What does the beginning of preeclampsia feel like?

Everyone wants their pregnancy to go along perfectly, but the reality is that sometimes challenges crop up even in the healthiest humans. Preeclampsia is a condition that plagues many women, but in most cases it can be treated effectively so as not to cause harm to a woman or her baby. Many preeclampsia symptoms mimic pregnancy symptoms, and there may be some things you didn't realize are signs of preeclampsia.

According to Web MD, preeclampsia is pregnancy condition characterized by high blood pressure. But your past medical history is not a predictor of this condition. Women who've never had blood pressure issues, before or during pregnancy, can develop preeclampsia. The Mayo Clinic said even the slightest uptick in blood pressure can indicate possible preeclampsia. The same site explained that the condition is diagnosed around 20 weeks or after.

Web MD made clear that preeclampsia is not curable, which is obviously quite scary for moms to be, but it is treatable. There are possible complications, some of which can be deadly for mom and baby, but nothing that can't be treated if noticed or observed in an adequate time frame. Here are nine signs you might have the condition without even knowing it.


You Notice Swelling

The narrative of a pregnant woman seems to always involve swelling, particularly regarding the feet. Pregnant women, for several obvious reasons, tend to bloat up while harboring a baby or babies in their bodies. But the same Mayo Clinic post above explained that if swelling is sudden, especially in your face or hands, it might be a sign that something is wrong and it'd be best to call a doctor right away.


You Experience Headaches

Those prone to migraines might find this symptom tricky. The Preeclampsia website explained that it doesn't matter if you have dull headaches or severe ones — if they don't go away that could be a cause for concern. The same site noted that many women ultimately diagnosed with preeclampsia explain their headaches as "migraine like."


You Deal With Nausea Or Vomiting

Again, this is a symptom that mimics pregnancy symptoms. Morning sickness, usually subsides by the 20 week mark though, which is the time most women get diagnosed with preeclampsia. The same Web MD article above explained that if you're experiencing extreme dizziness and excessive vomiting you should be seen as soon as possible.


You Have Abdominal & Shoulder Pain

According to the Preeclampsia website, the type of abdominal pain is usually under the ribs and on the right side. Sometimes pregnant women might confuse the pain for heartburn, flu, indigestion, or pain from the baby kicking.

The same site explained that the shoulder pain is often considered "referred pain" because it radiates from the liver under the right ribs. It can feel like someone is pinching you hard and deep along the bra strap or on your neck. It might even be painful to lie on your right side.

Both types of pain indicate the origin of issue may be the liver. The site recommended that if you feel either one to not delay and call your doctor immediately.


You Have Lower Back Pain

I felt like my whole pregnancy was spent trying to alleviate my lower back pain. Pillows, prenatal yoga, and plain old giving up. Anything I could do to take the pressure off of those muscles, I was game for.

The Preeclampsia website pointed out that lower back pain associated with the preeclampsia is actually a little different than pregnancy back pain based off the fact that it is generally very acute. This specific pain is an indication of a liver issue as well and needs to checked out.


You Gain Weight Suddenly

Pregnant women gain weight when they're making a human, it generally comes with the territory. According to Baby Center if you are gaining more than four pounds a week, this is a cause for concern. Excessive weight gain in preeclampsia sufferers is caused by water retention. Damaged blood vessels allow more water to leak into your body's tissues. The water is not passed through the kidneys to be excreted and just stays in the body.


You Have Blurry Vision

According to a 2013 study done by the Ross Eye Institute in Buffalo, New York vision complications are the most common complaint in those diagnosed with preeclampsia. The study noted that 25 percent of sufferers present visual symptoms that include blurriness, inability to focus, and, in some cases, full blindness.


You Have Shortness Of Breath

If you're not normally an anxious person or you experience a sudden heightened form of anxiety, the Preeclampsia website noted that it could be preeclampsia. Shortness of breath, a racing pulse, mental confusion, or feeling of doom could all be possible signs that your blood pressure is up. Rarely, it could also mean that fluid is collecting in your lungs (pulmonary edema).


You Don't Have Symptoms

Some women who have preeclampsia experience no noticeable symptoms, according to Baby Center. The site noted that those women in the early stages of the illness may not even register a change or that something is wrong. It's important to note as well that this illness can vary woman to woman.

You will be your best monitor and advocate while you're pregnant for you and your baby. If you feel like something is off, even if it's a typical pregnancy symptom, tell your medical provider as they'll be able to run tests and figure out if you need to be treated for preeclampsia or any other serious condition.

  • Preeclampsia is a serious condition of pregnancy, usually characterised by high blood pressure, protein in the urine and severe swelling.
  • Most women with preeclampsia feel fine. That is why regular antenatal check-ups are vital.
  • There is no cure for preeclampsia, except birth of the baby and delivery of the placenta.

Preeclampsia is a disorder of pregnancy characterised by high maternal blood pressure, and protein in the urine. It is the most common serious medical complication of pregnancy, affecting around 5 to 8 per cent of all pregnancies in Australia. 1 to 2 per cent of cases are severe enough to threaten the lives of both the mother and her unborn child.

