What are two successful strategies for conveying a negative bad news message?

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What are two successful strategies for conveying a negative bad news message?

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Deliver bad news with honesty and empathy.

Jack's boss has just told him that, due to budget cuts, several people in his team will have to go. Jack manages a happy, successful, team, and he has no idea how to deliver this bad news.

It's possible that you've experienced a similar situation, or will have to face one like it in the future. By learning how to deliver bad news honestly, openly, and empathetically, you can help to preserve your working relationships, rather than damage them.

In this article, we'll look at the best approaches to use when delivering a difficult message.

The Art of Delivery

Delivering bad news is something that we all have to do at some point. For example, you may need to tell your boss that a major project is over budget, you might have to tell your team about lay-offs, or you may even have to go on camera to say that your product has safety issues.

There are many reasons why you might need to deliver bad news, which is why it's important to know how to deliver it honestly, empathetically, and gracefully.

After all, the way you communicate bad news can have a direct impact on how the receiver perceives and reacts to the situation, and the way that you communicate in this difficult situation is likely be remembered – either positively or negatively – for a long time.

Lessons From the Medical Field

Much of the research on delivering bad news comes from medicine. It's so important, in this context, that the American Medical Association first included it in its code of conduct as far back as 1847.

Physicians and trauma surgeons often have to deliver difficult – or even devastating – news to their patients. We can apply some of the strategies that they've adopted to a business environment.

Research in the Journal of Trauma-Injury Infection & Critical Care outlines the qualities which family members value most in doctors or nurses who communicate bad news. This research shows that – from the receiver's perspective – the four most important factors are (in order of importance):

  1. The news-giver's attitude.
  2. The clarity of the message.
  3. Privacy.
  4. The person's ability to answer questions.

These findings give a useful guide in the world of business as well. Essentially, they show that your attitude and communication skills have an enormous impact on how your message will be received.

Communication Strategies

No matter what type of bad news you need to communicate, the five steps below can help you to deliver it with honesty, empathy, and grace.

1. Prepare Yourself Emotionally

Bad news can be stressful for anyone who's involved in the conversation. To manage this stress, it's important to prepare yourself first.

Take time to calm your mind, focus, and think about what you want to say. If you do this, your emotions are less likely to get the better of you during the conversation.

By speaking in a calm and clear manner, you'll demonstrate that you're prepared and professional. As such, you're less likely to make the situation worse.

Try to empathize with the other people and take time to work on this before you meet with them. Put yourself in their shoes. Imagine how you'd react if you were in their position. What might they lose as a result of this bad news? How might they feel? Use your understanding of their perspective to shape how you deliver the bad news.

To explore possible outcomes and to prepare for difficult questions which might come up, consider using Role-Play to rehearse your delivery of bad news.

Explore other stress management techniques, such as deep breathing, which can help you calm your body and mind. Remember, the more composed and professional you are when you deliver the bad news, the calmer the other person is likely to be.

2. Identify Solutions

The next step is to identify some solutions, if there are any available. You may not be able to make things right, but you can minimize upset.

Try to identify several solutions before you meet with the other person. This is essential because, once your meeting begins, it might become emotionally charged and you may struggle to think of answers under pressure. However, if you have solutions ready to go, you'll demonstrate professionalism and you'll show that you're focused on moving forward.

For instance, imagine that you've got to announce a major change in your organization. Consider coming to the meeting with several ideas on how your team can adapt to this change quickly and easily, and try to identify positives in the situation.

3. Pay Attention to Setting and Timing

Unless you have to deliver bad news to a group, choose a private setting for your conversation. Privacy allows the other person the freedom to respond and cope in a way that's comfortable for them, which is a key part of helping them to move forward. Turn your cell phone off, and make sure that you won't be interrupted.

Next, pay attention to timing. It's often best to deliver bad news promptly, but without skipping the essential preparation that we have just covered. "Sitting" on bad news can start rumors, and it might also damage your reputation.

Although email is often the fastest way to communicate, it is a terrible channel for delivering bad news. It's best to hold a personal meeting to do this, because you can use the right tone of voice and body language to communicate with empathy – these subtle signals are often lost over the phone, and are nonexistent with email.

4. Be Genuine

When the time comes to deliver the message, try to be authentic and compassionate, and treat the other person with respect and dignity. Don't try to "sugarcoat" the truth; it's best to be forthright and honest about what's happened, and about what you're going to do to make it right.

Remember that your attitude and the clarity of your message are two very important components in this conversation. Be open, clear, and honest.

