Identify the reasons why land ownership was so important to English settlers

One of America's earliest and most enduring legends is the story of Thanksgiving: that Pilgrims who had migrated to the new Plymouth Colony from England sat down with the local Wampanoag Indians to celebrate the first successful harvest in 1621. It makes for a great story—cultures coming together and sharing the bounty of the land that would eventually become America. However, the reality of interactions between colonists and the local Native American peoples is a far more complex story of trade, cooperation, and intense conflict as the two societies merged into America.

Finding Common Ground

In the 1600s, when the first English settlers began to arrive in New England, there were about 60,000 Native Americans living in what would later become the New England colonies (Plymouth, Massachusetts Bay, New Hampshire, Connecticut, New Haven, and Rhode Island). In the first English colonies in the Northeast (as well as in Virginia), there were initial conflicts and concerns over the threat colonists posed to the Native Americans’ long-established territory. Still, colonists were able to build thriving colonies with the help of locals.

Trade was one of the first bridges between New England colonists and local Native American populations. For the colonists, it was about building the infrastructure and relationships they would need to stay and thrive in the New World. For the Native Americans, it was often about building potential alliances. After only five years, the Plymouth Colony was no longer financially dependent on England due to the roots and local economy it had built alongside the native Massachusetts peoples.

Both sides benefited from the trade and bartering system established by the native peoples and the colonists. The Native Americans provided skins, hides, food, knowledge, and other crucial materials and supplies, while the settlers traded beads and other types of currency (also known as “wampum”) in exchange for these goods.

Ideas were traded alongside physical goods, with wampum sometimes carrying religious significance as well. The first Bible printed in the New World was actually a translation into the language of the Native American people of the Algonquin, suggesting that the dialogues between the colonists and Native Americans were not just political or practical in nature, but also spiritual.

The primary religion of the New England colonies was the strict Puritan Christianity originally brought to the Massachusetts Bay colony by ships like the Mayflower, but as the colonies grew and changed, some of the colonists began to move away from that base. So too did views on the Native Americans who shared their land. A famous example of this is Roger Williams, whose rebellion against the religious powers-that-be led him to create the colony of Rhode Island. Williams held the unorthodox view that the colonists had no right to occupy land without purchasing it from the Native American peoples living there.Over time, however, relations between the now-established colonies and the local peoples deteriorated. Some of the problems were unintentionally introduced by the colonists, like smallpox and other diseases that the English settlers had unwittingly brought over on their ships. Although the colonists suffered diseases of their own early on, they were largely immune to the microbes they brought over to the New World. The local Native American populations, however, had no such immunity to diseases like smallpox, tuberculosis, measles, cholera, and the bubonic plague.Some colonial leaders, such as the Puritan minister Increase Mather, believed that the illness and decimation of the New England Native Americans was an act of God to support the colonists’ right to the land: “[A]bout this time [1631] the Indians began to be quarrelsome touching the Bounds of the Land which they had sold to the English, but God ended the Controversy by sending the Smallpox amongst the Indians.” Some colonial governments used the devastation as a way to convert the natives to Christianity, making them into “praying Indians” and moving them to “praying towns,” or reservations.

The First Indian War

Colonist-Native American relations worsened over the course of the 17th century, resulting in a bloody conflict known as the First Indian War, or King Philip’s War. In 1675, the government of the Plymouth Colony in Massachusetts executed three members of the Wampanoag people. The Wampanoag leader, Philip (also known as Metacom) retaliated by leading the Wampanoags and a group of other peoples (including the Nipmuc, Pocumtuc, and Narragansett). Other peoples, including the Mohegans and Mohawks, fought the uprising with the English colonists.

The war lasted 14 months, ending in late 1676 after much of the Native American opposition had been destroyed by the colonial militias and their Native American allies. Ultimately, a treaty was signed in April 1678, ending the conflict.

With such heavy casualties on both sides, this war is considered one of the deadliest conflicts in American history. Both sides experienced devastating losses, with the Native American population losing thousands of people to war, illness, slavery, or fleeing to other regions. More than 600 colonists died in the course of the conflict, with dozens of settlements destroyed.Centuries later, the New England colonies’ history shows the kind of duality that paints much of American history: The idea that native and immigrant cultures have come together to create the modern United States, coupled with the devastating conflicts and mistreatment that took place along the way.

