What personal quality does a clinical medical assistant demonstrate when they can understand the patients feelings?

Have you ever considered ways to build rapport with your patients?

Good rapport creates a close and harmonious relationship with patients. It allows you to understand your patient's feelings and communicate well with them. 

The importance of rapport can’t be stressed enough in nursing. It connects you to your patients and can improve patient care.  

Because of that, nurses must seek ways to build rapport with each patient. However, rapport is not a “one-size-fits-all” tool. You can build rapport using the patient's communication preferences and current health situation.

Unfortunately, there is no class on how to build rapport with patients. Rapport is a skill only learned through practice. 

It may also come easier with some patients than with others. That said, you should attempt to build rapport even if the nurse-patient relationship is short.

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7 Ways To Build Rapport With Patients

1. Maintain Eye Contact

Maintaining eye contact communicates care and compassion. It can also show empathy and interest in your patient’s situation. Eye contact and social touch connect you to your patients and communicates understanding.

2. Show Empathy

Empathy is the ability to understand the patient’s situation, perspective, and feelings. It allows you to deliver more personalized patient care. The empathetic nurse communicates and acts on their understanding of the patient.

3. Open Communication

One study found good communication to be a key factor in improving patient outcomes. Understanding your patient’s communication preferences and state of mind will help build rapport. Informing your patient of new orders or changes in their condition is one way to do this. 

Encouraging your patient to share their feelings with you is another. Open communication is one of the essential nurse communication skills needed for success.

4. Make it Personal

Being a patient can be scary. To help ease their stay, take the time to get to know your patients. Ask about their friends and family, hobbies, and other important aspects of their life. 

This communicates your desire to understand them as a person, not only as a patient. This is an easy way to learn how to build rapport with your patients.

5. Active Listening

Active listening is an essential holistic healthcare tool. It is a non-intrusive way of sharing a patient’s thoughts and feelings. To practice active listening, follow these steps:

  • Listen to what the patient is saying.
  • Repeat what you heard to the patient.
  • Check with the patient to ensure your reflection is correct.

The goal of active listening is to reflect the feeling or intent behind their words. It would help if you listened to understand, not to respond. Practice active listening as one of several ways to build rapport.

6. Practice Mirroring

Matching the patient’s demeanor, disposition, and rhythm quickly establishes rapport. This may even mean raising your voice to match a loud patient to create a synchronized bond.

Then, with a low voice and measured movements, lead the patient to a better place. Use mirroring to become attuned to the patient during difficult conversations.

7. Keep Your Word

Keeping your word is one of the most effective ways to build rapport with patients. If you tell them you will do something, do it. If your ability to complete a task changes, communicate this with the patient. Don’t over-promise and under-deliver. Keeping your word with patients not only builds rapport it also builds trust.

There isn’t a manual on how to build rapport with patients. Some techniques will come easier to you than others. Practice each of these 7 ways to build rapport and choose the ones that come most naturally to you in your daily practice.

What does it mean to advance humanism in healthcare?  According to Arnold P. Gold Foundation advancing humanism in healthcare is characterized as, “a respectful and compassionate relationship between physicians, members of the healthcare team and their patients.”  A recent article  published January 26, 2019 in Modern Healthcare talks about the importance of having all members of the healthcare team constantly educated regarding how to utilize patient-communication-best-practices to ensure the best outcomes.  This title says it all, “Physician empathy a key driver of patient satisfaction”.  This article was published by Science Daily® and points out that sixty-five percent of patient satisfaction was attributed to physician empathy. Additional Gold Foundation studies have also recognized the impact empathy has on improving health outcomes and its significance in patient care.

What is Empathy?

Empathy is defined as, “the ability to understand and share the feelings of another.” It is the capacity to put one’s self in another’s shoes and feel what that person is going through and share their emotions and feelings. It is the recognition and validation of a patient’s fear, anxiety, pain, and worry. It is the ability to understand patients’ feelings and facilitate a more accurate diagnoses and more caring treatment.  Expressing patient empathy indeed advances humanism in healthcare – as a matter of fact — expressing empathy in healthcare is THE KEY INGREDIENT to enhancing the patient experience and patient encounter.

Both empathy and compassion in healthcare play vital roles in the patient experience and are key components of the physician-patient relationship. When a patient arrives to see their healthcare provider, the patient’s medical condition — whether it is a severe illness or injury, a chronic condition, or simply a routine check-up – will often manifest emotions such as anxiety, fear, and apprehension. Patients want to know they are receiving the very best care, and that is conveyed when their care team is empathetic and compassionate.

Why is Empathy Important?

Empathy extends far beyond a patient’s medical history, signs, and symptoms. It is more than a clinical diagnosis and treatment. Empathy encompasses a connection and an understanding that includes the mind, body, and soul.  Expressing empathy is highly effective and powerful, which builds patient trust, calms anxiety, and improves health outcomes.  Research has shown empathy and compassion to be associated with better adherence to medications, decreased malpractice cases, fewer mistakes, and increased patient satisfaction.  Expressing empathy, one patient at a time, advances humanism in healthcare.

When I first watched the video below, I was reminded, and blown-away, by the notion that the smallest expressions of empathy make huge lasting impressions.  Checkout the Cleveland Clinic’s, Delos “Toby” Cosgrove, MD, President and CEO, as he and his team demonstrate some special moments that exemplifies the power of empathy in healthcare. The video has become a viral sensation, with 4,437,714 views on YouTube, as of this writing. It may be viewed below:

What personal quality does a clinical medical assistant demonstrate when they can understand the patients feelings?

