Why did my Pisces man come back?

A Pisces man after a breakup is going to be highly emotional. Even if he ended the relationship, he’s going to be upset.

Unlike some other signs, Pisces is not afraid to express how he feels. You’ll know if he’s sad or angry.

Pisces men crave connection with other people. While you two were dating, he likely developed a deep connection with you. Even if he ends the relationship, that connection isn’t going to go away immediately.

A Pisces man is likely to miss his ex. He may feel nostalgic for the relationship he once had with them. Even years later, after he’s over the relationship, he might still think of his ex from time to time.

He will be very emotional. He’ll need a lot of support from friends and family to get over the breakup.

He’ll Be Upset

Even when a Pisces man is done with you and he’s the one to break up with you, he’ll still be upset following a breakup.

He might not want to break up. If you cheated on him or did something else to betray him, he might feel like he has to anyway.

If he sees that you are extremely unhappy in the relationship, he might also break up with you. Even if he still loves you, he’ll end the relationship so that you don’t have to suffer.

Whatever the reason for the end of the relationship, he’s likely to be upset. Even if you two mutually decided to break up, he’s still going to feel the loss of your relationship deeply.

Pisces men are hurt easily. They feel their emotions very strongly. He’s going to mourn the relationship you two once had no matter who broke up with who in the end.

A tiny trick to snatch your Pisces man's heart?... even if he's cold and distant...

He’ll Miss You

A Pisces man might reach out following a breakup because he misses you. Even if was the one to end the relationship, he’ll still feel nostalgic now and then. He’ll miss having you around.

He might also just miss the idea of a relationship and not actually the person he was in the relationship with.

He will miss the emotional connection he had with his partner. He’ll miss the routines they had together. He will miss all the things they used to do as a couple.

He takes relationships seriously most of the time. If his relationship ends, even if he’s the one to end it, he’s going to miss it. He will definitely feel the loss.

ignoring a Pisces man after a breakup is a good idea if you have no intention of getting back together with him.

If he misses you and wants to get back together, he might get the wrong idea if you reach out to him too often. It’s better to keep your distance.

He’ll Express Himself

Pisces men are usually very expressive people. Even if they don’t always want to be, they can’t help it most of the time.

If he’s feeling deeply hurt, he is going to express that hurt.

He will let you know how he feels while he is breaking up with you. He’s going to express any hurt he feels over your actions. If you didn’t do anything wrong, he’ll also express regret for anything he’s done to hurt you.

He’ll likely reach out to friends and let them know what’s going on. He’ll need a shoulder or two to cry on following a breakup.

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Won’t Hide His Feelings

How do Pisces deal with breakups? Unlike some other men, Pisces men have no problem with expressing how they feel. He’s not going to pretend he’s okay if he’s not.

If a Pisces man is heartbroken, he’s going to express that. Everyone around him will know. He’s not going to hide it at all.

When he feels sad, he’s going to act on those emotions. If he’s angry, he’s not going to keep that bottled up inside.

He may not necessarily go out of his way to show you how he’s feeling. If he sees you out in public, though, he’s not going to put on a happy face if he’s not feeling happy.

If you are friends with a Pisces man who has just gone through a breakup, you’ll definitely know how he feels about it. He won’t hide anything from you.

He’ll Get Depressed

How do Pisces men act after a breakup? Many of them get very depressed, regardless of why the relationship ended.

Even if he wanted the relationship to end, he might still get depressed. He might feel like he failed somehow. He may start to think that he’s just not cut out for relationships.

He might get down on himself after a breakup. He may blame himself for any misdeeds his former partner committed.

If the relationship ended because of something his ex did, he might still turn things around and make them his fault.

Pisces men often have a strong emotional connection with their partners. If he had a strong connection like that with you, he’s going to miss it.

He might get extra depressed over things that would normally not affect him that much.

Before, he had you to fall back on. He had somebody around to cheer him up. When he breaks up with his partner, he loses one of his sources of comfort.

This magic will make your Pisces man want a relationship with you.

He’ll Rebound

How long does it take for a Pisces man to get over a breakup? He might seem to get over it quickly if he’s the type to rebound. Even if he’s physically moved on, though, that doesn’t mean he has emotionally.

A Pisces man might date around as a way of comforting himself.