The New England colonies grew by a process of group settlement. The general courts of the various colonies, most notably that of Massachusetts Bay, would make a grant of land to a migrating group, fixing its boundaries carefully. This group would then establish a new town. Its common lands, fencing, grazing practices, and the mode of apportionment of farms were regulated by the general court or legislature, but each town then took control of land allotments and management. The legislature determined who should be admitted to the town as settlers and freeholders. The town meetings, or boards of town proprietors, laid out the land of each settlement as house lots, common fields, meadow and pasture, and ultimately divided it among owners. Inhabitants of each town commonly dwelt together for society and protection and traveled from the town centre to till their acres. The typical town was thus closely akin to an English manor, but with no lord of the manor at its head. The town was, of course, the church centre, and its pastor was the community leader. Militia service, elections, and taxation were based on the town.

In Virginia, settlement followed an entirely different pattern. There the colonists spread out widely up the creeks and rivers, soon moving westward as far as the falls of the James River, where the city of Richmond now stands. Partly because tobacco rapidly impoverished the soil, they tilled land in much larger units, known as plantations, with almost no village centres, and they made much greater use of servants—and, significantly, slaves—than did New England. This pattern was unfavourable to social life, cooperation, and communal activities, but it created a spirit of independence equal to that existing farther north. Throughout the 17th century the planters preferred white indentured servants to African slaves, and for a time as many as 1,500 arrived every year. They were mainly English, along with some Scotch and Irish, and in general bound themselves, in return for transportation and support, to work without wages for four to six years. This indenture or redemptioner system became a highly efficient aid to colonization. When they had worked out their terms, the servants moved up the streams, took land, began shipping tobacco from their own wharves, and thus became in turn independent planters or freehold farmers.

The natural political units in Virginia were parishes and counties. Parish institutions were chiefly ecclesiastical, but under the English system they included education; every minister kept a school and the vestry saw to it that all poor children could read and write. Children of prosperous families usually had private tutors. The counties increased in number to keep pace with the steady spread of population. By 1652 Virginia had 13 counties, of which 9 lay on the James River and 2 on the York. The county courts held large powers of local government and tended to come under the control of a few influential families. Until 1636 the House of Burgesses was practically elected on manhood suffrage; thereafter the vote was restricted, and, when Sir William Berkeley became governor under the Restoration, he kept a compliant house in power for 15 years.

Henry Hudson’s voyage of 1609 to what is now New York Bay was intended to serve trade rather than colonization. The Dutch wished for cargoes of fur, lumber, and tobacco. However, in 1621 the Netherlands government chartered the Dutch West India Company with power to build forts, to establish a government, and to colonize the land over wide areas, including the American coast. Two years later the heads of the company sent a vessel with 30 families of Walloons, Protestant refugees from the southern provinces of the Netherlands, to the mouth of the Hudson River, where they established the first permanent settlement on the island of Manhattan. More settlers arrived, and in 1626 Peter Minuit “purchased” the island from Indian sachems (variously characterized by historians as having belonged to the Lenape, Delaware, Munsee, or Algonquin people) and founded New Amsterdam as the seat of government for a colony. Fort Orange (now Albany) had been planted up the Hudson two years earlier as a fur trading post. New Amsterdam quickly became a cosmopolitan town, attracting people of various nations and faiths. It had the self-reliant lawless atmosphere of a seaport, full of privateers, smugglers, tavern keepers, and roistering sailors.

Which American colony was founded as a refuge for Catholics? Which colony did Benjamin Franklin represent? From Plymouth, Massachusetts, to Washington, D.C., take a journey through early America in this quiz.

Peter Stuyvesant

For several reasons New Netherland did not grow as vigorously as the English colonies. The Dutch West India Company was at first much more interested in preying on Spanish commerce in the Caribbean and Atlantic than in finding permanent settlers. It was also anxious to develop the fur trade and to share in the tobacco trade. When it turned to settlement in earnest, it adopted an unfortunate method. Beginning in 1629, it granted any patroon who brought out 50 families a great estate on which to settle them as tenants, with certain monopolies, as of milling, in the hands of the owner. This kind of feudalism gave a few great families an unhealthy share of wealth and power. Some small farmers did establish independent farms or boweries here and there, as did interloping Puritans from New England who sifted into Westchester and the northern reaches of Long Island, but they were not numerous. Finally, the governors and councils appointed by the Dutch West India Company, who ruled without any such popular assemblies as Virginia and New England possessed, were harsh, autocratic, and blundering. Far from gaining any popular following, they were generally disliked. The most famous of the governors, Peter Stuyvesant, was also the most headstrong and shortsighted.

The Surrender of Nieuw Amsterdam in 1664

It was impossible for England to permit a Dutch colony to break the line of its possessions on the Atlantic seaboard for long. In 1664 a small English naval force obtained the surrender of the New Netherland without firing a shot. The 7,000 inhabitants of the area accepted the new regime without protest. Charles II appointed his brother James, the duke of York, ruler and proprietor of the colony of New York, a domain stretching from the Connecticut River to the Delaware. At once a more liberal regime began. The proprietor sent over a governor with instructions to treat the Dutch inhabitants generously, to permit them to keep their lands, and to make no interference with their language or religion. Immigration was encouraged and settlements thickened. In 1683 Gov. Thomas Dongan summoned a representative assembly for the province of New York.

