What is a set of activities designed to attract qualified applicants for job position vacancies in an organization?

Recruitment refers to the process of identifying, attracting, interviewing, selecting, hiring and onboarding employees. In other words, it involves everything from the identification of a staffing need to filling it.

Depending on the size of an organization, recruitment is the responsibility of a range of workers. Larger organizations may have entire teams of recruiters, while others only a single recruiter. In small outfits, the hiring manager may be responsible for recruiting. In addition, many organizations outsource recruiting to outside firms. Companies almost always recruit candidates for new positions via advertisements, job boards, social media sites, and others. Many companies utilize recruiting software to more effectively and efficiently source top candidates. Regardless, recruitment typically works in conjunction with, or as a part of Human Resources.

What is recruiting in HRM?

Human Resource Management, otherwise known as HRM or HR for short, is the function of people management within an organization. HR is responsible for facilitating the overall goals of the organization through effective administration of human capital — focusing on employees as the company's most important asset.

Recruitment is the first step in building an organization's human capital. At a high level, the goals are to locate and hire the best candidates, on time, and on budget.

What does recruitment involve?

While the recruitment process is unique to each organization, there are 15 essential steps of the hiring process. We’ve listed them here, but for a detailed exploration of these steps, check out our page on Hiring Process Steps:

Types of recruiting

There are several types of recruiting. Here’s an overview:

Internal Recruiting: internal recruiting involves filling vacancies with existing employees from within an organization.

Retained Recruiting: When organization hire a recruiting firm, there are several ways to do so; retained recruiting is a common one. When an organization retains a recruiting firm to fill a vacancy, they pay an upfront fee to fill the position. The firm is responsible for finding candidates until the position is filled. The organization also agrees to work exclusively with the firm. Companies cannot, in other words, hire multiple recruiting firms to fill the same position.

Contingency Recruiting: like retained recruiting, contingency recruiting requires an outside firm. Unlike retained recruiting, there is no upfront fee with contingency. Instead, the recruitment company receives payment only when the clients they represent are hired by an organization.

Staffing Recruiting: staffing recruiters work for staffing agencies. Staffing recruiting matches qualified applicants with qualified job openings. Moreover, staffing agencies typically focus on short-term or temporary employment positions.

Outplacement Recruiting: outplacement is typically an employer-sponsored benefit which helps former employees transition into new jobs. Outplacement recruiting is designed to provide displaced employees with the resources to find new positions or careers.

Reverse Recruiting: refers to the process whereby an employee is encouraged to seek employment with a different organization that offers a better fit for their skill set. We offer Reverse Recruiting Days to help workers with this process. At our Reverse Recruiting Days we review resumes, conduct mock interviews, and offer deep dives into specific job roles. Click here for more information.

Tips for effective recruiting

Recruitment is a nuanced process that requires extensive research, thorough procedures, and finesse in order to produce high-quality hires with regularity. With that in mind, here are out top-three tips for effective recruitment:

  • Look internally before externally: there’s a good chance the best candidate for your position is already working for your organization. Internal candidates are already familiar with and contributing to your corporate culture and goals. Given their past success within your organization, it is reasonable to expect they will continue to excel in a new position.
  • Reach out to “passive” candidates: there is a good chance your ideal candidate is not actively looking for a new job and will not respond to your job board ad. Why? Because they’re likely already employed elsewhere. After all, why wouldn’t your competitors also want to employ your ideal candidate? Therefore, effective recruiting requires you to look outside of your applicant pool for top talent. Encouraging your staff to attend industry conferences and participate in professional organizations; developing relationships with local university business schools (or other relevant departments); searching social media sites (i.e. LinkedIn) for strong resumes from candidates who might not be actively looking for a new job; and encouraging your employees to refer people they know or are connected to are all important mechanisms through which to expand your recruitment network.
  • Hire the sure thing: according to two authors and experts, you should hire the person who is already excelling doing the exact job in your industry. Past success, in other words, is the best indicator of future success.


At its core, recruiting is a rather simple concept--it encompasses identifying candidates and hiring them to fill open positions. However, effective recruiting combines a bit of art with science. It requires implementing repeatable processes that will lead to reliable results, on the one hand. On the other, it requires sophistication to think outside the box in order to find your ideal candidate.

Recruitment is a set of activities designed to attract a qualified pool of

job applicants to an organization. Emphasis on qualified is important.

Effective recruitment brings employment opportunities to the attention

of persons with abilities and skills appropriate to job specifications. Then

and only then will recruiting facilitate the accomplishment of organiza-

tional objectives and fulfill its function as an essential ingredient in the

total staffing process. In this process, human-resource planning leads to

recruiting, which sets the stage for selection.

The three steps in the recruitment process are: 1) advertisement of

a job vacancy, 2) preliminary contact with potential job candidates, and

3) initial screening to create a pool of qualified applicants. You may know

the process best in your response as an applicant to newspaper ads or

word-of-mouth advertisements of job openings. Most probably you will

become involved with the recruiting process when interviewing represen-

tatives of organizations visiting your campus in search of new employees.

Project yourself into this situation. You are near graduation and want

a full-time job that relates to your major field of study. What will the

three steps in recruiting process look like from your side of things? Pro-

bably the following.