The causes of this condition are not fully understood, but genetic factors and the placenta seem to play significant roles. Preeclampsia tends to be more common in first, rather than subsequent, pregnancies.

The woman's blood pressure usually returns to normal after the baby is born and the placenta is delivered.

Effects of preeclampsia on the mother

Preeclampsia may develop at any time during the second half of pregnancy, but commonly develops during the later stages of pregnancy. Preeclampsia most commonly causes high blood pressure and protein in the urine. The seriousness of the disease is decided by the level of the blood pressure. In its mildest form, protein will show in a urine test and blood pressure may be only slightly raised. However, preeclampsia can become very serious.

At its most serious, blood pressure can be very high and other body organs are affected such as the kidneys, liver, brain and blood (in particular, the blood clotting system).

If left untreated, preeclampsia can lead to serious problems such as: fitting or convulsions, kidney failure, liver failure, clotting problems or death.

All forms of preeclampsia need to be treated.

Who is at risk of preeclampsia?

It is difficult to predict who will be affected, but certain women appear to be more at risk than others, including women who:

  • are having their first pregnancy
  • have pre-existing high blood pressure
  • have a family history of the condition
  • have diabetes
  • are pregnant with more than one baby in the womb.

What are the symptoms of preeclampsia?

Preeclampsia initially has no obvious symptoms and most women with the condition feel well. That’s why regular antenatal checks of your blood pressure are so important.

Early symptoms of preeclampsia include:

  • a sudden rise in blood pressure (above levels at the start of pregnancy)
  • proteinuria (protein in your urine).

Over time, you may also develop fluid retention (oedema). Oedema is a common pregnancy symptom, usually causing swelling of the feet and ankles. However, sudden swelling of the face, hands and feet can be a sign of preeclampsia.

Some of the advanced symptoms of preeclampsia include:

If left untreated, preeclampsia can lead to serious problems such as:

  • fitting or convulsions
  • kidney failure
  • liver failure
  • blood clotting problems
  • death.

Effects of preeclampsia on the unborn baby

Around 5 to 8 per cent of pre-term deliveries in Australia are due to preeclampsia or its associated complications. In the womb, the baby is attached to a special organ of pregnancy called the placenta. It is the placenta that provides the baby with oxygen and nutrients from the mother’s blood and gets rid of waste products (such as carbon dioxide) by passing them back to the mother’s blood.

If the mother has preeclampsia, high blood pressure can slow down the amount of oxygen and nutrients that are able to get through to the baby. In severe cases, the baby can be gradually starved of oxygen and nutrients, which may affect growth. This growth restriction threatens the life of the baby and it is then necessary for the baby to be born early, even prematurely.

Another serious complication of preeclampsia is placental abruption, where the placenta separates from the uterine wall and the woman experiences vaginal bleeding and abdominal pain. This is a medical emergency.

Diagnosis of preeclampsia

Some symptoms of preeclampsia, such as fluid retention, are also typical of normal pregnancy, so women may dismiss the early warning signs. This is why regular antenatal blood pressure checks are vital to detecting and diagnosing preeclampsia.

Preeclampsia is diagnosed when high blood pressure (140/90 mm Hg or higher) occurs together with one or more of the following after 20 weeks pregnancy:

  • protein in the urine – determined by analysis of a urine sample
  • swelling and fluid in the feet hands and face
  • liver function abnormalities – determined by a blood test for liver function
  • kidney function abnormalities – determined by a blood test for kidney function
  • blood clotting abnormalities – determined by a blood test for platelet count
  • onset of headaches or visual disturbances
  • fetal growth restriction – determined by fetal ultrasound.

Treatment of preeclampsia

If you are diagnosed with mild preeclampsia your GP (doctor) will advise you as to how often you need to have antenatal check-ups. Your blood pressure and urine will be tested regularly, and you will be asked about any symptoms you may have.

If you are diagnosed with severe preeclampsia you may need to be admitted to hospital for monitoring and treatment – this may be until your baby is born. Treatment may include:

  • rest
  • blood pressure medication
  • anticonvulsant medication.

At present, the only cure for preeclampsia is for the baby to be born and the placenta to be delivered. In some cases this may mean that your labour is induced.

Current preeclampsia research

Maternal deaths in Australia are very rare; however, preeclampsia and its associated complications are responsible for around 15 per cent of maternal deaths.

Medical researchers are looking for ways to predict preeclampsia, in order to reduce the risks for mothers and their babies. Since preeclampsia tends to run in families, scientists are currently looking for the specific gene(s) which might be responsible for preeclampsia. If discovered, it is hoped there will eventually be a prepregnancy test for the condition.

Where to get help

  • Your GP (doctor)
  • Midwife
  • Obstetrician

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What does the beginning of preeclampsia feel like?

What does the beginning of preeclampsia feel like?

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What does the beginning of preeclampsia feel like?

What does the beginning of preeclampsia feel like?

This page has been produced in consultation with and approved by:

What does the beginning of preeclampsia feel like?

What does the beginning of preeclampsia feel like?

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