How long will it take a car to accelerate from 15.2 m/s to 23.5 m/s if the car has an average acceleration of 3.2m S²?

How long will it take a car to accelerate from 15.2 m/s to 23.5 m/s if the car has an average acceleration of 3.2m S²?

How long will it take a car to accelerate from 15.2 m/s to 23.5 m/s if the car has an average acceleration of 3.2m S²?
How long will it take a car to accelerate from 15.2 m/s to 23.5 m/s if the car has an average acceleration of 3.2m S²?

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How long will it take a car to accelerate from 15.2 m/s to 23.5 m/s if the car has an average acceleration of 3.2m S²?

Kolhan university