What dinosaur are you based on your Birthday

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It's hard to watch a Jurassic Park or Jurassic World movie these days and not root for the dinosaurs. At some point you realize they're the true heroes, just trying to live their lives while people keep making it difficult for them. No doubt you have your favorite dinosaur from those movies, or maybe even one they didn't actually include in the film. Let's face it; dinosaurs were pretty cool. Lizards that were bigger than elephants? That's all kinds of awesome.

Maybe you've always felt you related in some way to one of those prehistoric beasts. Heck, maybe you never even considered it before.  But make no mistake, your personality absolutely leans more towards one kind of dinosaur than another. The way you look at the world and interact with the people and things in it? There's some very Jurassic stuff going on in there. Probably Triassic and Cretaceous, too. 

How do you determine what your inner dinosaur is? That's easy! Answer these questions as honestly as you can, and we'll pick apart your answers like a scientist harvesting DNA from a preserved mosquito to build you into the dinosaur you never knew you were! Take the quiz and see!

If someone aggressively confronts you, how are you likely to react?

Keep calm and asses the situation

Be more aggressive in return

If you're going out for dinner, what's your ideal order?

When you're alone in the house, what kind of music are you listening to?

Something with a good beat

How do you feel about working with others?

Teamwork gets things done.

It's necessary sometimes.

When you run into a problem in life, how do you deal with it?

Look at it from all sides before doing anything

Stand firm and deal with whatever

Remove the problem as quickly as possible

Head down and full steam ahead

How do you react to getting pulled into a political argument?

Destroy the arguments of those who are wrong

Make sure everyone knows I'm right

Observe and contribute if necessary

Suppose someone insults your best friend. How do you react?

Team up with my friend to destroy them

Brush it off, who has time for this foolishness?

Give them a chance to take it back

The Fourth of July with all the explosions

Labor Day and a day off work

Thanksgiving and all that food

Christmas and time with family

You're at home watching Netflix alone; what kind of movie do you queue up?

How do you like to spend your down time?

Seeing what the crew is up to

If you could go anywhere in the world on a vacation, where would you go?

When you go to a party, what's the first thing you do when you get in the door?

Make sure everyone knows I'm there

If you're going to watch some sports, what's the ideal game to watch?

I don't really watch sports.

Someone at the bar offers to buy you a drink, what do you order?

If you could have any super power, what would you choose?

It's good to stay in shape, so how do you like to exercise?

I don't do a ton of exercise.

If you could get any tattoo in the world, what would you get?

What do you think is your best quality?

What kind of pet would you absolutely love to have?

A low maintenance goldfish

Where in the world do you feel most comfortable?

I'm comfortable everywhere.

If you won the lottery and never had to work again, what would you do with your time?

Travel and see everything

Retire to someplace relaxing

What time of year do you enjoy the most?

Suppose you had a shot to be on a reality show, which show do you think you'd dominate?

What's the best junk food for a binge?

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