What is the purpose of dog whiskers

Even if you don’t have a pet, you probably have a basic idea of what whiskers are. Even as a little kid, if you were sketching a dog or cat, you made sure to draw the little lines sticking out from its nose. But why do dogs have whiskers?

What are whiskers?

No, they aren’t extra-long facial hairs, like the dog version of a mustache. The purpose of dog whiskers is something totally different. Whiskers, also known as “vibrissae,” are the coarse hairs around dogs’ noses and jaws, and above their eyes as well. To be exact, “whiskers are specialized hairs that are tied to sensory nerves around a dog’s face,” explains Dr. Jennifer Coates, Chewy vet expert. Cats, rabbits, rats, and lots of other animals have whiskers as well.

So what do dog whiskers do? It turns out that they play a crucial role in the way dogs approach the world around them. Different from ordinary hairs, the hair follicles at the base of whiskers are equipped with nerves. So whiskers are very sensitive to everything from physical objects to shifting air currents. When whiskers come into contact with something, the nerves send signals to the dog’s brain, allowing the dog to evaluate what’s close by. “A dog’s whiskers can help them sense a nearby object, even in the dark, before they bump into it and potentially injure themselves,” Coates explains. It’s similar to the way humans feel things (especially when visibility is poor) with their hands. Check out more unbelievable facts you never knew about your dog.

This is a particularly important function for a couple of reasons. Firstly, dogs’ vision is not as strong a sense as vision is in humans—their sense of smell is much more adroit—especially when it comes to close-up vision. And, of course, dogs don’t have hands—they have four legs. So whiskers serve a major purpose in helping dogs discern what’s in front of and around them.

Is there a purpose of dog whiskers besides helping dogs feel things around them? Well, that is the primary purpose. But another answer to the question “why do dogs have whiskers” involves how the dog is feeling, and how they show it. “Dogs also appear to use their whiskers to convey their state of mind,” Coates told RD.com. “For example, when a dog is alert and engaged with their surroundings, their whiskers tend to be upright, while the whiskers on a reserved or timid dog often will be held close to the face.” A dog that feels threatened may “flare” its whiskers and then point them forward as an instinctual defensive reaction. Your dog’s tail has plenty of things it can tell you, too.

Should you cut your dog’s whiskers?

Now that you know what dog whiskers are for, you may be wondering if it’s OK to cut them. Trimming whiskers won’t hurt the dog, since whiskers don’t contain pain receptors, nor is it permanent because whiskers will grow back. But losing part or all of their whiskers can alter your dog’s spatial awareness, which can lead the dog to become confused and disoriented. So “I’d prefer if you didn’t cut my whiskers” is definitely one of the things your dog wishes he or she could tell you.

What is the purpose of dog whiskers
Mirko Pernjakovic/Getty Images

What is the purpose of dog whiskers

What is the purpose of dog whiskers
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What is the purpose of dog whiskers

Have you ever taken your dog to the groomer and then noticed that his whiskers are gone? Your dog probably feels a bit disoriented afterward. They’re more important than the hair that humans grow on their faces. What do dog whiskers do, and why should you never remove them? Read on to learn what dog whiskers are for and what happens if they’re gone.

Do All Dogs Have Whiskers?

Yes, all dogs have whiskers. In fact, most mammals have whiskers except for humans. Well, humans do have whiskers, but they aren’t the same type that other mammals have. The technical term for whiskers is vibrissa1, and they are more important than the hair that humans grow on our faces.

Do Whiskers Only Grow On My Dog’s Snout?

What is the purpose of dog whiskers

You might be surprised to learn that whiskers grow on other parts of dogs’ faces and bodies, including their chin and eyes. The whiskers above the eyes help protect foreign objects from getting into their eyes.

Why Do Dogs Have Whiskers?

Do dogs need whiskers the same way that cats do? Yes, they are very similar to the whiskers found on cats, rats, bears, and seals. Whiskers help a dog feel his way throughout the world.

Whiskers are sophisticated hairs that are different from the hairs elsewhere on a dog’s body because each whisker’s base has a high concentration of touch-sensitive neurons. When the whiskers are touched, it sends a signal to the neurons that serve as a warning device that something is near the dog’s face. This signal helps keep a dog from running into objects and walls. 

Can You Cut Dog Whiskers?

What is the purpose of dog whiskers

Technically, you can trim a dog’s whiskers because scissors can slice through them easily, but you SHOULD NOT cut your dog’s whiskers off. Some groomers and pet owners are unaware of the importance of whiskers and cut them off for aesthetic reasons. Show dog owners often have their whiskers removed because it is thought to give the head a “cleaner” look. However, do not do this. Learn more about how to groom a dog properly.

What Happens if You Cut a Dog’s Whiskers?

If your dog’s whiskers get cut off, it can interfere with his ability to navigate his surroundings. Your dog may run into more items and thus possibly be more susceptible to getting injured. The removal of a dog’s whiskers can be uncomfortable and stressful for your dog.

Do Dogs Whiskers Grow Back If Cut?

