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Included among the rate-limiting steps of the dark stage of photosynthesis are the chemical reactions by which organic compounds are formed by using carbon dioxide as a carbon source. The rates of these reactions can be increased somewhat by increasing the carbon dioxide concentration. Since the middle of the 19th century, the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has been rising because of the extensive combustion of fossil fuels, cement production, and land-use changes associated with deforestation. The atmospheric level of carbon dioxide climbed from about 0.028 percent in 1860 to 0.032 percent by 1958 (when improved measurements began) and to 0.041 percent by 2020. This increase in carbon dioxide directly increases plant photosynthesis up to a point, but the size of the increase depends on the species and physiological condition of the plant. Furthermore, most scientists maintain that increasing levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide affect climate, increasing global temperatures and changing rainfall patterns. Such changes will also affect photosynthesis rates.

For land plants, water availability can function as a limiting factor in photosynthesis and plant growth. Besides the requirement for a small amount of water in the photosynthetic reaction itself, large amounts of water are transpired from the leaves; that is, water evaporates from the leaves to the atmosphere via the stomata. Stomata are small openings through the leaf epidermis, or outer skin; they permit the entry of carbon dioxide but inevitably also allow the exit of water vapour. The stomata open and close according to the physiological needs of the leaf. In hot and arid climates the stomata may close to conserve water, but this closure limits the entry of carbon dioxide and hence the rate of photosynthesis. The decreased transpiration means there is less cooling of the leaves and hence leaf temperatures rise. The decreased carbon dioxide concentration inside the leaves and the increased leaf temperatures favour the wasteful process of photorespiration. If the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere increases, more carbon dioxide could enter through a smaller opening of the stomata, so more photosynthesis could occur with a given supply of water.

Several minerals are required for healthy plant growth and for maximum rates of photosynthesis. Nitrogen, sulfate, phosphate, iron, magnesium, calcium, and potassium are required in substantial amounts for the synthesis of amino acids, proteins, coenzymes, deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and ribonucleic acid (RNA), chlorophyll and other pigments, and other essential plant constituents. Smaller amounts of such elements as manganese, copper, and chloride are required in photosynthesis. Some other trace elements are needed for various nonphotosynthetic functions in plants.

Each plant species is adapted to a range of environmental factors. Within this normal range of conditions, complex regulatory mechanisms in the plant’s cells adjust the activities of enzymes (i.e., organic catalysts). These adjustments maintain a balance in the overall photosynthetic process and control it in accordance with the needs of the whole plant. With a given plant species, for example, doubling the carbon dioxide level might cause a temporary increase of nearly twofold in the rate of photosynthesis; a few hours or days later, however, the rate might fall to the original level because photosynthesis produced more sucrose than the rest of the plant could use. By contrast, another plant species provided with such carbon dioxide enrichment might be able to use more sucrose, because it had more carbon-demanding organs, and would continue to photosynthesize and to grow faster throughout most of its life cycle.

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