If you're responsible for the situation, try to explain frankly how your actions contributed to the event. It may help to build trust with the other person by openly communicating what your role was, and by apologizing. Don't try to blame someone else or falsely justify your actions; this is ethically wrong, and it can damage your reputation.

When you deliver bad news, take care to validate the other person's emotions. If he or she says, "I'm angry!," try to show that you understand. For example, you might say "I understand that you're angry, and you have every right to be."

If you repeat words and phrases that the other person uses – "angry," for example – it shows that you're listening, that you understand, and that it's OK that they feel the way that they do.

Once the other person has calmed down, ask whether he has any questions about the situation. Use active listening skills, so that you hear and understand what he says, and address any concerns that he may have.

5. Where Appropriate, Focus on the Positive

If appropriate, try to find a positive in the situation: it can help to remember the phrase "Every cloud has a silver lining."

However, be sensitive with this. If the news you're delivering is truly bad, it will be counterproductive to point out positives.

No matter what your role is, you've probably had to deliver some form of bad news before. The way that you communicate during these tense situations can affect your career in any number of ways, which is why learning how to communicate this effectively is so important.

Take time to prepare before you deliver the news; this gives you a chance to center yourself, and decreases the likelihood that your emotions will influence your message. Come to the meeting with solutions, and make sure that you're honest and genuine during the discussion.

Remember, delivering bad news well can actually strengthen your relationship with colleagues. Therefore, it's definitely worth learning how to do it successfully!


In the business world you are constantly faced with the prospect of having to deliver bad news.

While these situations are difficult, there are steps you can take to ensure that you instill a sense of confidence in your organization. Even if your day-to-day isn’t directly affected by Wall Street, by keeping in mind these five strategies you can navigate the bear markets that arise in your life.

1. Be Real

Under pressure, many people have the impulse to try to spin bad news into a positive. I disagree with this tactic. Instead to maintain your credibility it is important to be straightforward, direct, and authentic. If you’re not, your audience is going to see right through you. You need to give them some sort of hope for the future, but you must navigate the road between being a huckster and being completely downtrodden. Being direct isn’t going to take away the sting of the bad news, but it will help you maintain your credibility and give your audience a reason to trust you in the long-run.

2. Get To The Point

Burying bad news under a mountain of PowerPoint slides will only generate confusion and a likelihood of aggressive questioning. If you are below plan, for example, just say so right away–then give the explanation of how or why the numbers reflect that reality. Not only will your audience be able to digest the information more effectively, but by being direct you also show strength and confidence.

The key here is to be concise. Your audience is smart. If they think you are being anything but straightforward, your credibility will take a hit. No grandiose preambles, no rambling on, and no going off on tangents that may or may not be relevant. Just get to the point.

3. Be Clear

Being clear is absolutely essential when you have to deliver bad news that involves complexity. When talking financials, don’t drown your audience in a sea of endless numbers and data points. You need to present your news in terms of critical takeaways, not data dumps. Here are some questions to ask yourself before you begin.

  • Who is your audience?
  • What do you want to say?
  • What are they expecting to hear?
  • And most importantly: What message do you want your audience to walk away with?

Going through these questions beforehand will help ensure that you are being as clear as possible, giving your audience confidence in your leadership ability.

When delivering bad news, you may need to explain some factors that went into the outcome. However, you don’t need to spend too much time dwelling on past minutiae. Instead, make an effort to translate what this news means for the future. Don’t sugar-coat it; assure your audience that you have a plan. They need to know that you are committed and caring, not brutal and cold. Additionally, you need to consider the personal reactions when the news is especially distressing. If you are facing downsizing, for instance, you have to give a vision for the future that reassures those who will remain with the company.

5. Stay Calm

While this one is a bit of a no brainer, it is often easier said than done (especially if the news is unexpected). Speak with a steady pace and make eye contact every five seconds or so. Don’t rapidly scan your audience or avoid eye contact completely–this will make your audience uneasy. Also, be conscious of how your voice sounds at the ends of sentences. If your voice rises, it makes you sound unsure of yourself. Overall, the idea is to make the best of a bad situation and keep a cool head under pressure. Stay strong for your audience and give them confidence to keep persisting.

When you have to deliver bad numbers or bad news, remember this: It’s not about you. You might be uncomfortable. You might not want to do it. But what matters is that you provide your audience with insight and understanding and a sense that you are in control and caring.

No matter your audience, you need to communicate that despite what the current situation is, you will be able to navigate forward and overcome whatever current obstacles you are facing. In business and in life, inevitably, you will have setbacks. But by keeping these strategies in mind, you can make the most of these unfortunate situations.

Anett Grant is the president and founder of Executive Speaking, Inc., a global speaking coaching company for senior executives. Reach Anett at .