What causes eye boogers in dogs

‘Normal eye gunk is like a vacuum cleaner canister getting filled up with dust,’ Dr. Blair says. ‘Special mucous cells in the eye collect dust, pollen, and particles, and the end result is a slimy grey accumulation of gunk building up in the eyes.’

Dr. Blair says it’s important to regularly clean up the gunk around your dog’s eye with a moistened tissue.

‘If the good gunk is not cleaned, then it will accumulate and stain the hair around the eye,’ he says. ‘If the grey gunk builds up at a greater than normal rate, look for issues causing the problem. For example, your dog riding in the back of the ute.’

If you can’t identify the issue, visit your local Greencross Vets  for advice.

Dr Blair says you can easily identify bad gunk because it is usually yellow or green, in long rope strands.

“Sometimes the eyelids are stuck together. This needs urgent attention from your vet,” he says. “If your dog has chronic grey gunk, then ask your vet for soothing eye drops.

“Tear production is also checked, as a lack of tears is a common problem with junk accumulation.”

On the other hand, some pets have a blocked tear duct, resulting in tears overflowing.

“This shows up as a brown stain on the fur under the eye. See your vet about this problem,” says Dr Blair.

If gunk build up has led to your dog suddenly getting a red eye you should see your local Greencross Vets without delay as it may be a sign of an acute infection, or glaucoma.

Conversely, you should not clean up the bad gunk. Instead, take your pet straight to the vet so that they can assess the situation.

“If bad gunk is allowed to accumulate, then permanent eye damage may result,” he says.

“Skin will heal easily, but the eye is a very specialised organ and has poor powers of healing, so prompt attention and treatment is the key to keeping the eyes healthy.”

Keeping a watchful eye on booger build-up in your good boy's eyes and knowing what to look for can protect him from potential eye problems.

From scooping poop on a walk to picking up used puppy pads at home, pet ownership is not always glamorous, but cleaning up after our canine companions comes with the territory.

Along with wiping up drool and scrubbing teeth to combat stinky breath, pet parents may notice their pooch has some eye discharge from time to time. While experienced owners might not bat an eye at first, there are times when dog eye boogers warrant a second glance.

Don't worry—if you keep your own eyes peeled for anything abnormal, you can spot an issue and seek treatment as necessary to protect your pup from more serious eye problems.

What causes eye boogers in dogs
- simonapilolla / Getty

simonapilolla / Getty

Causes of Dog Eye Discharge

"Dog boogers are a normal part of being a dog," says Angelica Dimock, DVM, managing shelter veterinarian at the Animal Humane Society in Minn. "The discharge is made of debris, skin cells, and tears, and are usually tan or brown in color."

Much like the way humans develop "sleep" in the corners of their eyes, dogs' eyes often get a little crusty. A normal dog eye may accumulate brown or "rusty" discharge, and boogies are often more apparent in certain pups.

Poodles especially are prone to watery eyes and tear staining, known as epiphora, says Mike Petty, DVM, past president of the International Veterinary Academy of Pain Management and owner of Arbor Pointe Veterinary Hospital in Mich. Droopy-eyed dogs, like bloodhounds, and brachycephalic breeds with smushy faces, such as shih tzus and pugs, may also be more susceptible, Dimock says.

So what happens when your dog's eye discharge looks different than normal?

What the Color of Your Dog's Eye Discharge Means

  • Yellow or green dog eye discharge: Boogies with a mucus-y color likely indicate an eye infection and should be examined by your veterinarian.
  • White or cloudy dog eye discharge: Dogs with cloudy or white eye discharge likely are experiencing eye inflammation rather than infection—a common culprit is allergies. Eyes might also appear inflamed due to corneal ulcers, dry eye, or a foreign object irritating the eye.
  • Red or bloody dog eye discharge: Bloody discharge is never normal and requires immediate veterinary attention. Causes include injury, extreme inflammation, glaucoma, or a tumor, Dimock says.

Of course, when humans think of eye infection, we think pink eye. So, can dogs get pink eye? Typically no—not in the traditional human sense, anyway, Dimock says. Dogs with pink eyes are most likely experiencing another cause of inflammation not linked to the same infection spread between humans, and pink eye is not something typically spread from pup to owner, or vice versa.

Dog Eye Discharge Treatment and Home Remedies

"Home treatment for eye discharge that is causing no discomfort include wiping with a tissue or damp cloth," Dimock says. "OTC drops such as contact solution (sterile saline) can be used as well every 2–4 hours. If using drops, make sure not to touch the tip of the bottle to the eye to prevent contamination."