Not all of these rebound relationships are going to be meaningful to him. He’ll likely take a while to get into another serious relationship.

He just needs a distraction sometimes. He wants to try and get back some of those experiences he had when he was in a relationship.

He’ll Crave Connection

If you want to know how to approach a Pisces man after a breakup, make sure you set clear boundaries about your relationship.

Pisces men crave connection with other people. They are emotional people. They like to feel connected to others and they like to share their feelings with them.

He probably felt a deep connection with you when you two were together. He’ll crave that level of connection following a breakup.

Even if he was the one to end the relationship, he’ll still miss you and the connection you two had.

If you two stay friends after the breakup and you really don’t intend on getting back together with him, you need to be clear about that.

Is your Pisces man painfully distant? Rekindle your love.

He’ll Never Forget You

Some men break up with their exes and never think about them again. Pisces men are not like that at all.

He will get over you eventually. Maybe you’ll always be “the one that got away”. He might always feel some sort of affection for you. He will move on but that won’t mean you’re entirely gone from his life.

Little things might remind him of you, even years after the relationship ended.

He might see a woman wearing an outfit similar to one you used to wear. He might go to a bar you always went to together and remember the good times.

He’ll Think About You Often

Do Pisces men miss their ex? They do. Even if the relationship ended for a good reason, he’s still going to miss them.

Right after the breakup, he’s not going to be able to stop thinking about you. He’s going to keep running through your relationship in his mind.

He will fondly remember the good times you two had together. He’ll feel nostalgic if he finds an earring you left behind at his house or if somebody starts talking about your favorite movie.

He will also reflect on what went wrong in your relationship. He’ll try to think back and find the point where it all went wrong.

He might even imagine a world where you two stayed together. Pisces men have huge imaginations. If he’s feeling depressed, he may let himself get caught up in a fantasy world where your relationship works out for the best.

The simple secrets you can use to seduce and keep your Pisces man (they work like magic)

He Might Come Back

Do Pisces men come back after a breakup? Many of them do. He might try to get back together with you for a variety of reasons.

He might have broken up with you because you did something he thought was unforgivable. After some time, he might decide that he actually can forgive you. He might realize that he wants to be with you regardless of the betrayal.

If he thought the breakup would be better for you both but he sees that you’re both miserable, he might also reach out to you. Even if you two don’t get back together, he might just want to see how you’re doing.

If you don’t want to get back together with him, leaving a Pisces man alone following a breakup is the best course of action.

Trying to learn how to get over a breakup is never fun, and having a Pisces man walk away from what you've built together can be particularly hard.

They are one of the overall best male zodiac signs to be in a relationship with — that is, if you're looking for someone to help you expand your mind and delve with you into very deep waters. Pisces men are probably going to have to swim to the surface to meet you on your way down.

This guy could very well feel like "the one," so when you think a man with the Pisces zodiac sign is planning to break up with you, it's easy to feel confused about the entire situation.

Avoid this by always checking in with your Pisces, and don't jump to conclusions, as everyone is unique and personality is defined by many factors.

But when it comes to why someone with a Pisces personality would want to end a relationship, causing you heartbreak and turmoil, it has a lot to do with lying. If you haven't been completely honest with him or even yourself about anything, including what you want out of the relationship, Pisces may feel like you aren't completely invested.

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A Pisces man will want a partner who can dream with him, allowing fantasy to become reality. If a problem arises, he may be willing to only bring it up once, then may be done if it comes up again.

Great communication in any relationship is paramount. Pisces men may want to always feel like they are the ones making the decision. They will not tolerate an ultimatum, as they may already feel that's what is wrong with the world.

Remember that if your Pisces man is to the point of breaking up with you, let him be himself and give him time to miss you.

If you're worried your Pisces might be trying to swim away or are generally wondering what you may expect if he were to break up the relationship, read on. Finding peace with a separation or knowing what to look for may provide you with useful insights.

According to astrology, here are all the possible reasons why a Pisces man will break up with you.

1. When Pisces has decided it's over, he may become more distant than usual.

It can actually be difficult to gauge a Pisces since they are the most difficult zodiac sign to understand. He may appear to be occupied with just about anything but you. He might begin to pull away slowly to avoid any confrontation.

