Who plays the new Batman 2022?

  • Jun 28, 2022

    From the opening number introduction of it's titular character, with that booming bass and the dark shadows, I knew this film understood the Dark Knight on a level no other film before has and I was 100% on board. It starts out incredibly strong, and for the most part it holds that strength and tension throughout. And that's just it, it's a remarkably tense Batman film with more in common with something like Se7evn than any other Batman films, even down to the nitty gritty detective work and very dirty crime scenes. It's more a crime film than an action film, though the action is still sublime. It starts to wear out it's welcome just a smidge in the final act, but for a nearly 3 hour movie to only do that just a smidge is quite the achievement still. Even saying that, there's really nothing I'd take out. I loved it.

  • Mar 24, 2022

    Batman has been a character that has received many, many big-screen adaptations. I've always loved the character and the story of Bruce Wayne, so I'll always flock out to see these stories. With that said, I still wasn't over the moon excited about this one, simply because of the current abundance of Batman right now; however, I was very happy to hear that it would be a story on its own, without a single connection to other franchises. Going in with that mindset felt like a breath of fresh air to me. I'm also happy to say that it's easily one of the best iterations of the character yet, even though there are aspects that kept me from completely loving it. Here's why The Batman should be seen in theatres.  Picking up two years after he has dawned the cape and cowl, Batman/Bruce Wayne (Robert Pattinson) is on the move with Lt. James Gordon (Jeffrey Wright). Discovering that a serial killer by the name of The Riddler (Paul Dano) has been killing politicians around the city, all they have to go on is the clues and riddles he so elegantly leaves behind. It's like he wants to be caught but also wants to do everything to outsmart everyone. From family ties to surprising love interests, this three-hour epic superhero film has a lot happening.  Nearly always in the Batman costume for the entire runtime, this is the most on-screen Batman we've probably gotten in a film ever. With the solid addition of Zoe Kravitz as Selina Kyle/Catwoman, the comradery/romance that sparks between Kravitz and Pattinson was incredibly electric. This wasn't a surprise to me though, because director Matt Reeves has proven that he's a real actors director. His work in the past has always impressed me and even though I don't think The Batman is quite as good as his Planet of the Apes films, it's damn close.  This may seem like a giant nitpick, but it's hard not to ignore. Nearly every character and storyline have been pursued in one way or another in other versions of Batman on-screen. I felt that that aspect actually made the film feel slower than it actually was. At three hours, I never found myself bored, but the slow pacing, on top of knowing a lot that was going to happen already made the film feel slightly off. Other than that though, this film is impeccably made. If you can get past the fact that this character has been told this way many times now, it really is a fantastic piece of filmmaking.  Overall, The Batman isn't the type of film that I will gush out of my mind about, because there are other great Batman movies out there that I believe are better. With that said, for what this film was trying to be, a detective noir story that just happens to be about the pantheon of Batman characters, it's great. Robert Pattinson was an absolute highlight as the character of Bruce Wayne. The character hasn't really been on-screen this way (visibly) before and I admired that the most. It was also far more realistic than any Batman film that has come before it. I can't wait for the subsequent films to come, because much like The Dark Knight was to Batman Begins, I believe Reeves can make a far superior sequel to this. The Batman is now playing in theatres and I think it's more than worth your time.

