How to fix gynecomastia

Gynecomastia is the enlargement of the breast in adult males caused by excessive growth of the breast tissue. Although gynecomastia does not cause any major health problems, it can lead to poor self-image and have psychological effects.

It is important to determine the cause of the gynecomastia. In rare instances, it can be caused by a hormone-producing tumor, but in most cases, it is related to benign causes. Benign causes can include genetics, obesity, marijuana use, anabolic steroid use and some medications.

Weight loss and discontinuing the inciting causes can help improve symptoms, but oftentimes surgery is required to remove the excess tissue contributing to the breast enlargement. Surgery is typically performed as an outpatient procedure.

In cases where the enlargement is primarily due to an excess of fatty tissue, liposuction may be the best surgical option. When glandular tissue and excess skin are present, a male breast reduction procedure can be performed to achieve the best results. The incision is typically placed around the areola but can vary depending on the patient’s anatomy and skin removal needs.

Regardless of the type of procedure performed, the underlying chest muscles are not affected. Surgery usually takes about 2-3 hours. In some cases, surgical drains may be necessary to prevent fluid build-up at the surgery site. Some practices use an ERAS (Enhanced Recovery After Surgery) protocol which includes local anesthetic injected to the surgical site to minimize pain and discomfort following surgery. As a result, narcotics are rarely necessary for pain control.

Patients can expect to be back home the same day with some restrictions (i.e. no running or heavy lifting). Full recovery and release from all restrictions can be expected after six weeks.

It is important to note, surgery does not completely remove all breast tissue, so gynecomastia can return especially if the inciting cause is continued (e.g. marijuana/steroid use). It is important to discuss all options with a board-certified plastic surgeon to determine the best treatment plan.

It’s a problem you’d prefer not to talk about: the excess fat on your chest. Whether you’re in the pool, at the beach, or in the bedroom, you don’t want to take your shirt off for fear of judgment.

You may be a completely healthy man. You may be diligent about your exercise, you watch what you eat, you don’t smoke, and you’re at a normal weight for your height. Yet every time you look in the mirror you see masses of fat tissue on your chest that just won’t go away no matter what you do.

Despite what you may think, you’re not alone: nearly 60% of men over the age of 44 suffer from a condition known as gynecomastia

. In simple terms, gynecomastia refers to the enlargement of male breasts. It’s characterized by excess localized fat, skin, and various tissue in the chest area.

So what exactly causes gynecomastia, what are the symptoms, and how can you treat it?

Below, we’ll answer all of your burning questions about this often-ignored and misunderstood condition.

Common Causes Of Gynecomastia

Gynecomastia can be embarrassing, and most men think they are the only ones who suffer from excess chest fat. They rarely even know the name for their condition or what it means.

But if you have these problems, it’s not your fault. Gynecomastia develops at any time, though it often occurs in men and young boys who are otherwise healthy and at a normal weight. The most common symptoms other than the physical appearance is tender, swollen, or painful breaths.

Gynecomastia is caused by a number of factors, including:

  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Malnutrition
  • Liver disease
  • Kidney failure
  • Street drugs (marijuana, heroin, amphetamines, etc.)

Some studies even suggest that using certain essential oils topically

can increase your risk for the condition. This is especially the case for lavender and tea tree oil, which activate estrogenic and antiandrogenic hormones.

It’s important to make a distinction here between gynecomastia, which refers to the enlargement of the glandular tissue in the male breast, and lipomastia

, which is the presence of fat deposits in the breast area of obese men. Because lipomastia has different causes and symptoms, it needs to be treated differently.

Drugs That Cause Gynecomastia

Because many men don’t even know about this condition, let alone its name and causes, they don’t know about the solutions available. First on your list of solutions should be to assess the medicines you’re taking to see if they are a high risk of causing gynecomastia.

Certain medications can lead to gynecomastia by decreasing your testosterone production, either by causing direct testicular damage, by blocking testosterone synthesis, or by blocking the androgen action. In other words, these drugs create hormonal imbalances

The types of drugs to look out for include:

  • Cardiac and antihypertensive medications, like alpha-blockers, ACE inhibitors, calcium channel blockers, and nitrates
  • Psychoactive drugs, including some antidepressants, antipsychotic agents, and drugs for infectious diseases
  • Certain recreational or abuse drugs such as marijuana, heroin, and amphetamines

You can read a comprehensive list of medications and chemicals that have been linked to gynecomastia

on this article, about halfway through the page.

Permanently Treat Gynecomastia With Breast Reduction Surgery

You’ve been working out like mad, watching your diet like a hawk, and you’ve taken control of your alcohol intake. But no matter what you do, you can’t seem to reduce the size of your breasts.

It may be time for surgical intervention.

Liposuction, which flattens your chest contours and enhances your chest cosmetically, is the most effective way to surgically reduce your breast size. It corrects your breasts to create a more natural looking chest. 

