What percent is 16/20

A fraction consists of two numbers and the fraction bar:


The number above the fraction bar is the numerator: 16

The number under the fraction bar is the denominator: 20

To get the fraction's value, divide the numerator by the denominator:

The value = 16 ÷ 20

'Percent (%)' means 'out of one hundred':

p% = p 'out of one hundred',

p% = p/100 = p ÷ 100.

1) Calculate the value of the fraction.

2) Multiply this number by 100.

3) Add the percent sign %

16/20 =

16 ÷ 20 =


100/100 = 100 ÷ 100 = 100% = 1

Multiply a number by the fraction 100/100,
... and its value doesn't change.

n × 100/100 = n × 1 = n, any number n

0.8 =

0.8 × 100/100 =

(0.8 × 100)/100 =

80/100 =


The symbols used: % percent, ÷ division, × multiplication, = the equal sign, / the fraction bar, ≈ approximately the same. Writing numbers: comma ',' - as a thousands separator, point '.' as a decimal mark.

Convert from a fraction to percent. Here is the answer to the question: What is 16/20 as a percentage or how to convert the fraction 16/20 to percent. Use the fraction to percent calculator below to write any fraction as a percent.
Please, input values in this format: a b/c or b/c.

Examples: Three tenths should be typed as 3/10. One and one-half should be typed as 1 1/2. Note that there is a space between the integer and the fraction.

Page 2

Convert from a fraction to percent. Here is the answer to the question: What is 38/26 as a percentage or how to convert the fraction 38/26 to percent. Use the fraction to percent calculator below to write any fraction as a percent.
Please, input values in this format: a b/c or b/c.

Examples: Three tenths should be typed as 3/10. One and one-half should be typed as 1 1/2. Note that there is a space between the integer and the fraction.

Page 3

Convert from a fraction to percent. Here is the answer to the question: What is 57/85 as a percentage or how to convert the fraction 57/85 to percent. Use the fraction to percent calculator below to write any fraction as a percent.
Please, input values in this format: a b/c or b/c.

Examples: Three tenths should be typed as 3/10. One and one-half should be typed as 1 1/2. Note that there is a space between the integer and the fraction.

Page 4

Convert from a fraction to percent. Here is the answer to the question: What is 38/21 as a percentage or how to convert the fraction 38/21 to percent. Use the fraction to percent calculator below to write any fraction as a percent.
Please, input values in this format: a b/c or b/c.

Examples: Three tenths should be typed as 3/10. One and one-half should be typed as 1 1/2. Note that there is a space between the integer and the fraction.

Page 5

Convert from a fraction to percent. Here is the answer to the question: Mixed fraction 2 5/26 as a percentage or how to convert the fraction 2 5/26 to percent. Use the fraction to percent calculator below to write any fraction as a percent.
Please, input values in this format: a b/c or b/c.

Examples: Three tenths should be typed as 3/10. One and one-half should be typed as 1 1/2. Note that there is a space between the integer and the fraction.

Page 6

Convert from a fraction to percent. Here is the answer to the question: Mixed fraction 2 49/23 as a percentage or how to convert the fraction 2 49/23 to percent. Use the fraction to percent calculator below to write any fraction as a percent.
Please, input values in this format: a b/c or b/c.

Examples: Three tenths should be typed as 3/10. One and one-half should be typed as 1 1/2. Note that there is a space between the integer and the fraction.

Page 7

Convert from a fraction to percent. Here is the answer to the question: Mixed fraction 1 66/24 as a percentage or how to convert the fraction 1 66/24 to percent. Use the fraction to percent calculator below to write any fraction as a percent.
Please, input values in this format: a b/c or b/c.

Examples: Three tenths should be typed as 3/10. One and one-half should be typed as 1 1/2. Note that there is a space between the integer and the fraction.

Page 8

Convert from a fraction to percent. Here is the answer to the question: Mixed fraction 1 83/42 as a percentage or how to convert the fraction 1 83/42 to percent. Use the fraction to percent calculator below to write any fraction as a percent.
Please, input values in this format: a b/c or b/c.

Examples: Three tenths should be typed as 3/10. One and one-half should be typed as 1 1/2. Note that there is a space between the integer and the fraction.

Page 9

Convert from a fraction to percent. Here is the answer to the question: Mixed fraction 1 89/32 as a percentage or how to convert the fraction 1 89/32 to percent. Use the fraction to percent calculator below to write any fraction as a percent.
Please, input values in this format: a b/c or b/c.

Examples: Three tenths should be typed as 3/10. One and one-half should be typed as 1 1/2. Note that there is a space between the integer and the fraction.

Page 10

Convert from a fraction to percent. Here is the answer to the question: Mixed fraction 1 71/87 as a percentage or how to convert the fraction 1 71/87 to percent. Use the fraction to percent calculator below to write any fraction as a percent.
Please, input values in this format: a b/c or b/c.

Examples: Three tenths should be typed as 3/10. One and one-half should be typed as 1 1/2. Note that there is a space between the integer and the fraction.

Page 11

Convert from a fraction to percent. Here is the answer to the question: Mixed fraction 2 84/18 as a percentage or how to convert the fraction 2 84/18 to percent. Use the fraction to percent calculator below to write any fraction as a percent.
Please, input values in this format: a b/c or b/c.

Examples: Three tenths should be typed as 3/10. One and one-half should be typed as 1 1/2. Note that there is a space between the integer and the fraction.

Page 12

Convert from a fraction to percent. Here is the answer to the question: Mixed fraction 2 82/89 as a percentage or how to convert the fraction 2 82/89 to percent. Use the fraction to percent calculator below to write any fraction as a percent.
Please, input values in this format: a b/c or b/c.

