What are the five steps of the analytic process?

What are the five steps of the analytic process?

STEP 1: Asking the right question(s)

What are the five steps of the analytic process?

What are the five steps of the analytic process?

Data Wrangling has 3 sub-steps:-

Gathering of data

  • API or Web Scraping — If the data needed is available in particular website(s), then we can use the websites API (if available) or Web Scraping techniques to collect, and store data in our local storage/ databases. Often, data collected from the Internet is stored in a JSON format, and further processing is needed to convert JSON to the commonly used “.csv” format.
  • Databases — If the data required is available in our companies databases, then we can easily use SQL queries to extract the data needed from them.
  • Sites like kaggle.com store data sets in appropriate formats to be downloaded by the members for practice/ competitions.
What are the five steps of the analytic process?

Assessing of data

  • The number of rows and columns present in the data set
What are the five steps of the analytic process?
  • columns present in the data set, along with the data type and number of non-null values
What are the five steps of the analytic process?
  • PassengerId — Unique ID of each passenger.
  • Survived — Binary Feature (consisting of only 0 or 1 values) which indicate whether that passenger survived or not. ( 0 = NO, 1 = YES).
  • Pclass — Indicates the socioeconomic status of the passenger. ( 1 = Upper Class, 2 = Middle Class, 3 = Lower Class ).
  • Name — Passenger name.
  • Sex — Male or Female.
  • Age — Age of the passenger.
  • SibSp — Number of siblings/ spouses of the passenger aboard the titanic.
  • Parch — Number of parents/ children of the passenger aboard the titanic.
  • Ticket — Ticket number of each passenger.
  • Fare — Fare paid by the passenger.
  • Cabin — shows the cabin number allotted to each passenger.
  • Embarked — Shows the port of embarkation of the passenger. ( C = Cherbourg, Q = Queens town, S = Southampton ).

Data Cleaning

What are the five steps of the analytic process?
What are the five steps of the analytic process?

  1. Analyze utilizing visualization techniques, which Gender was given more priority during the rescue operation?
What are the five steps of the analytic process?
What are the five steps of the analytic process?

  • Did the analysis answer my original question?
  • Was there any limitation in my analysis which would affect my conclusions?
  • Was the analysis sufficient enough to help decision making?
What are the five steps of the analytic process?
  • Males had a higher chance of survival if they belonged to the upper class. Had an age between 0 to 4 years old, or 18 to 50 years old, and had 1 to 3 relatives traveling onboard the titanic.
  • Females had a higher chance of survival irrespective of their class, but if they had an age between 0 to 4 years old, or 15 to 50 years old, and had 0 to 4 relatives traveling onboard the titanic.


What are the five steps of the analytic process?

A Fun Fact

What are the five steps of the analytic process?