of short visits are better than a few long visits. Don’t drag out the visit so long that the dog becomes uncontrollable. Repeat this step several times until both the cat and dog are tolerating each other’s presence without fear, aggression or other undesirable behavior.

Let your cat go

Next, allow your cat freedom to explore your dog at her own pace, with the dog still on-leash and in a “down-stay.” Meanwhile, keep giving your dog treats and praise for his calm behavior. If your dog gets up from his “stay” position, he should be repositioned with a treat lure, and praised and rewarded for obeying the “stay” command. If your cat runs away or becomes aggressive, you’re progressing too fast. Go back to the previous introduction steps.

Positive reinforcement

Although your dog must be taught that chasing or being rough with your cat is unacceptable behavior, he must also be taught how to behave appropriately, and be rewarded for doing so, such as sitting, coming when called, or lying down in return for a treat. If your dog is always punished when your cat is around, and never has “good things” happen in the cat’s presence, your dog may redirect aggression toward the cat.

Directly supervise all interactions between your dog and cat

You may want to keep your dog on-leash and with you whenever your cat is free in the house during the introduction process. Be sure that your cat has an escape route and a place to hide. Keep your dog and cat separated when you aren’t home until you’re certain your cat will be safe.


Dogs like to eat cat food. You should keep the cat food out of your dog’s reach (in a closet or on a high shelf). Eating cat feces is also a relatively common behavior in dogs. Although there are no health hazards to your dog, it’s probably distasteful to you. It’s also upsetting to your cat to have such an important object “invaded.”

Unfortunately, attempts to keep your dog out of the litter box by “booby trapping” it will also keep your cat away as well. Punishment after the fact will not change your dog’s behavior. The best solution is to place the litter box where your dog can’t access it, for example: behind a baby gate; in a closet with the door anchored open from both sides and just wide enough for your cat; or inside a tall, topless cardboard box with easy access for your cat.

A word about kittens and puppies

Because they’re so much smaller, kittens are in more danger of being injured, of being killed by a young energetic dog, or by a predatory dog. A kitten will need to be kept separate from an especially energetic dog until she is fully grown, and even then she should never be left alone with the dog. Usually, a well-socialized cat will be able to keep a puppy in its place, but some cats don’t have enough confidence to do this. If you have an especially shy cat, you might need to keep her separated from your puppy until he matures enough to have more self-control.

When to get help

If introductions don’t go smoothly, seek professional help immediately. Animals can be severely injured in fights, and the longer the problem continues, the harder it can be to resolve. Conflicts between pets in the same family can often be resolved with professional help. Punishment won’t work, though, and could make things worse.

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Despite what we have learned from cartoons, dogs and cats are not always mortal enemies. Many dogs and cats can learn to coexist in peace through careful introductions and training. You may be able to teach your dog and cat to tolerate one another or even become friends.

The truth is, cats and dogs live together peacefully in most households. Conflicts most commonly occur during the initial introduction phase. This is because of the typical nature of these animals.

Dogs and cats are both predatory creatures; they are genetically hardwired to hunt and chase smaller creatures. Natural prey drive varies from animal to animal, and breeding often has a great impact on prey drive. For example, some dog breeds were originally bred to hunt and/or kill other animals. The sight of a cat might spark this predatory instinct and lead to a chase or attack.

Cats are less likely to see dogs as prey because of size differences. However, a puppy or very small "teacup" type dog may trigger a cat's predatory instinct. Cats may also misinterpret a dog's body language and grow defensive or fearful.

Territorial behavior is commonly displayed by both cats and dogs. The current four-legged resident of the household may feel threatened by the new presence of another creature and become defensive. To send the message that "this is my turf," cats may growl and hiss at a new dog. Dogs may bark and growl at a new cat. Both species may urinate or defecate inappropriately to mark their territory and gain attention from humans in the house.

In general, a resident cat is often more likely to display territorial and defensive behavior towards a new dog. A resident dog is more likely to see a new cat as prey and chase after that cat. Fortunately, proper introductions and training may be able to change the way dogs and cats see one another.

Not all dogs and cats are compatible. For instance, a fearful cat is not an ideal match for a hyperactive, playful dog. Before you choose a new pet to bring into your home, first consider the personality and energy level of your current pet.

Younger pets tend to be more receptive to new animals. However, small kittens and puppies are vulnerable and may become hurt by a larger dog or cat that likes to play rough.

Older pets are sometimes set in their ways and resistant to new animals. A young, active animal may frustrate or overwhelm the resident senior pet.

Avoid getting a second pet if the resident pet has a serious illness or behavior problem. Treat the pet's issues first, then consider another pet.

If possible, adopt a pet that has been tested with the other species. Many pet adoption groups know a pet's history or have tried the pet with other animals to determine temperament.

Sadly, some dogs and cats will never learn to accept one another. You may find that you can only have dogs or cats but not both.

