What is the position nature and size of the image formed by a concave mirror when the object is at C the center of curvature of the mirror?

Edited by Sim, Jen Moreau

Is defined as a spherical mirror with a polished inner side.

The type of images formed by a concave mirror depends on the position of the object to the mirror. If the distance of an object say OO' from a concave mirror is changed, then the nature, size, and location of the image are also changed.

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Formation of different images depending on the position of the object are shown below:.

  1. 1

  2. 2

  3. 3

  4. 4

  5. 5

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Categories : Physics

Recent edits by: Sim

Formation of image depends upon the position of the object. There are six possibilities of the position of object in the case of concave mirror.

Since parallel rays coming from the object converge at principal focus, F of a concave mirror; after reflection. Hence, when the object is at infinity the image will form at F.

What is the position nature and size of the image formed by a concave mirror when the object is at C the center of curvature of the mirror?

Fig: Object at Infinity

Properties of image:
  • Point sized
  • Highly diminished
  • Real and inverted

Object between infinity and Centre of Curvature:

When object is placed between infinity and centre of curvature of a concave mirror the image is formed between centre of curvature (C) and focus (F).

What is the position nature and size of the image formed by a concave mirror when the object is at C the center of curvature of the mirror?

Fig: Object Between Infinity and C

Properties of image:
  • Diminished compared to object
  • Real and inverted

When the object is placed at centre of curvature (C) of a concave mirror, a real and inverted image is formed at the same position.

What is the position nature and size of the image formed by a concave mirror when the object is at C the center of curvature of the mirror?

Fig: Object at C

Properties of image:
  • Same size as object
  • Real and inverted

Object between Centre of curvature (C) and Principal Focus (F):

When the object is placed between centre of curvature and principal focus of concave mirror, a real image is formed beyond the centre of curvature (C).

What is the position nature and size of the image formed by a concave mirror when the object is at C the center of curvature of the mirror?

Fig: Object between C and F

Properties of image:
  • Larger than object
  • Real and inverted

When the object is placed at principal focus (F) of a concave mirror, a highly enlarged image is formed at infinity.

What is the position nature and size of the image formed by a concave mirror when the object is at C the center of curvature of the mirror?

Fig: Object at F

Properties of image:
  • Highly enlarged
  • Real and inverted

Object between Principal Focus (F) and Pole (P):

When the object is placed between principal focus and pole of a concave mirror, an enlarged, virtual and erect image is formed behind the mirror.

What is the position nature and size of the image formed by a concave mirror when the object is at C the center of curvature of the mirror?

Fig: Object between F and P

Properties of image:
  • Enlarged
  • Virtual and erect
Positions of Object and Image in Concave Mirror
Position of ObjectPosition of ImageSize of ImageNature of Image
At infinityAt focusPoint sized, highly diminishedReal and inverted
Between infinity and CBetween F and CDminishedReal and inverted
At CAt CSame sizeReal and inverted
Between C and FBeyond CEnlargedReal and inverted
At FAt infinityHighly enlargedReal and inverted
Between F and PBehind mirrorEnlargedVirtual and erect

Copyright © excellup 2014

3. Find the size, nature and position of image formed when an object of size 1 cm is placed at a distance of 25 cm from a concave mirror of focal length 20 cm ?

Sol: Here we have been given the object distance and focal length, so first of all we will find out the image distance which will give us the position of image.

(i) Position of image

Here, Object distance, u = − 25 cm (To the left of mirror)
Image distance, v = ? (To be calculated)
And, Focal length, f = − 20 cm (It is concave mirror)
Now, putting these values in the mirror formula :
1/f = 1/v + 1/u
We get: 1/–20 = 1/v + 1/– 25
(or) – 1/20 = 1/v – 1/25
(or) 1/v = 1/25 – 1/20
= 4 – 5/100
= – 1/100
So Image distance, v = − 100cm

Thus, the position of image is 100 cm to the left side of mirror or 100 cm in front of mirror (Minus sign shows the left side of mirror).

(ii) Nature of image

Since the image is formed in front of the concave mirror, its nature will be “Real and Inverted”.

(iii) Size of image

To find the size of image, we will have to calculate the magnification first.

The magnification produced by a mirror is given by :
m = v/u
Here Image distance, v = − 100cm
Object distance, u = − 25cm
So, m = – (–100) / (– 25) = –4
Magnification,m = −4
We also have another formula for magnification, which is :
m = h2/h1
Here, Magnification,m = −4 (Found above)
Height of image,h2 = ? (To be calculated)
Height of object,h1 = 1cm (Given)
Now, putting these values in the above magnification formula, we get:
– 4 = h2/1

Thus, the size of image is 4 cm long. The minus sign here shows that the image is formed below the principal axis.

That is, it is a real and inverted image.

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