Sometimes, the excess weight that is common in severe gynecomastia may cause your areolas to sag and stretch. In that case, a skilled surgeon can fix the size, shape, and position of your areolas to fit your newly contoured chest.

Liposuction–especially SAFELipo, a softer and smoother process than traditional liposuction–is gentle on your body, meaning it’s perfect for people with an active lifestyle who can’t afford any lengthy downtime.

Is Gynecomastia Surgery Right For You?

Not everyone is a good candidate for gynecomastia surgery. You have to have a normal body weight and your breast development must have stabilized. That said, it’s perfect for the man who has already done everything in his power to reduce the fatty tissue around his chest, but still sees no significant progress and no way out from the embarrassment.

If you want to improve your appearance, boost your self-confidence, and stop feeling insecure about your chest, then you are a great candidate for surgery.       

How to fix gynecomastia

Don’t suffer the effects of gynecomastia any longer. At Proffer Surgical Associates, we understand how painful and embarrassing it is to have gynecomastia. No matter your age or lifestyle, you deserve to feel good about yourself and confident in your skin.

Schedule a consultation, and we’ll discuss your specific situation, your body goals, and the best options for you going forward.

How to fix gynecomastia

Medically Reviewed by Dan Brennan, MD on November 08, 2020

  • Exercises to Help Gynecomastia
  • Safety Considerations

Gynecomastia, sometimes known as male breasts or “moobs,” is a condition where people with a penis grow breast tissue. It’s one of several conditions that can cause men to appear like they have breasts. True gynecomastia is rare since most men have an appropriate balance of sex hormones to inhibit breast growth.

However, having an excess amount of fat on the chest can cause the pectoral area to look like breasts are forming. There are several exercises that can help reduce the appearance of both true and false gynecomastia.

It’s not possible to specifically target an area for fat loss. As a result, there are two main types of exercises to reduce the appearance of gynecomastia: cardio exercises to help burn general body fat, and chest exercises to help increase the size of the pectoral muscles. This helps reduce the amount of fat on the chest while helping build muscle to fill out any resulting loose skin. 

Walking and Running

The simplest and easiest way to reduce body fat through exercise is to incorporate more running and walking into your daily routine. Both walking and running regularly can help reduce your body mass index (BMI), especially if done regularly. Running is slightly better for reducing your BMI, since you can burn more energy more quickly, but if walking is all you feel comfortable doing, it will still be effective.

Rowing Machines

Using a rowing machine is a full-body workout that heavily involves your arms and chest. The pulling motion of the rowing machine helps strengthen a variety of muscles in the chest and back while effectively burning body fat. Rowing machines also increase general muscle coordinate and joint strength.


Swimming is a low-impact form of cardio that also involves your arms and chest muscles. It’s a great exercise for building up your cardiovascular exercise, and there are a number of different strokes that allow you to customize your swimming experience. Focusing on using your arms while swimming can help emphasize the amount of work your pectoral muscles are doing, helping you both burn fat and improve the appearance of your chest.

Bench Press

The bench press is one of the most common activities to help build pectoral muscles. 

Step 1: Lie on a weight bench with the barbell suspended over you so you are looking up at the bar. 

Step 2: Place your hands on the bar about two to three feet apart. 

Step 3: Squeeze your shoulder blades, then straighten your arms, lifting the bar off the rack.

Step 4: Slowly lower the bar until it’s just about to brush your chest.

Step 5: Raise the bar again until your arms are straight.

You can aim for ten repetitions per set, with three to five sets per workout. Increase the weight of the barbell as it stops feeling challenging to complete a set. 


If you don’t have access to a barbell, push-ups are a simple bodyweight exercise for strengthening your chest muscles. 

Step 1: Lie flat on your stomach with your hands on the ground, just to the side of your shoulders. 

Step 2: Push your body up off the ground until your arms are straight, with either your knees or your toes on the ground. Keep your back and legs as straight as possible. 

Step 3: Lower yourself until your elbows are bent 90 degrees, then repeat.  

You can also modify push-ups by doing them against a wall or counter. Do the same motion, but with your body at an angle instead of horizontal. 

Bent-Forward Cable Crossover

If you have access to a gym, bent-forward cable crossovers are a great way to activate your pectoral muscles specifically.

Step 1: Standing in the cable crossover machine, place your feet hip-width apart and hold a cable handle in either hand. Full extend your arms, so the cables are still hanging straight down.

Step 2: Stagger your feet, so one foot is in front of you and the other is behind you, and bend your knees.

Step 3: Slowly bring your hands together in a smooth arc, leaving your arms extended. 

Step 4: Slowly return your arms to the start position.

Aim to repeat this ten times, for two to three sets per workout. The last repetition should feel difficult.

It’s important to start working out slowly, instead of jumping right in. Attempting to run too long or lift something too heavy can lead to injuries, stopping your workout before it’s begun. Be careful and pay attention to your body, and stop any exercise if it feels painful. 

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