It is important to ease a dog and cat into a new situation. Do not just throw the new pet into the mix and hope for the best. Before you know it, the fur will be flying and you or your pets could get seriously hurt.

Start slowly. The most important part of the process is that you must directly supervise both pets. There should be no unsupervised direct contact until you are confident that both animals will behave appropriately.

Remember to be safe while supervising your pets. An agitated cat or dog might mistakenly redirect aggression towards you, and scratches or bites are the last things you need.

Introductions should be done in steps, and each introduction should be done when all pets are as calm and relaxed as possible, like after a meal.

Remain in control of the situation. If you are in doubt, it is okay to back up a step. This process can take days, weeks, or even months.

Here is how to begin the careful process of introducing dogs and cats so they will (hopefully) get along. 

When you bring the new pet home, confine that new pet to one room of the home. Set up the room with bedding, food, water, and toys (plus a litterbox and scratching pad for a cat). Make sure there are cozy hiding places for your new pet, especially if the pet seems fearful.

Avoid visual contact between the animals. Allow the new pet to smell and explore the room while the resident pet has access to the rest of the home. You may need to put your dog in a crate if he is digging or clawing at the door to get to the cat.

For the first few days, allow each animal to gradually discover the scents and sounds of the other (between the closed door). Allow each pet to smell items with the other pet's scent. Each pet that acts with calm curiosity or neutral behavior should be rewarded with praise and treats. If a pet shows aggression, anxiety, or over-excited behavior, immediately remove that animal from the situation. Divert the pet's attention to something like a toy. Do not scold or punish the pet.

A few times each day, give the new pet a chance to explore the home without the resident pet around.

New Dog, Resident Cat: Confine the cat and allow the new dog to explore your home. Allow the cat to explore the dog's room without the dog present.

New Cat, Resident Dog: Move the dog outdoors or to another room and allow the new cat to explore the home. Some cats will be slow to leave the room where they are confined. Leave the door open to give the new cat access to the home, but do not force the cat to leave the room.

Hopefully, after a few days of this, each animal will be able to tolerate the presence of the other without overreacting. Be prepared, as this might take longer. If both pets are adjusting well (eating, drinking, urinating, and defecting normally), move on to the next step.

Now that the two pets have been able to sense, smell, and hear one another, it is time to allow them to see each other. Get a pet gate or baby gate that you can set up in the doorway of the room where the new pet is staying. Keep the dog on a leash as a precaution. Do not hold the cat or you may get clawed or bitten. This process is easier if you have another person who can help you. That way, each pet is being supervised directly.

Both pets should be a reasonable distance from one another on either side of the door. Offer praise and treats. Gently pet each animal while slowly opening the door (with the gate in place and closed). Do not make a big deal about this, just keep the mood calm and allow each animal to discover the open door from a distance. If either pet becomes vocal, aggressive, anxious, or over-excited, immediately remove that animal from the situation. You may only be able to do this for a few seconds at first.

Repeat this exercise several times a day for several days to weeks. Try feeding the pets with the door open so they develop positive associations with the other pet. You can go to the next step when you feel that both pets can look at each other without overreacting.

This is much like the previous stage except that you now want to let each pet approach the gate. As always, maintain control over each animal. The dog should be on a leash. Lunging towards the gate should be prevented and highly discouraged. If your cat is comfortable with a harness, use it and attach a leash. Otherwise, stay close to the gate to prevent the cat from jumping over it.

Be very careful. If your cat is hissing or spitting at the dog and you pick it up, you could easily be bitten or scratched. The cat and dog should not be allowed to touch one another, they should only be permitted to get closer and sniff one another. If calmness and desirable reactions continue for both pets over one or more days, you are ready to move on. Go back to the previous step if one or both animals becomes fearful or aggressive.

In this final stage of introductions, the cat and dog are allowed to be in the same room together while supervised. At this point, the dog should still be on a leash. The cat is at a greater risk of being injured and should be able to run away if necessary without being chased.

Hold brief sessions where both pets are in the same room. Treat their reactions in the same way as you did in previous steps. Gradually increase the times of these sessions, each time letting the pets get a little closer to each other. This final stage may take the longest, and during this time, the pets should still be separated when left alone.

In time, you may find that your cat and dog simply learn to tolerate one another. If you are lucky, they will become friends, perhaps even playing and snuggling together. In some cases, the cat and dog can never be safely left alone together. Use your best judgment in these situations. Remember, it is always better to be safe than sorry.

Regardless of the outcome, be sure that your home is set up to allow the cat to have a dog-free retreat. Your cat's food, water, and litter box should all be permanently kept in areas that the dog cannot access. In addition, you may wish to crate train your dog to help keep things safe while you are gone. As always, make sure your pets have plenty of mental and physical stimulation in the form of exercise, engaging toys, and proper training. 

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