What is the full name of C?

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Hello friends !!! I’am Abhinav Ranjan Sinha College- L.K.C.T(Indore) I just want to express my personnal experience of getting placed at Consagous Technologies,to all freshers who are in search of the job. On 25th of Feb 2011 there was a campus drive of Consagous Technologies in our college.That was the second time any software company is coming to our college for batch, I was very excited. Firstly, they started with a seminar, a small introduction about the company.Then as the first round of the placement process, they conducted GD, in every group there was 20 students, and in the GD they just given the topics on the current affairs ,like- Global warming, Science is a curse or boon, girls are superior than boys?, etc. Then after half an hour the result of GD was announced , and fortunetly I was selected among the 150 other students. Then there was a written round, that was fully Technical , the question paper consists of total 50 questions out which 45 are optional and the rest of the 5 questions are not optional. Some of them which I remember are- 1.when we pass an argument to a function , then how it is being interpreted? Ans- Address of the first element of an array. 2.how the size of structure can be determined? 3.Complexity of binary search algorithm? Ans-0(logn) 4.what does the symbol << do in c++? 5.what does (.) dot operator do? 6.what is RTTI? 7.What is containership? And many more questions related to data structure on complexity, C program output, etc Then the result was declared on the next day, total 45 students are short leasted out of 150(approx) and the further rounds of Technical and HR are after two days. Then on 28th of Feb 2011 we are called for the next rounds, and that was the toughest time ever as my turn came almost at last , firstly my name was announced for the Technical round, there when I entered there are 3 persons inside the room who are taking the interview, as I entered they asked me to reduce the speed of the fan, I went to the switch board but the regulator was not working , then they told me to switch it off. Then , they offerd me to have a seat, there they asked me about- 1. what is your area of interest? 2. what is recursion? 3. write a program of factorial using recursion. 4. differentiate between My sql and Sql server. 5. they asked me questions related to my minor project. 6. what does get and post method do? 7. what is structure? 8. what is union? Out of which I have given answers of the many of them. Then I was called for the PI (personnmal interview) , I was very tired as it was 6:30 and I was waiting for my turn from 11’o clock onwards. But as I was very much exited , I just prayed to God and entered in the room, As I entered I saw two persons there inside the room I wished both of them, and they offerd me the chair, I replied with thank you sir thank you mam. Then the first question which I was asked there is- 1.Tell me something about yourself? Then, 2.they asked me of my strengths. 3.then suddenly they started asking aptitude questions, and the main thing is that they are not repeating the questions, you have to listen it very carefully. And the questions are like— Que- a man moves 50 km away from his house in the north direction, then he turns left and moves 50 km , and then again he turns left and moves 50 km, then at which place he is from his house and at what distance? Que- the ratio of the age of the two friends are in the ratio 6:5 then there ratio becomes 8:7 , so how many years they will it takes to gain this ratio? 4.where do you see yourself after 5 years? 5.tell me your 5 such skills which you can give to our organization. 6.what do you know about our company? They both are very calm and are of very good nature, and they are very supportive which helped me a lott . And just after half an hour the results had been declared and fortunetly with God’s Grace I got selected, that was the one of the very most imported and cherishable moment of my life. All The Best to all my dear friends , and I wish you for your bright future. And , at last but not the least, I would like to thanks to Consagous Technologies to give me such a big opportunity to prove myself in my life, thank you so much.

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  • Kinza Yasar, Technical Writer

The C programming language is a procedural and general-purpose language that provides low-level access to system memory. A program written in C must be run through a C compiler to convert it into an executable that a computer can run. Many versions of Unix-based operating systems (OSes) are written in C and it has been standardized as part of the Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX).

Today, the C programming language runs on many different hardware platforms and OSes such as Microsoft and Linux.

