What Hex code is YouTube dark mode?

Watch YouTube in Dark theme

Dark theme allows you to tone down your screen’s glare and experience YouTube with a dark background.

Watch YouTube in Dark theme to activate Ambient mode ft. Raymond Strazdas 🕶️ 🎨


If you’d like to watch YouTube in Ambient mode, you have to turn on Dark theme first for your device.

  1. Click your profile picture
    What Hex code is YouTube dark mode?
  2. Click Appearance.
  3. Select "Dark theme"to use the dark theme setting.
    Turn onLight themeor Use device theme.

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The official colors of YouTube are YouTube red and almost black. YouTube logo colors represent excitement and power. The YouTube color palette has changed in 2017. YouTube color scheme can be used for design projects and purposes. YouTube color codes and scheme for Pantone, HTML, HEX, RGB, and CMYK can be found below.

YouTube Official and Primary Colors

The official and primary colors of YouTube can be found below.

What Hex code is YouTube dark mode?

Youtube RedHex: #FF0000RGB: (255, 0, 0)CMYK: (0, 99, 100, 0)PANTONE: PMS Bright Red C

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Almost BlackHex: #282828RGB: (40, 40, 40)

CMYK: (71, 65, 64, 68)


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Color Codes of Youtube in HEX, RGB, CMYK and Pantone
Color NameHEX Color CodeRGB Color CodeCMYK Color CodePantone Color Code
Youtube Red#FF0000(255, 0, 0)(0, 99, 100, 0)PMS Bright Red C
Almost Black#282828(40, 40, 40)(71, 65, 64, 68)PMS 426 C

YouTube Hex Color Codes

YouTube HEX color codes are #FF0000 for YouTube red and #282828 for almost black. YouTube colors as HEX can be found below.

YouTube HEX color for YouTube red can be found below.


YouTube HEX color for almost black can be found below.


Color Codes of Youtube as HEX
Color NameHEX Color Code
Youtube Red#FF0000
Almost Black#282828

YouTube Color Codes RGB

YouTube RGB color scheme is (255, 0, 0) for YouTube red and (40, 40, 40) for almost black. YouTube color palette as RGB can be found below.

YouTube RGB color code for YouTube red can be found below.

(255, 0, 0)

YouTube RGB color code for almost black can be found below.

(40, 40, 40)

Color Codes of Youtube as RGB
Color NameRGB Color Code
Youtube Red(255, 0, 0)
Almost Black(40, 40, 40)

YouTube Color Scheme CMYK

YouTube CMYK color codes are (0, 99, 100, 0) for YouTube red and (71, 65, 64, 68) for almost black. YouTube color palette as CMYK can be found below.

YouTube CMYK color code for YouTube red can be found below.

(0, 99, 100, 0)

YouTube CMYK color code for almost black can be found below.

(71, 65, 64, 68)

Color Codes of Youtube as CMYK
Color NameCMYK Color Code
Youtube Red(0, 99, 100, 0)
Almost Black(71, 65, 64, 68)

YouTube Pantone Colors

YouTube Pantone color codes are PMS Bright Red C for YouTube red and PMS 426 C for almost black. YouTube Pantone colors can be found below.

YouTube Pantone (PMS) color code for YouTube red can be found below.

PMS Bright Red C

YouTube Pantone (PMS) color for almost black can be found below.

PMS 426 C

Color Codes of Youtube as Pantone
Color NamePantone Color Code
Youtube RedPMS Bright Red C
Almost BlackPMS 426 C

What are the Logo Colors of YouTube?

YouTube logo has YouTube red and almost black colors and a right-pointing triangle in the middle of a rounded rectangle object and the name YouTube with the letters “Y“ and “T“ capitalized. The YouTube logo meaning symbolizes personal entertainment. The rectangle object resembles a play button.

YouTube Logo Color Palette Image Format

The YouTube logo colors can be found in an image format below.

What Hex code is YouTube dark mode?

YouTube Logo Fonts

The YouTube logo font is YouTube Sans, a custom font. The YouTube Sans font is used for the logo, branding, and merchandise. The YouTube Sans font was created by Letterjuice and URW++.

YouTube Logo JPG

The YouTube logo in JPG format can be found below.

What Hex code is YouTube dark mode?

To download the YouTube logo in JPG format, right-click and choose save.

YouTube Logo PNG

The YouTube logo in PNG format can be found below.

What Hex code is YouTube dark mode?

To download the YouTube logo in PNG format, right-click and choose save.

YouTube logo meaning is empowering creators and viewers for personalized entertainment. YouTube logo colors symbolize excitement and power. The YouTube red color from the YouTube logo represents excitement. The almost black color from YouTube logo symbolizes power.

YouTube Logo Story

YouTube logo has been created by Saffron Consultants. Saffron Consultants has created YouTube logo and chosen YouTube red and almost black as the YouTube brand color palette because of its ties to traditional cinema and enlivening look.

YouTube Logo Colors Confirmation

YouTube logo colors are confirmed by the YouTube company. The YouTube red and almost black colors for the YouTube brand logo can be confirmed by visiting the YouTube official website.

What are Other Similar Brands that Use Same Color Schemes as YouTube?

Brands that use colors similar to YouTube are listed below.

  1. LastPass
  2. Red Hat
  3. Coca-Cola
  4. Lego