When two cube of side 12 cm are joined end to end to form a cuboid then find the total surface area of cuboid?

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A metallic right circular cone 20 cm high and whose vertical angle is 60° is cut into two parts at the middle of its height by a plane parallel to its base. If the frustum so obtained be drawn into a wire of diameter

When two cube of side 12 cm are joined end to end to form a cuboid then find the total surface area of cuboid?
, find the length of the wire.

In fig. cone ABC is cut out by a plane parallel to the base FG. DEFG is the frustum so obtained. Let O be the centre of the base of the cone and O’ the centre of the base of the frustum.

When two cube of side 12 cm are joined end to end to form a cuboid then find the total surface area of cuboid?

It is given that ∠BAC = 60° ∠OAC = 30°

In right triangle AOC, tan 
When two cube of side 12 cm are joined end to end to form a cuboid then find the total surface area of cuboid?

When two cube of side 12 cm are joined end to end to form a cuboid then find the total surface area of cuboid?

And, C =  

When two cube of side 12 cm are joined end to end to form a cuboid then find the total surface area of cuboid?

Height of the frustum = P'O = 
When two cube of side 12 cm are joined end to end to form a cuboid then find the total surface area of cuboid?

 volume of the frustum = 

When two cube of side 12 cm are joined end to end to form a cuboid then find the total surface area of cuboid?


When two cube of side 12 cm are joined end to end to form a cuboid then find the total surface area of cuboid?

Radius of the wire = 
When two cube of side 12 cm are joined end to end to form a cuboid then find the total surface area of cuboid?
Let h be length of the wire

         Volume of wire = 

When two cube of side 12 cm are joined end to end to form a cuboid then find the total surface area of cuboid?

From (iii) and (iv), we get

When two cube of side 12 cm are joined end to end to form a cuboid then find the total surface area of cuboid?