What are some exotic fruits

Apr 29, 2021

What are some exotic fruits

What are some exotic fruits

What are some exotic fruits

What are some exotic fruits

(Kolpakova Svetlana / Shutterstock.com)

What’s in your fruit bowl? Apples, pears, and bananas? Maybe it's time to try something new like the exotic fruits that are in your market. Don’t let  their unusual colors, shapes, or spines scare you off. It's important from a nutrition standpoint to shake things up a bit and add more color to your menu.

If you don’t know where to start, just check out these nine exotic fruits that are loaded with health benefits and taste. From tiny tart salaks to giant jackfruit and everything in between, there is something for even the pickiest eaters in your family.

Kiwano or horned melons are an extremely ugly fruit. according to The Health Journals: “It’s got a face only a mother could love.” But once you get past its strange looks – the inside is lime green and gelatinous – and dig in, the melon is sweet and full of health benefits. Horned melons are full of vitamins K A,C and E, potassium, iron, magnesium, antioxidants that protect against cellular damage, and are a fantastic source of hydration.

Originally from central and southern Africa, these melons are now grown in the US and other countries around the world. Horned melons are in season in the spring and early summer and you can add them to smoothies, use in a fruit salad, or in salsa.

What are some exotic fruits

(j.chizhe / Shutterstock.com)

This teardrop-shaped brown fruit is often called the candy of the fruit world because of its sweet toffee-like taste according to The Healthy. Native to Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean, Sapodilla or Sapota, is also grown in Asia. Although it is a higher calorie fruit, its chock full of antioxidants, vitamins C and A, iron, folate and niacin. it’s almost like taking a multivitamin with every bite. Naturally sweeten oatmeal or yogurt by topping them with diced sapodilla.

What are some exotic fruits

(AKF Production / Shutterstock.com)

While this fiercely named exotic fruit – which is a member of the cactus family – has a spiny pink exterior, the inside is very mild tasting. This low-calorie fruit is high in vitamin C, calcium, and fiber, making it a very healthy part of anyone’s diet. Dragon fruit are available June through September. You can snack on this exotic fruit, add it to a salad, or put it in a smoothie.

What are some exotic fruits

(Chokchai Daoruang / Shutterstock.com)

This small tart and chewy fruit packs quite a punch of health benefits according to The Healthy. Full of beta-carotene, iron, fiber, vitamin C, potassium, and protein, it is a fantastic fruit for vegetarians and vegans. Salak is also good brain food because the compounds in it are good for memory and may enhance cognitive function. You can snack on the berries or add them to salads.

What are some exotic fruits

(Joko SL / Shutterstock.com)

This largest member of the citrus family resembles a grapefruit in appearance, taste, and nutritional value, only sweeter, according to verywellfit. Filled with vitamins C, A and folate, fiber, and potassium, one cup only has 72 calories. While Pomelo, which come in yellow and red varieties, are a winter fruit from Southeast Asia, they are grown in California year-round. Eat it fresh or use it in any recipe that calls for grapefruits.

What are some exotic fruits

(pondpony / Shutterstock.com)

William Shakespeare wrote: “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet,” could very well apply to the rose apple and it would taste just as sweet too according to The Healthy. This exotic Asian apple is a crisp refreshing fruit with a pear-like texture that is high in fiber, calcium, and potassium. Eat it like any other apple as a snack, in a fruit salad, or as a cereal or yogurt topper.

What are some exotic fruits

(girl-think-position / Shutterstock.com)

This delicious and thirst-quenching fruit has gone out of Chinese and Vietnamese restaurants into mainstream markets. Lychees are available fresh in the spring and summer and canned all-year long. This fruit is high in vitamin C and B-complex, potassium,  and polyphenols that help speed up your metabolism. Peel before eating raw or add to fruit salads.

What are some exotic fruits

(mama_mia / Shutterstock.com)

This exotic tropical fruit has a thick royal purple skin and white segmented flesh and grows on trees in Southeast Asia. This sweet fruit that can be eaten by itself, according to verywellfit, is full of antioxidants, calcium, magnesium, and fiber. You can find it fresh in specialty markets or canned. Mangosteen makes a delicious snack or dessert.

What are some exotic fruits

(alex.zvar93 / Shutterstock.com)

What are some exotic fruits

What are some exotic fruits

What are some exotic fruits

Special Collection

There are some exotic fruits which have created a new place in people's hearts and fruits market. Here we have some of the most famous and easily available exotic fruits.

Star Fruit

What are some exotic fruits

Star fruit is a tropical fruit which rapidly became popular in the USA. They originated from Indonesia and Southern China and they have been growing this fruit for centuries.