Never use eye drops prescribed for human use on your dog's eyes, and you should consult with your vet before using a medication previously prescribed to your pup because the problem causing the funky discharge may be different from a prior issue and require another medication or treatment.

If your dog is clearly in pain, or the discharge returns soon after cleaning it and does not seem to be improving after a few days of at-home treatment, it's time to check in with your vet. Pups with painful eye problems may rub their head against the ground, scratch at their eye, blink excessively, or appear unable to open the affected eye. Your vet can prescribe eye drops or other necessary medications for treatment.

How to Put Eye Drops in Your Dog's Eyes

To administer eye drops at home, Dimock recommends making it fun for your dog. Be generous with treats, make sure he knows what a good boy he is, and follow up the ordeal with something he enjoys, like a walk or game of fetch.

Petty suggests facing your pup forward, rather than tilting his head up, for optimal delivery. "If you are right-handed, hold the bottle of drops in your right hand and rest your wrist on top of the dog's head," Petty says. "Never tilt the dog's head up so that they can see the eye drop coming, you should have the dog look forward as you put the drop in. It makes for a slightly smaller target, but I promise the dog will blink each and every time that it sees the drop on its way."

How to Keep Your Dog's Eyes Healthy

The most important thing a pet owner can do to protect their pup is keep their own eyes open for anything out of the ordinary. Remaining vigilant to abnormal dog eye discharge and signs of pain, followed up with a visit to the vet, can prevent more serious issues down the line. If those puppy-dog eyes lose that special sparkle that makes your heart melt, you'll know.

According to Beth Kimmitt, DVM, resident of ophthalmology at Purdue University’s College of Veterinary Medicine in West Lafayette, Indiana, a dog’s eye is always producing tears, and these tears typically drain at the corners of the eye. “Technically, a normal eye should not have any ocular discharge, but a small amount of clear discharge may be OK,” she tells us. Clear dog eye discharge might look brown and slightly crusty when it dries.

This type of dog eye discharge means it’s time to visit the vet.

If your dog has colored green eye discharge, yellow eye discharge or another colored eye discharge, schedule a vet appointment immediately. Other signs of a potential problem include squinting, a red-looking eye, or if your dog is rubbing or pawing at his eye. If you think something is wrong with your dog’s eye, don’t wait too long to make that vet appointment — his eyesight could be at risk.

Abnormal eye leakage might signal a dog eye infection or other issues.

“The presence of ocular discharge is a non-specific sign,” Dr. Kimmitt says. “This means that it can be caused by a variety of ocular disorders. Common causes of dog eye discharge include ulcers, entropion, keratoconjunctivitis sicca and conjunctivitis (allergic or bacterial).” A corneal ulcer is damage to the cornea, which is the clear membrane that covers the iris and pupil.

Entropion is a condition in which the eyelid rolls inward, causing eyelashes to rub against the cornea. Keratoconjunctivitis sicca (called dry eye) is dryness of the conjunctiva, which is membrane that covers the white part of the eye. Conjunctivitis (sometimes called pink eye) is inflammation of the eye. A vet exam and tests can pinpoint the cause of your dog’s abnormal eye discharge.

Certain breeds are prone to dog eye discharge.

Brachycephalic dog breeds like Pugs and Boxers might have slightly more eye leakage than other breeds due to the combination of a short nose and large, round eyes. In these breeds, some dog eye discharge might be normal, especially if it’s clear, but abnormal dog eye boogers deserve a vet visit.

Poodles and Cocker Spaniels are more prone to blocked tear ducts, too. Usually, these ducts drain the tears from your dog’s eyes out through the nose and back of the throat. With the tear ducts blocked, there’s nowhere for the tears to drain, so they spill over the eye rims and run down the face.

If you see brown tear stains, it doesn’t necessarily mean something is wrong.

“Dogs with white hair coats (like Maltese, Poodles, etc.) might show the discharge easier than other colors,” Dr. Kimmitt says. You can help minimize dog tear stains by wiping the under-eye area frequently and keeping it as dry as possible. You can also try one of the whitening products sold specifically to help with tear stains.

It’s important to keep your dog’s eye area clean.

“A soft, wet cloth can be used to gently wipe away the discharge,” Dr. Kimmitt advises. You can also use a veterinary eye cleaning product to combat dog eye discharge — just make sure it doesn’t contain any alcohol.