Pisces isn't usually considered to be a sign big on doing the actual breaking up themselves, though. Keep in mind it's also natural for a Pisces man to draw into himself from time to time, so don't be overly concerned about it. Make sure you do your best to understand his actual position.

2. You may see that he suddenly has friends you never knew about.

If you want to spend time with them, they might say something like, "I just don't feel like going out tonight, I have something else I need to do." Then, you find out maybe they relaxed all evening watching movies with their cool new neighbors.

A Pisces man enjoys social interactions that are relaxed, positive and engaging. He may like to meet new people and can have a go with the flow attitude that makes others comfortable.

3. Pisces men (and their female counterparts) leave with a gentle touch.

This zodiac sign is a naturally intuitive healer. Pisces men are searching for their romantic ideal, they won't want to settle for anything mundane or if they feel like they have been insulted they may wait until a new option more reflective of their idea of happiness comes along.

When/if it does, they will simply swim away, perhaps silently so as to not leave too many waves. A Pisces man may want to leave smoothly with the currents, leaving only ripples behind.

4. He will still act like your best friend.

A Pisces man may still care for you still in some way, but getting a straight answer may be difficult. Pisces can certainly get angry, though before falling into anger they are probably more likely to just phase things out if they just aren't interested. They may leave you wondering what it was really all about.

Pisces men can be rather isolationist with their internal emotive functioning, and they could be more inclined to show you how they feel rather than trying to verbally explain their complex inner feelings.

5. It can feel like there wasn't a real reason to break up.

Pisces men value love and connection, so if they are leaving, something has either gone awry or they just powerfully feel like swimming on. If he has decided to walk, he may try to be as gentle as possible because he doesn't want to cause undue discomfort.

They can be very sensitive people, so they won't be looking to hurt you and tend to be hesitant to risk any emotional or pain-based reactions.

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6. You might feel like you never really knew him.

A Pisces man, for all his sensitivity and care, does have a dark side. You may even find out that he has been discussing you behind your back. You may hear he has been through the proverbial grapevine.

Pisces can be prone to gossip and they are truly a highly skeptical sign. He has likely seen your weaknesses in addition to strengths. Pisces won't want to confront you head-on, so it's the roundabout way they may get you.

7. He might leave the (emotional) door open when ending things.

If you're dating a Pisces and it's been amazing so far, then suddenly he has become distant, don't panic. A Pisces man may be following his inner compass and taking a dive back inside.

Pisces can become unfulfilled for no reason other than feeling unsettled deep in himself. It may appear to be a seemingly unfathomable reason, but rest assured they have a reason.

A Pisces man may always come back to a feeling of self-emptiness, needing to just be in the void of themselves. He may or may not ever share why he took a dive, though. Pisces may simply spend the time he needs and surface again later when he's resolved.

8. He will give you a reason to worry.

If you have a Pisces in your life, you may feel like they are somewhat lost. But Pisces always knows where he's swimming. A Pisces man studies people, searching out their potential for depth. They are adept illusionists and can use those qualities to find out your intentions.

The Pisces man can seem air-headed, but he's just in depths that are not causally understood. He may seem unmotivated at times, but that is only because he has already fought and toiled, and is now in a place knowing his mission is one of peace and contentment.

9. You may feel as if you don't know what to expect from him.

Pisces men are known to be unpredictable, so don't get hung up on an expectation for how things may go down with a breakup. If you have had a breakup with a Pisces man, the one thing you can truly expect is the unexpected.

Pisces men are sometimes interested in very atypical types of activities and adventure. They aren't afraid to try new things, and may sometimes seem to lose interest quickly for reasons that may not be apparent.

10. When Pisces breaks up with you, they cut their losses quickly.

Pisces is known to be quite a heartbreaker. They can be a perfect dream partner, making it all the harder to deal with when this poetic dreamer leaves for other oceans. Pisces men are kind, caring and thoughtful.

If they don't feel like their kind of magic is useful where they are, they will naturally seek out where it will be. They are protective and compassionate, and Damsels in Distress may be appealing to them.

If they have heard a call for help, they are likely to go off searching for their new deepwater rescue.

RELATED: How To Make A Pisces Man Miss You

Amanda Sawyer is a writer and Mississippi native who is interested in science, astrology, anthropology, and spiritualism.

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