This crunchy and juicy fruit is also used for cooking when unripen. Star fruits are loaded with antioxidants, alkaloids and vitamin C. Star fruit also reduces the risk of cardio vascular diseases and high cholesterol and it also regulates blood sugar level.

Dragon Fruit

What are some exotic fruits

Dragon fruit or also known as pitahaya is actually a cactus which is grown in Mexico, Central America and Asia. This fruit became one of the best-selling exotic fruits in the world. Dragon fruit enhancesyour digestion and immunity system.

. It contains several antioxidants like flavonoids, hydroxycinnamates and improves insulin resistance which reduces the risk of heart diseases, cancer and Diabetes. Moreover, this fruit is good for your bones, hair and skin. It is rich in Vitamin C and Magnesium.


What are some exotic fruits

Mangos teen belongs to the mango family. It has a sweet and tangy taste like a peach. If Mango is the 'King of Fruits', Mangos teen is the 'Empress of the Fruit Kingdom'. Mangos teen is the National Fruit of Thailand. It has high amount of antioxidants, Vitamin B9 and Manganese. It alsohas anti- inflammatory properties which helps in weight loss and reduction of diabetes and cancer, and also improves blood sugar levels and immunity system.


What are some exotic fruits

Cherimoya also known as Custard apple due to its inner side looks like apple and has a creamy taste like banana. Custard apple originated from Brazil and Peru. This fruit is an excellent source of antioxidants and Vitamin B6 and C. it helps in reducing eye related issues like cataract, vision loss, etc. it also controls blood pressure level, improves immune system, promotes good digestion and prevents cancer.


What are some exotic fruits

This super sweet fruit is almost the size of a golf ball with delicious flavour and taste in it. Lychee is not only used for desserts and juices but also for health benefits. Lychee is a small but power packed fruit. This fruit is high in Vitamin C along with minerals like iron, sulphur, magnesium and potassium which heal cancer and heart strokes and diabetes. It also aids in muscle cramps and constipation. Furthermore, this fruit helps in controlling liver diseases and has oligonol which is a dietary supplement which is equal to green tea.

Well you have just seen the tip of the iceberg. There are many other fruits which may look different (maybe scary) from their outer skin but they possess all beautiful minerals in their flesh. Here are some unique and expensive fruits which should be a must in your Diet Chart.

Black Sapote

What are some exotic fruits

This black fruit has an exceptional flesh which tastesjust like chocolate pudding. This fruit is a costly choice for health conscious peoplebecause this fruit is mostly used for making oil. Black Sapote is an oil producing fruit whose oil is used for scalp and facial massages. Black Sapote originated from South and Central America. It contains abundant amount of Iron, Vitamin A and C, antioxidants and phosphorus. It develops healthy eyes and heart and improves digestion and immunity system.


What are some exotic fruits

This fruit might lookscary to you but don't worry it's a good ally for your health. Durian is a tropical fruit with a strong smell and custard like flesh. Durians grow in tropical regions particularly Southeast Asian Countries like Thailand, Indonesia and Malaysia. It also has traditional medicinal properties and is rich in Vitamin C and B, Manganese and Thiamine. Durians aids in preventing Cancer and Heart diseases risk and lower blood sugar levels.

Passion Fruit

What are some exotic fruits

Passion Fruit is a tropical fruit with high nutritious antioxidants and vitamins is native to Brazil and parts of Argentina. This fruit is slowly become famous among the health conscious people. This hard from the outside but jelly like inside fruit is power packed with antioxidants, fibre, iron and vitamin A and C. this fruit helps in reduction of heart diseases and Diabetes.

Horned melon

What are some exotic fruits

Horned melon is a spiky version of cucumber which belong South African countries. Later on, this fruit became popular in New Zealand and California. It has a hard spiky orange exterior but inside it has a jelly like flesh which tastes like cucumber. Horned Melon is full of zinc, calcium,protein, iron, phosphorous and magnesium. It also has antioxidants and natural water content which provides proper hydration, maintains good blood sugar level and promotes healthy RBC production that is providing healthy blood cells counting and strong immunity.


What are some exotic fruits

Longan is a tropical fruit which resembles a lot like lychee is mostly grown in south eastern Asian Countries like Thailand, Taiwan and China. Longan is not an exotic fruit but also it was used as a traditional medicine. It is an excellent source of vitamin C. Unlike lychee; longan does not contain magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and copper.Longan treats anaemia and iron deficiency; it also reduces stress and insomnia. It has corilagin and Gallic acid which helps in radiating your skin and gives a healthy glow on the face.

There are numurous fruits that come under the exotic category. We have described few fruits above. Here is a incomplete list of all exotic fruits.