What rides are safe during pregnancy

Pregnancy can be one of the best times in a woman’s life, as you are carrying your child, a part of yourself. However, there are times when the joy and wonder may wear off and you just feel like a hot, round, sack of potatoes that can’t do a whole lot. (We’ve all been there!)

There are also a number of activities that pregnant women shouldn’t participate in, or at least should limit their activity with, to avoid causing any complications with their pregnancy. To give you a better idea of what activities you should put on pause, here are five activities to avoid while pregnant, and a couple suggestions on how to still have fun without these activities. Make sure to also ask your OB/GYN if you have any questions about activities during your pregnancy.

1. Amusement Park Rides

If you can fit the lap bar over your belly, that doesn’t mean you should. Avoid amusement park rides, water slides and roller coasters. Forceful landings and sudden sharp stops can hurt your baby. Staying away from rides like these might be challenge if you already have other rugrats that may want to go, or friends that invite you out. In that case, you don’t have to avoid the excitement all together. Wait in line with them and chat up until the point they get on the ride. Then you can be the elected picture taker. If taking pictures of their fun doesn’t sound appealing to you, walk around or simply look at the sights; the fresh air and light exercise will be good for both you and your baby.

2. Contact Sports

This may seem like a no-brainer, but some women think they can stay safe while playing. Not only are you at risk for a collision with another player (you can tell them not to tackle you all you want, but sometimes in the heat of the game, it’s easy for someone to forget your extra cargo). Even without tackles, you are still at risk of simply falling during game play, and crashes with the ground are not the best thing for your baby.

3. Hot Tubs And Saunas

There is a warning on most hot tubs that tell you to “avoid when pregnant.” These signs aren’t placed there just to ruin your fun. The extreme heat has been linked to birth defects in babies. If you’re missing the warmth, or want to spend some time with friends in the tub, feel free to dip you’re feet in, just don’t stay in the hot water too long or let the water anywhere near your belly.

4. Bicycling

After your second trimester, you’re at a greater risk of falling. With this loss of balance, riding a bike that you have to keep your balance on is not one of the best ideas. Falling off would seriously hurt your baby. If bicycling is the way you had planned to keep the baby weight off, or you just want to get in some exercise, you might want to look into a stationary bike or recumbent tricycle. The reclined style of the recumbent will allow for room for your new belly, and the three-wheel design will ensure that you won’t tip over and you can still get your exercise!

5. Running

If you weren’t a runner before, don’t start now. As with biking, if you did run regularly before your pregnancy, run in moderation for the first two trimesters. After that, run with caution. It may be more beneficial to speed walk than to run because you know you’re at less of a risk to fall when walking than running. Also, the added weight can hurt your knees if you run on a hard surface.

Not every activity you enjoyed before discovering you’re pregnant has to be discontinued when you get the big news. If you can think of a way you might fall during an activity, don’t take a chance. If you can’t think of a way you may fall, it’s still best to ask an OB/GYN or physician on your next visit. If you live in east Texas, make an appointment with us, and we will be sure to answer any questions you have.

It's important to stay active and have fun during pregnancy for your mental and physical health. You don't want to abandon your favorite hobbies or workouts. At the same time, it's important to avoid things that could put you or your baby at risk.

During pregnancy, skip activities that increase the risk of trauma to your uterus. This could happen due to a serious fall or because of jarring, stop-and-start movements. While your baby is pretty well-cushioned in your womb (especially early in pregnancy, when your uterus is behind your pelvic bone), a hard impact or jolt could be dangerous, especially as your pregnancy progresses.

Activities to avoid during pregnancy

Some activities – listed below – are strict no's during pregnancy.

Four wheelers and motorcycles

A fall or impact while riding a four wheeler or motorcycle could put your pregnancy in danger. Riding during the late second and third trimester – when your baby isn't as well protected as in early pregnancy – is especially risky. Your shifting center of gravity also makes you more likely to lose your balance.

Roller coasters, bumper cars, and water slides

Roller coasters, bumper cars, and other rides with jerky, bouncy movements are a definite no, since a forceful landing or sudden, jarring start or stop could be dangerous. Also avoid water slides, which can cause you to hit the water with too much force.

Contact sports

Soccer, basketball, volleyball, and hockey put you at a high risk of abdominal injury from a ball or puck, a collision with another player, or a fall during play. And sports that require sudden starts and stops make it more difficult to keep your balance, especially as your pregnancy progresses.


It can be harmful to your baby to hit the water forcefully. Depending on the type of diving, you can put yourself at risk for placental abruption, where the placenta separates from the wall of the uterus.

