Where to buy fresh bean sprouts

Finding bean sprouts in the grocery store used to mean a walk through the produce department, but not anymore.

Let’s look at where to buy bean sprouts. We’ll also see why you can hardly get fresh ones anywhere.

Where To Find Bean Sprouts In The Grocery Store

You’re probably wasting your time looking by the fresh veggies. You’ll see why later.

So, about canned bean sprouts? They should be with other canned vegetables, right?

Well, sometimes they are. It depends on the store. But this item is usually considered ethnic food. That’s because they’re used so much in Asian dishes.

Big chain grocery stores generally have a special aisle for ethnic food. The type of food that’s featured in that grocery aisle depends on where you live and the people that live there with you.

You’ll find all kinds of delicious and interesting food in this aisle. Someday you should try the tamales and pig’s feet.

Anyway, check for canned bean sprouts near other Asian foods in the ethnic aisle. If it’s not there, look further down in the aisle by the canned greens.

How Bean Sprouts Are Sold

What kind of sprouts are you looking for? There’s fresh and canned. Soybeans, alfalfa, and mung bean sprouts are the most popular in most areas.

Fresh Sprouts

Almost no big chain grocery stores sell fresh bean sprouts anymore. There are two main reasons for this. We’ll talk about them after we take a better look at canned sprouts.

When you actually can find the fresh ones, they’ll be in the produce department by the greens and fresh herbs.

Canned Sprouts

Almost all bean sprouts sold today come in a can. They’re packed with water and salt. Ascorbic acid is added to protect the color. Some brands add citric acid as a preservative.

They’re pretty cheap compared to fresh ones. A 14-ounce can of sprouts usually costs around $1.50. That’s on par with most other canned vegetables.

You can easily find canned sprouts at nearly all grocery stores. If you can’t find them at your favorite shop, talk to the manager and ask if they’ll consider selling them.

source: lachoy.com

La Choy Bean Sprouts is the most common brand that you cand find at most of the stores:

  • Amazon
  • Walmart
  • Kroger
  • Target
  • Stop & Shop

But what if you just can’t find bean sprouts at the grocery store? Well, there’s always Amazon. But it’ll take a couple of days before they’re delivered. Try a substitute in the meantime.

Boiled cabbage strips can take the place of canned sprouts in most recipes. Carrots prepared the same way will work in a pinch.

Where To Buy Bean Sprouts

Pretty much all chain grocery stores sell canned sprouts.

Smaller stores may not have them. They aren’t big sellers. If you do find them in a smaller store, check the expiration date on the can.

All Asian stores sell sprouts. They often have a better variety. You should check out an Asian market’s sprout selection when you get a chance.

But what about fresh sprouts? No chain markets really sell them anymore.

First, they never liked selling them, to begin with. Sprouts wilt quickly. People don’t like wilted sprouts. That means a lot of sprouts would get thrown away. No store wants to lose money like that.

Here’s the big thing: Alfalfa sprouts started to turn up contaminated.

You see, it takes a warm and moist environment to sprout beans. That’s a breeding ground for bacteria. Germs like E. coli and Salmonella can be deadly.

The chain stores wanted to protect their customers and get ahead of government regulations. So they stopped selling fresh sprouts.

Your best bet to find them is to look at a Korean market.

If you really want fresh ones but can’t find them, try using thinly sliced celery instead. It has the same crunch and a similar taste.

Also read: Buying Celery Root at the Store

Bean sprouts contain good amounts of vitamin C, zinc, and magnesium. According to recent research by the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Adelaide, Australia, all these nutrients are essential for balancing mood, relieving anxiety, and promoting sleep. Also, the bioflavonoids present in them also have stress-relieving qualities.



The Chemistry Central Journal, in a 2014 research, claims that beans sprouts like mung beans sprouts contain flavonoids that improve the immune function. Strong immunity will help fend off infections and keep you protected from many diseases.



The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition has time and again emphasised the importance of vitamin K in the human diet. Vitamin K is needed for blood clotting and inhibiting the buildup of calcium in blood vessels. Bean sprouts are a rich source of this essential vitamin and therefore, they help keep your heart healthy.



There is an impressively low number of calories found in bean sprouts, making them a healthy choice for a wide variety of meals, including sandwiches and salads. For people trying to lose weight, the dietary fiber content will also help avoid overeating and stimulate feelings of satiety, which will further aid in weight loss.



Research has shown that the antioxidant levels of bean sprouts are actually higher than in the beans themselves, which means that these phenolic compounds can reduce free radical activity all over the body. Antioxidants can also help minimize the appearance of wrinkles and scars, clear up blemishes caused by oxidative stress, and improve skin elasticity to keep you looking younger for longer.



2.5 grams of dietary fiber in each cup of bean sprouts represent between 7 and 8.5% of the daily recommended intake for men and women, respectively. This can lead to more efficient digestion, as dietary fiber can help bulk up the stool and promote peristaltic motion. This will also relieve excess flatulence and bloating, as well as symptoms of constipation and diarrhea.



The range of B vitamins found in bean sprouts is good news for those who want to improve their metabolism. B vitamins are involved in hundreds of processes in the body that regulate circadian rhythms, hormones, enzymes, and energy metabolism. So ensuring that you aren’t deficient in riboflavin, pantothenic acid, folate, niacin, and thiamin is a very good idea!


With a significant amount of iron, bean sprouts provide an ideal way to support circulatory health and ensure that your body is receiving the resources and oxygen it needs for normal function and repair. Furthermore, a proper iron intake will help avoid the signs of anemia, such as lightheadedness, muscle weakness, and fatigue.



Vitamin K is often overlooked, but it plays a critical role in regulating bone mineral density in the body, ensuring that minerals stay at their proper levels in the blood, which can protect heart health and other metabolic functions. The additional minerals, such as manganese and zinc, also help prevent osteoporosis and build strong bones.



The Institute of Food Science, Spain, suggests that bean sprouts contain an ample amount of folic acid, which can help expectant mothers avoid neural tube defects. The connection between this vitamin and this tragic condition is well researched, and folate supplements are often given to pregnant women. However, it is essential that you speak with your doctor before adding powerful new foods like bean sprouts to your pregnancy diet.


These unassuming bean sprouts contain a significant amount of vitamin C and the concentration actually increases after the bean germinates. This can help stimulate the production of white blood cells by your immune system, in addition to the antioxidant effects of vitamin C, which will help reduce oxidative stress and free radical activity throughout the body.



The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition has numerous studies that focus on the effects of dietary fiber on cholesterol levels. With no cholesterol content but a moderate amount of dietary fiber, regular consumption of properly prepared bean sprouts can help balance your cholesterol levels. Fiber scrapes excess cholesterol and reduces plaque in the arteries and blood vessels, thus lowering your risk of cardiovascular events such as heart attacks and strokes.



Vitamin K and vitamin C both play a key role in healing; vitamin K is a critical component in blood clotting, which will help heal wounds and lower your risk of exposure or infection. Vitamin C, on the other hand, is required to produce collagen, the basic compound that makes up our tissues, cells, muscles and blood vessels. Bean sprouts happen to have these two vitamins in high supply.

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