The C language comes with a set of special characteristics, making it one of the most widely used languages of all time. The following are the main benefits of using C:

  • Structured. It offers a structured programming approach for breaking down problems into smaller modules or functions that are easy to understand and modify.
  • Portable. C is machine-independent and C programs can be executed on different machines.
  • Mid-level programming language. It's a mid-level language that supports the features of both a low-level and a high-level language.
  • Rich library. It offers numerous built-in library functions that expedite the development process.
  • Dynamic memory allocation. C supports the dynamic memory allocation feature, which can be used to free the allocated memory at any time by calling the free() function.
  • Speed. It's a compiler-based language, which makes the compilation and execution of code faster. Since only essential and required features are included in C, it saves processing power and improves speed.
  • Pointers. C uses pointers, which improve performance by enabling direct interaction with the system memory.
  • Recursion. C enables developers to backtrack by providing code reusability for every function.
  • Extensible. A C program can be easily extended. If code is already written, new features and functionalities can be added to it with minor alterations.

C also comes with a few shortfalls, even though it's an ideal language for programming beginners due to its simple syntax, algorithms and modular structure. The following are a few disadvantages of using C:

  • OOP features. C doesn't extend its support for object-oriented programming (OOP) features, which enables the creation of subclasses from parent classes. Unlike Java, Python or C++, multiple inheritances can't be created in C, which makes it difficult to reuse existing code.
  • Namespace feature. C lacks namespace features, which means the same variable name can't be reused in one scope. Without namespaces, it's impossible to declare two variables with the same name.
  • Run-time checking. C doesn't display code errors after each line of code; instead, all the errors are presented by the compiler after the program has been written. This can make code checking a challenge, especially for larger programs.
  • Exception handling. C lacks exception handling, which is the ability to handle exceptions, such as bugs and anomalies that can happen during source code
  • Constructor and destructor. Since C isn't object oriented, it doesn't offer constructor and destructor features. Constructing or destructing a variable in C must be done manually through a function or by other means.
  • Garbage collection. C isn't equipped with garbage collection. This important feature automatically reclaims memory from objects that are no longer required by the library or an app.

C has a wide range of real-world applications that aren't limited to the development of OSes and applications. C is also used in areas such as graphical user interface development and integrated development environments.

The following are some use cases for the C language:

  • OSes, such as Unix and all Unix applications;
  • databases, including Oracle Database, MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server and PostgreSQL, which are partially written in C;
  • language compilers, including the C compiler;
  • text editors;
  • print spoolers;
  • assemblers;
  • network drivers;
  • modern programs, such as Git and FreeBSD;
  • language interpreters; and
  • utilities, such as network drivers, mouse drivers and keyboard drivers.
There are a variety of programming languages and frameworks, including C.

While C and C++ sound familiar, the usage and features of both languages differ to a certain extent. C++ is a superset and successor to the C language that uses an entirely different set of programming concepts. C is a procedural programming language, whereas C++ provides OOP support.

The following highlights the differences between the two languages:

  • C is a procedural language that provides no support for objects and classes. C++ is a combination of OOP and procedural programming languages.
  • C has 32 keywords and C++ has 63 keywords.
  • C supports built-in data types, while C++ supports both built-in and user-defined data types.
  • C doesn't have access modifiers, whereas C++ does.
  • C uses the <stdio.h> header file for input and output operations and C++ uses the <iostream.h> header file for input and output operations.
  • C can't hide data, while C++ is secure and provides encryption.
  • There's no direct exception handling support in C, but C++ supports it.
  • C doesn't support function and operator overloading, but C++ does.
  • In C, the main() function calls are made through other functions used in the code, but C++ doesn't provide that functionality.
  • Reference variables aren't supported by C, but C++ supports them.

The C programming language was developed at the former AT&T Bell Laboratories in the early 1970s by computer scientist Dennis Ritchie. The successor to the B language, C was initially developed for writing code for the Unix operating system, which at the time used assembly programs that communicated directly with the computer hardware. Assembly programs can be complex and lengthy, and programmers needed a language that promoted a user-friendly set of instructions. C fulfilled these objectives and also helped overcome the challenges that programmers experienced with BASIC, B and Basic Combined Programming Language. 

Due to its popularity and flexible features, it was soon released for cross-platform usage and quickly became commercialized. C is still commonly used in web development projects and many popular languages, such as Java, PHP and JavaScript have directly or indirectly borrowed features and syntax from C.

While C has transformed over the years, it's still used commonly in lower-level programs, such as kernels.

C has rapidly evolved since its inception. Examine the history of C, how it has evolved and why it's still relevant today.

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