Yes, dog whiskers can grow back if they are cut or if they fall out. The hair growth rate varies, and there is no exact timeline.

Don’t Pull Out Your Dog’s Whiskers

Do not pull a dog’s whiskers out. Some dogs may like having their whiskers tugged on a little, like a massage. Why are whiskers so much harder and more rigid than other hairs? AnimalWised talks about the whiskers of dogs and explains their various useful functions in this video.

Do Dogs Have Eyebrows Too?

Yes, dogs do have eyebrows. However, some dogs’ eyebrows stand out more than others because they are bushier or a different color from the surrounding fur on their faces. Learn more fun facts about dogs: do dogs have belly buttons? and why do dogs’ noses get wet?.

Has your dog ever been disoriented due to missing whiskers?

Sources: [1] Merriam-Webster

Tagged With: Trivia

Whiskers are both cute and extremely helpful to our canine best friends.

Whiskers. They make sure your dog's kisses are always wet after he takes a big drink, and they act as super fun stringy things for your cat to bat when your dog's face gets too close. They grow thickly on the muzzle, haphazardly on the cheeks, and sometimes appear as big eyebrows. Whiskers almost seem like nonsensical features of a dog's face, much like human freckles or that random black hair that keeps appearing on your chin (you can always see it best in your car's rear view mirror).

But whiskers aren't just another word for your grandpa's excellent beard. They are a distinguishing canine feature and an essential part of doggie anatomy, ensuring dogs can successfully navigate the world around them.

What is the purpose of dog whiskers
- Jacquie Klose / Adobe Stock

Jacquie Klose / Adobe Stock

What Are Dog Whiskers For?

Long and often white, gray, or black in color, whiskers—also known as vibrissae—are hairs that shoot out from a dog's muzzle and above her eyes. The follicles (where the hair is anchored to the skin) of whiskers are packed with nerves that send sensory messages to a dog's brain. These follicles are incredibly sensitive, even responding to changes in air currents.

3 Reasons Why Dogs Need Whiskers

Dogs just wouldn't be dogs without those cute and hairy faces. But whiskers are functional too, helping keep our canines safe and active. We look at three reasons why dogs really need their whiskers:

1. Whiskers Help Dogs to See

It seems like our dogs notice everything, including that fallen piece of chicken or the cup of wine your husband left (clearly without thinking) on the easy-to-reach side table. But dogs don't actually see everything … not with their eyes anyway. Whiskers are key to helping dogs perceive their surroundings in ways that are more nuanced than what they can see with their vision only.

Ever throw a treat that lands right in front of your dog's face but they somehow can't seem to find it? It looks silly as he noses around for the treasure that is so obviously (to you) right there. A dog's vision overall is pretty farsighted compared to that of a human, because dogs traditionally have long muzzles and wide-set eyes (with the exception of brachycephalic breeds like pugs). These doggie features make it hard for your dog bestie to focus on things directly in front of them—or hiding under their nose.

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Has your normally lazy dog shocked you as they leapt over your coffee table like an Olympic hurdler, all just to chase your cat? Dogs' eyes have evolved to detect the fast movements of things, like prey species, and their whisker hairs help them to interpret the size, shape, vibrations, and speed of moving objects. As a dog moves, air is stirred up and bounces back from the different surfaces he approaches. This causes the vibrissae (whiskers) to bend just a little bit, creating a neural response that tells your dog to move out of the way before he runs into something—like that coffee table—making him a scary-looking predator to your unsuspecting kitty.

2. Whiskers Help Dogs Show Their Emotions

Incredibly, whiskers also assist a dog in expressing their feelings, especially during dog-to-dog communication! When a dog feels distressed or threatened, their whiskers will reflexively flare and point in a curved, downward direction. This typically happens with other very serious body language, like teeth showing, growling, and "whale eye" or a hard stare, communicating that the dog is not happy and is preparing to protect himself. Watching your dog's whole body, including his face and whiskers, can help you identify when he's uncomfortable or needs you to step in and deflect an encounter.

3. Whiskers Help Dogs Hunt

From one breed to another, the size and number of whiskers on a dog's face can differ. This is most evident in dogs bred for hunting. For instance, hound breeds like the very large and fast Irish wolfhound have immense whiskers that appear proportional to their body, making them long, dense, and coarse.

The Irish wolfhound was originally bred to hunt big, quick game like elk. During a fast hunt through a dense forest or overgrown fields, the whiskers would aid the wolfhound in navigation, helping the dog move effortlessly and avoid trees. Today, Irish wolfhounds are unlikely to go on hunting excursions, but their whiskers still play a vital role, helping the huge dog to make his way safely (well, as long as his tail isn't moving) through his living room and keeping him graceful during outdoor hikes. 

It is for all these wonderful reasons that a dog owner should never cut or trim their dog's whiskers. Doing so will hinder your dog's ability to thrive in his environment and make it more challenging to have "conversations" with other canines. So let your dog's whiskers flourish and just grab a towel in preparation for the next time your dog is really thirsty.