Examples: Three tenths should be typed as 3/10. One and one-half should be typed as 1 1/2. Note that there is a space between the integer and the fraction.

Page 13

Convert from a fraction to percent. Here is the answer to the question: Fraction 2/76 as a percentage or how to convert the fraction 2/76 to percent. Use the fraction to percent calculator below to write any fraction as a percent.
Please, input values in this format: a b/c or b/c.

Examples: Three tenths should be typed as 3/10. One and one-half should be typed as 1 1/2. Note that there is a space between the integer and the fraction.

Page 14

Convert from a fraction to percent. Here is the answer to the question: Fraction 12/76 as a percentage or how to convert the fraction 12/76 to percent. Use the fraction to percent calculator below to write any fraction as a percent.
Please, input values in this format: a b/c or b/c.

Examples: Three tenths should be typed as 3/10. One and one-half should be typed as 1 1/2. Note that there is a space between the integer and the fraction.

Page 15

Convert from a fraction to percent. Here is the answer to the question: Fraction 43/33 as a percentage or how to convert the fraction 43/33 to percent. Use the fraction to percent calculator below to write any fraction as a percent.
Please, input values in this format: a b/c or b/c.

Examples: Three tenths should be typed as 3/10. One and one-half should be typed as 1 1/2. Note that there is a space between the integer and the fraction.

Page 16

Convert from a fraction to percent. Here is the answer to the question: Mixed fraction 2 65/33 as a percentage or how to convert the fraction 2 65/33 to percent. Use the fraction to percent calculator below to write any fraction as a percent.
Please, input values in this format: a b/c or b/c.

Examples: Three tenths should be typed as 3/10. One and one-half should be typed as 1 1/2. Note that there is a space between the integer and the fraction.

Page 17

Convert from a fraction to percent. Here is the answer to the question: Mixed fraction 2 52/13 as a percentage or how to convert the fraction 2 52/13 to percent. Use the fraction to percent calculator below to write any fraction as a percent.
Please, input values in this format: a b/c or b/c.

Examples: Three tenths should be typed as 3/10. One and one-half should be typed as 1 1/2. Note that there is a space between the integer and the fraction.

Page 18

Convert from a fraction to percent. Here is the answer to the question: Mixed fraction 2 55/53 as a percentage or how to convert the fraction 2 55/53 to percent. Use the fraction to percent calculator below to write any fraction as a percent.
Please, input values in this format: a b/c or b/c.

Examples: Three tenths should be typed as 3/10. One and one-half should be typed as 1 1/2. Note that there is a space between the integer and the fraction.

Page 19

Convert from a fraction to percent. Here is the answer to the question: Mixed fraction 2 41/53 as a percentage or how to convert the fraction 2 41/53 to percent. Use the fraction to percent calculator below to write any fraction as a percent.
Please, input values in this format: a b/c or b/c.

Examples: Three tenths should be typed as 3/10. One and one-half should be typed as 1 1/2. Note that there is a space between the integer and the fraction.

Page 20

Convert from a fraction to percent. Here is the answer to the question: Mixed fraction 1 69/53 as a percentage or how to convert the fraction 1 69/53 to percent. Use the fraction to percent calculator below to write any fraction as a percent.
Please, input values in this format: a b/c or b/c.

Examples: Three tenths should be typed as 3/10. One and one-half should be typed as 1 1/2. Note that there is a space between the integer and the fraction.

Page 21

Convert from a fraction to percent. Here is the answer to the question: Mixed fraction 1 76/77 as a percentage or how to convert the fraction 1 76/77 to percent. Use the fraction to percent calculator below to write any fraction as a percent.
Please, input values in this format: a b/c or b/c.

Examples: Three tenths should be typed as 3/10. One and one-half should be typed as 1 1/2. Note that there is a space between the integer and the fraction.

Page 22

Convert from a fraction to percent. Here is the answer to the question: Mixed fraction 1 14/79 as a percentage or how to convert the fraction 1 14/79 to percent. Use the fraction to percent calculator below to write any fraction as a percent.
Please, input values in this format: a b/c or b/c.

Examples: Three tenths should be typed as 3/10. One and one-half should be typed as 1 1/2. Note that there is a space between the integer and the fraction.

Page 23

Convert from a fraction to percent. Here is the answer to the question: Mixed number 1 73/98 as a percentage or how to convert the fraction 1 73/98 to percent. Use the fraction to percent calculator below to write any fraction as a percent.
Please, input values in this format: a b/c or b/c.

Examples: Three tenths should be typed as 3/10. One and one-half should be typed as 1 1/2. Note that there is a space between the integer and the fraction.

Page 24

Convert from a fraction to percent. Here is the answer to the question: Mixed number 1 39/80 as a percentage or how to convert the fraction 1 39/80 to percent. Use the fraction to percent calculator below to write any fraction as a percent.
Please, input values in this format: a b/c or b/c.

Examples: Three tenths should be typed as 3/10. One and one-half should be typed as 1 1/2. Note that there is a space between the integer and the fraction.

Page 25

Convert from a fraction to percent. Here is the answer to the question: Mixed number 2 92/40 as a percentage or how to convert the fraction 2 92/40 to percent. Use the fraction to percent calculator below to write any fraction as a percent.
Please, input values in this format: a b/c or b/c.

Examples: Three tenths should be typed as 3/10. One and one-half should be typed as 1 1/2. Note that there is a space between the integer and the fraction.

Page 26

Convert from a fraction to percent. Here is the answer to the question: Mixed number 2 100/42 as a percentage or how to convert the fraction 2 100/42 to percent. Use the fraction to percent calculator below to write any fraction as a percent.
Please, input values in this format: a b/c or b/c.

Examples: Three tenths should be typed as 3/10. One and one-half should be typed as 1 1/2. Note that there is a space between the integer and the fraction.