William Penn

One of the greatest of all colonial figures presided over the founding of what became Pennsylvania and Delaware. William Penn, son of the prominent English admiral Sir William Penn, had been converted to the Society of Friends, or Quakers, in 1667, in his early 20s. He aspired to establish a colony where every race and every sect could find both political and religious freedom. His friendship with the duke of York, and the fact that the king owed a large unpaid debt to Admiral Penn, enabled William Penn to gain control of a great part of the imperial domain assigned to the duke. When the crown gave him a proprietary charter in 1681, he immediately began to advertise for settlers. Publishing a description of Pennsylvania in four languages, he offered newcomers land on very liberal terms: 50 acres free, larger farms at a purely nominal rent, and 5,000 acres for £100. Penn visited his “holy experiment” in 1682. And in that year he laid down a charter of government which provided for a small elective council, to sit with himself as governor and initiate laws, and a larger elective assembly to pass or reject the proposed laws. Within a few years the assembly gained much larger powers and itself proposed legislation. In 1701 Penn granted a new charter that lasted until the American Revolution.

Free Public Library, Philadelphia

It is not strange that Pennsylvania flourished beyond other colonies. Immigrants flocked in large numbers, from England and Germany especially, to enjoy the religious freedom, the humane criminal legislation, the easy terms for gaining fertile land, and the opportunities for trade and manufacture. Penn had hoped that Philadelphia, his “city of brotherly love,” would always be “a green country town,” with gardens surrounding every house, and it did become a beautiful as well as a prosperous city. Quakerism, softened from its originally somewhat rigid outlines, gave the colony a special atmosphere. It was in Pennsylvania that a number of institutions on which America later prided itself found their first full-scale trial: complete religious freedom, the distribution of land to actual settlers at very low cost, the encouragement of a melting pot of peoples, and the establishment of excellent schools open to all. Because of the high intellectual and moral standards of the Quakers, the cultural level of Pennsylvania soon became one of unusual elevation. It was noted for its libraries, its refined homes, its interest in science, and its architectural taste. When it was only 10 years old, it had the first printing press to be established outside of New England.

Before Penn died, he bought from the duke of York three counties on the Delaware River which became the province and state of that name. Though they shared their governor with Pennsylvania, from 1702 they had their own elective assembly. The other middle colonies also began under proprietors. Maryland had a history of special interest because of its initial status as a refuge for Roman Catholics. Charles I granted the district between the Potomac River and the 40th parallel in 1632 to George Calvert, 1st Baron Baltimore, who was much interested in colonization. His son, Cecilius Calvert, 2nd Baron Baltimore, almost immediately succeeded to the grant and resolved to establish a colony where his fellow Roman Catholics could find peace. Early in 1634 the first shipload of Roman Catholic settlers chose a site at St. Marys on a tributary of the Potomac near its mouth. Actually, Protestants soon constituted a majority of the settlers, for the Roman Catholics preferred to stay in England. To meet this situation, Cecilius Calvert persuaded the assembly which he called to pass an act of religious toleration in 1649. Unfortunately, this act was repealed before many years.

Virginia, Maryland, and the “improved parts” of Pennsylvania and New Jersey

Though Maryland profited from the proximity to Virginia, which gave it protection and trade, it had a troubled history. The Protestant settlers were irked by Calvert’s bestowals of land, offices, and favours on his relatives and Roman Catholic friends. They were also irritated by the very limited authority that he allowed his assembly. Friction over religious and economic questions culminated in hostilities in 1654, the Protestant small farmers finally winning their main objectives. When William and Mary came to the throne in England in 1689, the Calverts lost control of Maryland; however, when a new Lord Baltimore embraced Protestantism in 1715, the family regained its rights.

Philip Carteret

Meanwhile, the future New Jersey had undergone some confusing and unprofitable changes of name and jurisdiction. The duke of York, the original proprietor, had given the lands between the Hudson and Delaware rivers to two friends, Lord John Berkeley and Sir George Carteret, as the province of Nova Cesaria, or New Jersey. To bring in more settlers, they drew up a charter or set of “concessions and agreements” which largely anticipated Penn’s liberal ideas. That is, they offered generous terms for acquiring land, complete freedom of conscience, and a popular assembly. In 1674 Berkeley sold his half share to two Quakers, who took the southwestern part of the future state. In 1680 Carteret’s widow sold the northeastern half to a new body of proprietors. Ultimately, in 1702, the crown took over both sections.

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