Downhill skiing

Downhill skiing isn't a great idea during pregnancy. You run the risk of high-impact trauma, which could lead to placental abruption or preterm labor.

If you choose to ski, stick to gentle slopes and be aware that you may have problems with balance as your belly expands, making you more prone to falls. Cross-country skiing is a safer choice, and it's also much better for building cardiovascular fitness.


Because of the risk of a serious fall, avoid doing gymnastics while you're pregnant.

Horseback riding

Even if you're a good rider, horseback riding during pregnancy isn't worth risking a fall. There's also some concern that the jostling motion of horseback riding may increase your risk of placental abruption.

Hot yoga and hot Pilates

Hot yoga (Bikram yoga) and hot Pilates are usually done in rooms that are 95 to 104 degrees F, enough to raise your temperature dangerously high. Overheating during pregnancy can increase your baby's risk of neural tube defects.

Hot tubs and saunas

Soaking in hot tubs and Jacuzzis or sitting in a sauna can be dangerous to your developing baby because of the risk of overheating. You also run the risk of getting dizzy or passing out from the heat. You don't want your temperature to go higher than 101 degrees F, which can happen after only 10 minutes in a hot tub or sauna.

Scuba diving

While snorkeling is okay, scuba diving is very dangerous during pregnancy. Because of pressure changes, gas bubbles can form in your baby's blood vessels as you surface. This decompression sickness can affect your baby even if you don't have symptoms.


Skydiving isn't safe during pregnancy. The harnesses aren't made for pregnant bellies, increasing your risk of injury from the harness or harness failure. The jolts with changes in velocity create a significant risk for placental abruption, hemorrhage, and preterm labor. And the landing isn't always smooth, which puts you at high risk of abdominal trauma.


Snowboarding comes with a high risk of falling, and a serious fall increases your risk of placental abruption and preterm labor.


Waterskiing is another activity that puts you at risk for falling and increases the chance of trauma to your abdomen. You may hit the water forcefully, increasing the risk of placental abruption and preterm labor.

Activities that may be unsafe during pregnancy

The activities below carry some risks, but there may be ways for you to safely participate during pregnancy.

Keep in mind that your risk for injury and pregnancy complications can depend partly on your skill level with various activities. If you're an experienced runner, cyclist, or weight lifter, keep at it! But know that pregnancy changes your body and your ability to move the ways you're used to. When in doubt, talk to your doctor or midwife. 


If you're an experienced rider and you're riding in a safe environment, you can keep biking as long as you feel comfortable. Avoid mountain biking and off-road cycling because of the high risk of falling. And consider riding a stationary bike as a safe alternative to road cycling while you're pregnant.

At some point in your second trimester, your shifting center of gravity may affect your balance and make cycling more dangerous. At some point your belly will get in the way of pedaling, too.


Running during pregnancy is fine as long as you take extra precautions against falling (especially from the second trimester on, as your belly grows and your balance worsens). Avoid running after dark and on uneven surfaces, for example.

As with all forms of exercise, avoid becoming overheated, and drink plenty of water to replace fluids lost through sweating. You may find that a belly support band adds to your running comfort.

Sit ups

In the first and early second trimester, all types of abdominal exercises are safe and healthy. However, by 20 weeks, you'll need to avoid lying flat on your back for more than a few minutes. (If you're flat on your back, your uterus puts pressure on the large vein that brings blood back to your baby.)

In addition, doing crunches or sit ups can put you at greater risk of diastasis (separation of your abdominal muscles) postpartum. Other types of abdominal exercises can help reduce your risk, so ask your practitioner or a physical therapist what's best.


Experienced surfers early in pregnancy are in little danger, especially if the waves are gentle. However, surfing poses a chance of trauma to your abdomen if you fall. And as your pregnancy progresses, your center of gravity shifts, making balance trickier and increasing your risk of falling.


A moderately paced game of tennis is okay if you played before you became pregnant. You may have problems with balance, though, so watch your step. Most women find that it's hard to keep up their game as their bellies get bigger in the second and third trimesters.


Weight training is a good pregnancy exercise, but you may need to make some modifications. It's wise to work with a fitness professional with prenatal exercise training. They can help you develop a safe program for pregnancy or help you adjust your current weightlifting program.

While you're pregnant, focus on maintenance rather than increasing weightlifting goals. Your ligaments and joints are looser during pregnancy, so pay close attention to your form to prevent injury. You may want to avoid walking lunges (which stress your knees) and use lighter weights with increased repetitions if you like. Listen to your body and adjust your workout as needed.

Avoid lifting while lying on your back after 20 weeks. In addition to decreasing the blood flow to your baby, is will be an uncomfortable position for you.

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