Which of the following is best used when employees know the standards and are highly motivated to attain them?

If you are wondering how to motivate your employees and want to better understand the impact of employee motivation on business success, check out these stats:

  • Recent research from CV-Library, the UK’s leading independent job site, has found that 55% of employees are unhappy at work (CV Library)
  • Happy employees experience 31% higher productivity (Talent Works International)
  • 62% of employees in managerial positions report high job satisfaction levels (smallbizgenius)
  • 51% of US workers say they get a sense of identity from their job (smallbizgenius)
  • Employees who report being happy at work take 10 times fewer sick days (Talent Works International)
  • 86% of organizations have a rewards and/or recognition program in place (Hawk Incentives)
  • 79% of American workers say company culture is an important factor in job satisfaction (smallbizgenius)
  • Employees who feel their superiors treat them with respect are 63% more satisfied with their jobs (smallbizgenius)
  • Only 13% of employees worldwide are engaged at work (Gallup)
  • 78% of companies have a documented employee engagement strategy, and less than 50% measure success (Rise People)
  • Disengaged employees cost organizations between $450 and $550 billion annually (The Engagement Institute)
  • 80% of employees feel more engaged when their work is consistent with the core values and mission of their organization (IBM)
  • Employees who feel their voice is heard at work are 4.6 times more likely to feel empowered to perform their best work (Salesforce)
  • Companies with engaged employees see 233% greater customer loyalty and a 26% greater annual increase in revenue (Aberdeen Group)
  • 85% of employees say they were likely to stay longer with an employer that showed a high level of social responsibility (Rise People)
  • 93% of employees say they’re more likely to stay with an empathetic employer (Businessolver)
  • More than 50% of CEOs say corporate culture influences productivity, creativity, profitability, company value, and growth rate (smallbizgenius)

15 Benefits of High Employee Motivation

How to motivate employees?

This is one of the biggest concerns among organizations across the world.

No matter how big or small a company is, employee motivation is always one of the biggest employers’ goals. Here’s a hint: it all comes down to the company culture (including values) you develop.

📚Read on: Company Values: Definition, Importance, and Examples

This is especially true in the world where Millennials make up the biggest part of today’s workforce. We are all aware of how demanding Millennials can be, and most employers are aware of their new expectations, requests, and needs.

However, employers need to learn how to adjust because the benefits of high employee motivation are numerous.

Before moving to the section about how to motivate employees, it is important to understand the benefits of having highly motivated employees.

Compared to unmotivated employees, motivated employees:

1. Handle uncertainty better

Because motivated employees are much more engaged, they are also more self-confident in what they do. Consequently, they know how to react in difficult situations.

2. Are better problem-solvers

Problem-solving skills are something most employers look for in their employees. If you have employees who are motivated, they will also work harder to solve problems and challenges.

3. Are more innovative and creative

When employees are motivated and engaged, they think about innovative ideas that could help optimize business performance.

4. Are proactive

Motivated employees proactively look for new solutions to eliminate challenges and achieve goals. They don’t wait for feedback, and they often evaluate their own work.

5. Are more productive

More motivation and engagement often lead to more productivity. Therefore, companies with motivated employees are often more productive than others. In fact, Hay Group’s research on employee motivation proved that offices with engaged employees are 43% more productive.

6. Understand the company’s goals better

Motivated employees want to understand how their work contributes to the overall company success. Therefore, they always want to understand what the company’s mission, vision, and objectives are.

7. Work towards achieving their own goals

By understanding the company’s goals, motivated employees are excellent in understanding and achieving their own goals.

8. Work towards achieving the company’s goals

In addition to working hard to achieve their own goals, motivated employees also care about achieving team and company goals.

9. Are more customer-centric

Whether you are in B2B or B2C business, more engaged employees will always care about your customer satisfaction.

10. Stay with the company longer

Fluctuation is one of the biggest workforce problems. Businesses with engaged employees have an 87% higher employee retention rate.

11. Are more adaptable and open to changes

Agility is something every employer is trying to achieve. Employees with higher motivation rates are more open to change and are more prompt to an agile way of working.

12. Are better team players

As most motivated employees are driven by the company’s goals and objectives, they are more likely to be team players than solo players.

13. Have a good impact on other employees

Disengaged employees often have a negative impact on others. In addition, their negativity may create an unhealthy company culture.

14. Tend to be healthier

A report on the financial cost of employee disengagement showed that businesses with low employee engagement report 62% more accidents than those with high engagement.

15. Are brand ambassadors

Motivated employees are often emotionally connected to their companies. Furthermore, emotionally connected employees are 3 times more likely to become brand ambassadors. Turning your employees into brand ambassadors can help your increase awareness, sales and attract talent to your company.

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