Which technology tool can prof. soriano use to communicate asynchronously with her students?

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  1. Which of the following statements has a very limited definition of educational technology? A. It is a profession composed of various job categories B. it refers to the computers used for teaching and learning C. It includes audiovisual materials, interactive multimedia and self- instructional material

    D. It is the development, application and evaluation of system, techniques and aids to improve human learning.

  2. Which of the following statements is correct about the domains of educational technology? A. Design is the production stage while development is the planning stage B. Both the design and development are the planning stage. C. Evaluation is synonymous with implementation

    D. Utilization is the action phrase.

  3. Ms. Gomez is planning to integrate technology in her Mathematics class. Which of the following would be the logical steps in doing this? I. Set the objectives II. Analyze the learners III. Utilize the materials with showmanship IV. Evaluate the performance of the students A. I,II,III,IV B. II,I,III,IV C. I,II,IV,III

    D. II,I,IV,III

  4. Which of the following is a limitation of models and real objects in teaching and learning? A. They pose problems on storage B. They make learning more concrete C. They provide hands-on learning experiences

    D. They are readily available in the environment, around school and in the home

  5. Which group of technologies has the highest degree of concreteness? A. Realia and computer B. Video, picture and television C. Digital video, film, versatile compact disc

    D. Book, imaginative literature, programmed instruction

  6. Mrs. Del Prado placed text together with the relevant graphics on the same page in her multimedia presentation. Which principle did she apply? A. Split attention B. Spatial contiguity C. Cost effectiveness

    D. Communication effectiveness

  7. Mrs. Olivarez presented real samples of rocks in her General Science class. What principle did she apply?

A. Appropriateness B. Authenticity C. Responsiveness

D. Simplicity

It is impractical to bring real objects to the classroom so Aaron constructed a three-dimensional visualinstead. Which of the following did he construct?ModelYou asked your students to show a two-dimensional illustration of what they have understood fromwhat they have read. Which of the following non-projected visuals are you referring to?Graphic organizerThere are several reasons why teachers are reluctant in using electronic media in the teaching-learning process. Which is the most common reason?The limited exposure of teachers to new equipment"Plants, pebbles, and blocks are just some of the effective instructional materials readily found in theenvironment if they are utilized properly. Which of the following is INCORRECT about their classroomuse?"Pass a single object around the class.Ms. Samonte used a film clip in teaching Social Studies concepts to her First Year High SchoolWhen it induces alienation on the part of the learnersYour principal purchased new computer units for your Learning Resource Center.Which of thefollowing should be your last consideration in using the technology?"Computers can be classified according to the roles they play namely communicative tool, informativetool, and constructive tool. What is the other role of computers not mentioned in this item?"Situating toolWhich of the following categories of CAI will you use in your class if your objective is to increaseproficiency in a newly learned skill or refresh an existing one?Drill and practice .Which of the following is an ineffective use of Presentation software?Which of the following is NOT an example of a communicative tool?Why is one-way delivery of information a misuse of communication tools?Internet consists of thousands of connected computer networks around the world. Which term doesNOT refer to Internet?On-lineWhich technology tool can Prof. Soriano use to communicate asynchronously with her students?"In your computer subject, you allow your class to chat as part of your motivation before discussing tothem the roles of computer as a tool. How is chat used in this context?"Communicative toolWhich statement is INCORRECT about computer conferencing?Which instructional tool application will you introduce to your class if your objective is to help themfind and use information resources available in the internet?Scavenger Hunt"In the delivery of distance education, what computer application is used to organize instructions andtrack students records and progress?"Computer-assisted InstructionWhen is distance education as effective as the traditional instruction?

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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 8675

  • Which of the following is NOT an example of communicative tool?

    • A. multimedia encyclopedia

  • Why is one-way delivery of information a misuse of communication tools?

    • A. Because the teacher expects the student to study more

    • B. Because it requires activities that focus on thinking than responding

    • C. Because it enables the users to focus more on higher level cognitive activities

    • D. Because this kind of practice lessens interaction capabilities of communication tools

  • Internet consists of thousands of connected computer networks around the world. Which term does NOT refer to Internet?

    • D. “Information Superhighway”

  • Which technology tool can Prof. Iringan use to communicate asynchronously with your classmates?

    • B. chat and instant messaging

    • C. blog and video conferencing

    • D. electronic bulletin board and email

  • In your computer subject, you allow your class to chat as a part of your motivation before discussing them the roles of computer as a tool. How is chat used in this context?

  • Your mother wanted to finish her long dreamed course but she wanted to do it at home during her free time. How could you help your mother in pursuing her dream?

    • A. Encourage her to hire a helper so that she can attend regularly to her class.

    • B. Give up your study so that your mother can attend her classes.

    • C. Enroll her to the school where you enrolled.

    • D. Enroll her in distance education.

  • Which statement is incorrect about computer conferencing?

    • A. It refers to live student interaction with an expert.

    • B. It also known as discussions, forum or bulletin board.

    • C. It also refers to online class discussions, forums or debates.

    • D. It permits two or more individuals to engage in asynchronous text-based dialogue.

  • Which instructional tool application will you introduce to your class if your objective is to help them find and use information resources available in the internet?

  • Maryjane is looking for an organized instructional program in which the teacher and learners can be physically separated. Which of the following will she choose?

    • B. Uniform Resource Locator

    • D. Computer-Based Instruction

  • You were asked to evaluate the effectiveness of an instructional game after using it in teaching a lesson in high school science. Which of the following should you avoid?

    • A. Present problems which are relevant to learning objectives.

    • B. Allow learners to select different content materials.

    • C. Provide a cooperative learning atmosphere.

    • D. Provide a scoring system.

  • Mrs. Sison would like to integrate technology in writing a friendly letter. Which of the following is the most effective way of doing it?

    • A. let the pupils surf a friendly letter from the internet.

    • B. have the pupils write a friendly letter and send it through an email.

    • C. have the pupils forward a downloaded friendly letter to the others via email.

    • D. let the pupils write a friendly letter using word processing and have it critiqued by their peers.

  • Which of the following computer-based instructional materials can be used to learn new concepts?

  • Prof. Burgos would like to create a presentation material for his lesson on the types of computer-assisted Instruction. To make his presentation effective, which tool should he use?

  • Prof. De Guzman is thinking of an online learning approach by which content provides links to information at other locations and serves as a focal point for a distance education experience. Which of the following should he use?

    • A. computer-aided instruction

  • Which is not a basic consideration in selecting and evaluating the content of an educational technology tool?

    • A. Will it motivate and maintain interest?

    • B. Is there evidence of its effectiveness?

    • C. Can it be easily dismantled?

    • D. Does it match the content?

  • Educational Psychology
  • Education
  • Student

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