  • Mar 08, 2022

    GRADE: A Finally it's here, one of my most anticipated films of 2022. Since day 1 I defended Pattinson's cast as Batman, he's one of the best actors of his generation and I was completely sure that he just needed one chance to shut up the haters. And we also had Matt Reeves directing the film, I love his work in Cloverfield, Let Me In and the Planet of the Apes franchise, the dude is one of the best mainstream directors working today. Now, The Batman is not only incredible, is one of the best Batman films of all the time. Matt Reeves made something brilliant with this film, he managed to made something darker than what Snyder did, only that he handled the story much better. The Batman is an action film, yes, but it feels more like a thriller-noir film with HUGE inspiration in some David Fincher's films like Zodiac and SE7EN. The tone is absolutely on point. Let's talk about Pattinson. He's so good as Batman/Bruce Wayne, he looks incredible in the suit and when he has the action scenes it truly feels that you're watching THE Batman, he is intimidating and someone who you really should be afraid of. He gives you that mix of begin a brutal force of justice but at the same time as someone who's disturbed and battles with multiple issues. Zoë Kravitz is also great on the film, she has a lot of chemistry with Pattinson and it also looks phenomenal in the action sequences. Paul Dano in the other hand, is fucking disturbing, it's a more realistic take on The Riddler, who's more like the Zodiac Killer, an intelligent and psychopath serial killer who always has a plan. But the one who steals the show is Colin Farrell, he is fucking unrecognizable as The Penguin, he completely disappears on both, the prosthetics and in his performance. It's not The Penguin that we all know, it's a more rookie criminal who waits for the opportunity and I can't wait to see him like the lord drug criminal that we are use to. On a technical level, it's incredible, it's one of the best Batman films ever produced. On one side, we have Greig Fraser, the cinematographer behind Dune, Rogue One, Zero Dark Thirty and more incredible films. His work is amazing, the film looks beautiful to look at and it shows the dark tone that the film has. And in the other hand, we have Michael Giacchino's score, it's absolutely fantastic, we have had a lot of amazing composers on Batman films across the years like Hans Zimmer, Danny Elfman, Junkie XL and many more. Giacchino's score is haunting, epic and brilliant, it really gives the film it's own identity. Reeves's take on Batman is just great, he gives us a look into Batman's abilities as detective and fighting against Gotham's crimes. It's also quite possibly the best representation of Gotham City that I've ever seen on DC film. It show us a city completely filled with corruption and crime. My main problems with film is how long the third act feels, I wasn't a fan of what happens after a revelation of The Riddler. I understand why they did it but I feel that it was way to long and unnecessary. Another thing that I was annoyed was the lack of Alfred in the film, Serkis is SO good but we don't see him a lot as much as we saw Michael Caine on the Nolan Trilogy or even Jeremy Irons on BvS and the Snyder Cut. I wanted more of him interacting with Bruce but he is relegated in a very supporting role that I hope Reeves fix in the sequels. I really wanted to give this an A+ but I really felt that the third act in the Gotham Square Garden was something that I wasn't a fan about and I really felt that the ending was as strong as the beginning of the film. But overall, The Batman is one of the best takes on the superhero, with a LOT of potential to be better than the Nolan Trilogy. Robert Pattinson is an absolutely incredible Batman/Bruce Wayne, the whole cast is brilliant as well. It's technically a masterclass on filmmaking and a prove that Matt Reeves only makes masterpieces. Oh and the start of film is one of the best introductions in the history of the superhero genre, I was blown away of how brutal and epic was. One of the best films of 2022 and one of my favorite Batman films. Not better than The Dark Knight but... it really is the second best Batman film.

    Fernando M Super Reviewer

  • Mar 07, 2022

    It's a good Batman movie, I don't think it's as bold or original as Nolan's films but it definitely accentuates crucial themes of the character. If I were to be critical I'd say the first couple of acts are a bit of a slog and a wasted opportunity to not establish more of this new Batman's definable traits and origins of his methodology. Also some of the closing scenes feel forced to service the narrative or for a real "cool shot". Overall the third and final acts are great though, once the story gets rolling and personal stakes come into light it's easy to feel invested. Also of course, the noir atmosphere and cinematography is all very in line with what I imagine Batman films should look like. Pattinson does a serviceable job, I think looking solemn and grunting lines in a stone cold manner isn't very demanding. Zoe Kravitz steals the show, she does a spot on Selina Kyle that's full of range. Finally it sets up future films naturally that gives me vibes of "Batman: No Mans Land", one of my favorite events from the comics!

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