How to make chunks load faster in Minecraft bedrock

I have Minecraft Bedrock V1.16.100. When I travel fast (like on a horse or on an elytra) the chunks in front of me don't load and I see everything as transparent. My specs:-

intel i3 5005U intel hd graphics 5500 4GB ram

I used to think that these system resources are too low to run Minecraft and so the chunks do not load. But recently I saw my friend who does not face this problem even though his system specs are much low as compared to my. His specs :-

intel pentium 2nd gen dual core 128mb dedicated graphics 512mb total(or something like that. I don't remember exactly) 4GB ram

We both are running Windows 10 v 1909.

I don't use any Shaders or mods. Also I have set Minecraft to lowest settings.


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It's really noticeable how long it takes for chunks to load in when exploring while flying in Creative mode. Is there anything I can do to help with getting chunks to load in quicker and from further away?

Further away, if you're on Far viewing distance, then no, there's nothing you can do.

For having them come in faster, defrag your HD or get a faster one.

Allocate more memory to Java and/or get more RAM.

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Maybe a faster HDD would help, but defragging more than likely won't. And more RAM =/= faster. Remember, unused RAM is wasted RAM, so just giving Minecraft more RAM won't make it use it optimally.I haven't ever gotten a straight, sure answer on whether or not Minecraft really uses the GPU on a system to load chunks, but I know a faster CPU is going to help for sure.

If you're looking for software, you're out of luck. The best bet is installing the Optifine mod, but I haven't seen improve chunk loading times, only framerates.

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More ram will increase the number of chunks that can be loaded at any one time. This means chunks farther away will be loaded, though it will not increase the speed with which they are loaded.

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All known issues that were identified prior to the 1.16.100 release have now been migrated into the full game release. Therefore, this ticket has been resolved.

If you are having performance problems in 1.16.200 and later, they will have different causes and therefore need to be reported on a new ticket. Please search for a matching ticket before creating a new one. A sample search URL is provided below.

Search for "performance" in 1.16.200 and later
After using this search, you can modify the parameters to use additional or other words besides "performance" between the quotes.

Chunk loading is slow, and can be random. The slow chunk loading can cause problems when flying with elytra or flying around in creative mode, this makes it very hard to traverse the world, as you are constantly hitting void walls. It has been reported on all platforms. 

Note: Void walls occur at around 2 chunks out of actually rendered chunks, not right at the border of an unrendered/unloaded chunk, and also block lag can also be a major problem, even at any simulation distance, especially on larger worlds and during autosaving.


Chunks load slowly, this can be seen when entering a world on Nintendo Switch. Also occurs when flying in creative or using an elytra, causing you to hit invisible vertical walls in the unloaded chunks (looking like the void), hampering the gameplay experience. In addition to this, when you land at an area with lighting or shadows (eg: trees, torches), sometimes the lighting can look dark and unloaded, and you must wait a few minutes for the lighting to load in a return to normal.

This has been tested on Nintendo Switch and Windows 10 so far, but has also been reported on iOS, Android, Xbox One, realms and servers.

Host (Nintendo Switch)

Large 120MB survival world: SINGLEPLAYER chunks not loading.mp4
Fresh new worlds: SINGLEPLAYER chunks Not Loading Far.mp4 SINGLEPLAYER chunks loading slowly.mp4 SINGLEPLAYER chunks loading slowly 2.mp4

Multiplayer (Affects both host more than client)

This did not occur before v1.16.0 (the multiplayer client issue), so this update may be the problematic area.

Additionally, in v1.16.0, more issues with chunk loading were introduced in multiplayer, when more people are in your world, neither you or them could load chunks if you fly far enough, this could usually happen if the players were apart or in different dimensions. Before v1.16.0, these issues were less severe. The more players in the world, the more severe the issue is. Made less worse in v1.16.20 and v1.16.40, but can still occur during autosaving.

The problem occurs when autosaving starts, a variety of things can occur with the severity depending on your world size and simulation distance:

Block lag, chunks not loading (causing empty voids), lighting not loading, entity and mob jittering/lag.

Table for my large world

Simulation Distance Severity
4 chunks Low, can be slightly noticed
6 chunks Can be extreme, depends on the duration of autosaving
8 chunks Can be extreme, depends on the duration of autosaving 

The duration of the autosaving also contributes to the severity of the lag, if the autosaving is short (less than 10 seconds) barely any lag happens, but if the autosaving is lengthy (1+ minutes) lots of lag occurs.

This occurs for all platforms (I've tested Windows 10 and Switch, other duplicate reports coming from iOS, Android, Xbox One, realms and servers), no matter who the host is (if applicable).

Host (Nintendo Switch)

That same large 120MB survival world (tested at 14 chunk render distance, 4 and 6 and 8 chunk simulation distance): MULTIPLAYER host nether chunks slow whilst mining.mp4 MULTIPLAYER host nether chunks slow loading.mp4 MULTIPLAYER host chunks loading slowly.mp4 MULTIPLAYER host chunks loading slowly 2.mp4 MULTIPLAYER host broken slow chunks and lighting not loading.mp4 three player.mp4

Client (Windows 10)

That same large 120MB survival world (also tested at 14 chunk render distance, 4 and 6 and 8 chunk simulation distance): MULTIPLAYER client not loading chunks.mp4

Additional Information

The multiplayer client slow chunk loading seems to occur with more severity on large worlds, no matter where in the world you are (being tested on a survival world being a size of 120MB), on smaller fresh worlds, you can fly out apart from each other as far as you want with chunks loading faster. Lighting errors more often on larger worlds.

Changing graphical settings (fancy graphics, skies and render distance) doesn't seem to make a difference but (see below)

Edit: These problems are slightly less severe with simulation distance set to 4 chunks (instead of 6, 8 or higher), but ultimately the game is still hard to play.

Here is the link to the 120MB survival world a lot of these tests were based around if you want to test more: Achievement Get Copy

I'm making a game like Outrun where you drive a boat on an ice road that is ~2000 blocks long, but the chunks don't load fast enough. the world is completely empty (it's a custom superflat imported from the old Legacy Console Edition). Anyone know how I can fix this?

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