When caring for a geriatric patient with a traumatic injury it is important to consider that group of answer choices?

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Page 2

Demographics of Respondents

RespondentsSurvey 1Survey 2
Facility location
American College of Surgeons or state level verification
Level I or II95.1%98.0%
Level III–V2.1%0.0%
Nonverified trauma center0.7%0.0%
Nontrauma center2.1%2.0%
Size of facility
≤200 beds3.5%2.0%
201–400 beds26.6%29.6%
401–600 beds34.3%32.7%
<600 beds35.7%35.7%
Primary area of specialty (all that apply)
Trauma surgery91.5%92.6%
Critical care83.7%73.7%
Emergency surgery59.6%57.9%
General surgery54.6%56.8%
Pediatric surgery2.8%2.1%
Emergency medicine1.4%1.1%
Type of practice
University based72.7%72.2%
Non–university based with residents17.3%13.4%
Non–university based without residents10.1%14.4%

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