1. Job advertisement. The organization advertises its job vacancies by

posting short job descriptions at the campus placement center and/or in

the campus newspaper.

2. Preliminary contact. You sign up for an interview with a recruiter

on campus; during a short (20–30 minute) interview you present a writ-

ten resume of your background and explain your qualifications.

3. Initial screening. The recruiter discusses interview results and your

resume with appropriate line managers; based on their knowledge of job

specifications, you are among the candidates selected for a formal visit

to the organization.

This is the recruitment process through the applicant’s eyes. What

are these aspects of recruiting from the perspectives of line managers and

of recruiting specialists from a personnel department?

External and internal recruitment. There are two basic categories of

job candidates toward whom recruited efforts can be directed – qualified

employees ready for promotion or transfer from within the organization,

and persons from the outside. Internal recruitment involves making em-

ployees aware of job vacancies through job posting and personal recom-


What is a set of activities designed to attract qualified applicants for job position vacancies in an organization?
What is a set of activities designed to attract qualified applicants for job position vacancies in an organization?

mendations. Internal recruitment demonstrates internal opportunities

to advance in one’s career by working hard and achieving high perfor-

mance at each point of responsibility.

External recruitment involves the attraction of job candidates from

sources external to the organization. Newspapers, employment agencies,

technical training centers, personal contacts, referrals and even persons

in competing organizations are among the sources of external recruits.

Each of these recruitment strategies offers potential advantages and

disadvantages to the organization. Internal recruitment is usually the

least expensive, deals with persons of known performance records, en-

courages hard work among those desiring such opportunities. External

recruiting, on the other hand, brings in outsiders with fresh perspectives.

It also represents a source of specialized expertise or work experience

that is not otherwise available from insiders. Overall, a good strategy is

to maintain a mixture of external and internal recruiting. This allows the

manager and organization to gain the best advantage of each as circum-

stances allow.

1. In the process of recruitment emphasis on the word qualified is


2. In this process human-resource planning doesn’t always lead to


3. There are five steps in the recruiting process through the appli-

cant’s eyes.

4. Internal recruitment involves employees’ awareness of job vacan-

cies inside an organization.

5. External recruitment involves the attraction of job candidates from

sources external to the organization.

6. Internal recruitment is usually the most expensive.

7. External recruitment brings the outsiders with fresh perspectives.

8. A good recruitment strategy is to choose only one of the two


9. A mixture of external and internal recruiting allows the manager to

gain the best advantage of each.

Scan the text once again and speak in detail on external and internal


Text 6

Read the following text and answer the questions that follow it.

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Page 2

Сделать свою собственную погремушку - это очень мощный опыт. Если вы делаете это правильно, вы можете ощутить её силу с самого начала. Николас Вуд в своей прекрасной вдохновляющей книге "Голоса из Земли", а также Бернард С. Мейсон в своей классической работе "Как делать барабаны, бубны и погремушки" дают превосходные советы. Я настоятельно рекомендую вам прочитать эти книги, прежде чем начать. Но есть несколько моментов, которые я хотел бы отметить сам. Процесс творения всегда священен, и погремушка - не исключение. Если хотите сделать погремушку, будет хорошей идеей попросить своих Духов-помощников о помощи. Расскажите им, что хотите сделать погремушку для того, чтобы, например, почитать их, или чтобы лечить, или вступать в контакт с Духами Природы, или отметить особую веху в своей жизни, или чтобы кому-нибудь её подарить. Слушайте, что они скажут. Возможно, они посоветуют вам, какие материалы использовать, какие камешки или объекты поместить внутрь, как украсить ее снаружи, какое дерево или иной материал использовать для ручки. Вариантов здесь много. Позвольте Духам решать и сделайте, как они скажут. Может быть, они захотят, чтобы вы вышли из дома и нашли маленькие белые камешки, принесённые муравьями из Нижнего Мира, как это делают индейцы племени лакота. Или, возможно, они скажут вам использовать кусочки хрусталя из ожерелья, которое сломалось на прошлой неделе. Что бы это ни было, не забывайте, что у каждой части погремушки есть собственный Дух, и его надо благодарить!

Не расстраивайтесь, если конечный предмет выглядит не совсем так, каким вы увидели его в путешествии. То, как он смотрится в вашей руке - это всего лишь его образ в обыденной реальности. Как выглядит ваша погремушка, когда вы берёте ее в путешествие к Духам и предлагаете им в дар? Как они ее принимают? Как она "работает"? Вот это действительно важно. Если это подарок кому-то другому, ваши Духи могут даже сообщить вам, какие слова стоит сказать, преподнося подарок.

Делая свою собственную погремушку, вы обнаружите, что быстро вошли в контакт с её Духом, и сможете сразу начать у него учиться. "Посвящение" (инициация) погремушки происходит, когда вы впервые используете её для призыва Духов, а затем отправляетесь с ней в путешествие к вашим Духам-помощникам и учителям, чтобы показать её им. После этого вы сами станете посвящёнными в её суть и работу с ней. Как бы то ни было, в это время вы встретитесь с Духом той погремушки, которую держите в своей руке.

Перевод Павла Ивкина


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