A successful career in health care takes more than a top-notch degree program or hands-on training. Employers of health care workers are looking at more on your resume than just your clinical abilities. It’s also important you develop your so-called “soft skills,” which can also be called “personality skills.” These are the personal attributes you use to influence and enhance the way you communicate and relate to patients, colleagues and peers.

Soft skills can impact your career prospects, your job performance and other activities in life. Employers are often looking for soft skills in addition to qualifications. In many professions, including health care, your soft skills can help your career progression over time more than your technical skills.

Learn about the many soft skills you should acquire to work as a medical assistant, respiratory therapist, pharmacy technician or other healthcare profession.

What personal quality does a clinical medical assistant demonstrate when they can understand the patients feelings?

In health care, it’s important that you can empathize with patients and the difficult situations that others are facing. According to an article in the British Journal of General Practice, empathy is often cited as a core aspect of effective, therapeutic consultations, though there is limited research into its impact.1

Communication Skills

The core of many workplaces is communication, but for health care workers it’s even more important. Health care workers need to speak with patients and their families in addition to routinely communicating with coworkers. According to the Institute for Healthcare Communication, evidence indicates that there are strong positive relationships between a health care team member’s communication skills and a patient’s capacity to follow through with medical recommendations, self-manage a chronic medical condition, and adopt preventive health behaviors.2 

According to an article in the Journal of Ambulatory Care Management, patients’ perceptions of the quality of the healthcare they received are highly dependent on the quality of their interactions with their healthcare clinician and team.3 This suggests that strong communication skills are vital for effective patient care and satisfaction.


An important trait in health care workers is a team player attitude. Many health care fields are like team sports, with many people working toward patient care. It’s vital that you know how to collaborate with these peers in the best interest of the patient. A study in the Journal of the American College of Surgeons found that higher team functioning is associated with better patient outcomes.4

What personal quality does a clinical medical assistant demonstrate when they can understand the patients feelings?

Work ethic is a set of values based on hard work. There are many components of work ethic, including professionalism, punctuality, your overall attitude and behavior. Some businesses define work ethic as the belief in the moral benefit and importance of work and its inherent ability to strengthen character.

Because many health care fields require hours that go beyond your standard 9-to-5 job, it’s vital that future health care employees nurture a strong work ethic. Health care is a demanding field. The hours are long. The subject matter can be grim. Without the drive to succeed in your career, you may find it stagnates.

Stress Management

In health care, literally, lives could be at stake. That’s a lot of pressure to have to handle. According to studies, health care workers are at high risk of burnout if they do not have proper stress-management techniques.5 Burnout is the experience of long-term exhaustion and diminished interest in work.

The most successful health care workers not only know how to handle pressure, but they also thrive on it. But to avoid burnout it’s also important for health care workers to have good stress management practices and to know how to take space from their demanding careers.

Positive Attitude

All employees can benefit from a positive mental attitude but in health care, this soft skill is particularly useful. Because of the demands of the job, the stress of teamwork, and the frequent meetings with patients, it’s important that health care workers keep a sunny outlook. The harsh realities of health care can easily wear someone down, which can lead to stress and other negative consequences.


Because many careers in health care don’t stick to typical 9-to-5 hours, flexibility is key to working on a team. Your peers may need you to pick up a shift or stay late. A demanding patient may take up more of your day than you planned for.

Beyond just dealing with your schedule, you also need to be adaptable so as to handle new, different, or changing environments. Health care fields deal with something different every day. If you don’t know how to abandon a routine and adapt easily you may struggle in your career.

Time Management

Time management is vital in any career but in health care where lives are literally on the line, it’s even more important. You’ll often be pulled in multiple directions at work so it’s important you know how to prioritize and triage pressing matters.

A health care professional’s day can be very busy and it can sometimes feel like there aren’t enough hours in the day. Focusing on priorities can help you be more successful in your career.


Because health care roles are patient-facing, it’s important that you project confidence in your work. According to an article in the Patient Experience Journal, confidence is recognized as one of the most influential factors to affect performance. Beyond that, according to the study, confidence resulted in higher scores on patient evaluations after treatment. Feeling confident in your skill set directly communicates with patients and affects their experience.6

Receptive Attitude

You don’t know everything, no matter how excellent your training was. A receptive attitude means you can handle criticism and enact change when needed. Health care is an ever-evolving field. Even employees at the top of their game will ultimately have gaps in their knowledge due to advances in medicine, technology, and procedures. You need to have the ability to accept and learn from criticism.

What personal quality does a clinical medical assistant demonstrate when they can understand the patients feelings?

In medicine, much of what you will do is patient-facing, which is really just customer service. Many skills that apply to customer service roles will serve you well in medicine. This includes:

  • Attitude
  • Communication
  • Confidence
  • Patience
  • Attentiveness
  • Adaptability

Good customer service in the medical field permeates all levels of employees. Patients want to have good medical care, prompt billing, friendly and knowledgeable technicians and helpful staff. Patients can be scared about their health and need health care workers with a soft touch to help improve their patient experience.

What Do You Need to Develop Soft Skills?

When assessing if you have the appropriate soft skills for health care, it’s important that you first assess what skills you already have. Maybe you’re already a great communicator but you are not always on top of time management. Perhaps you know you can keep a positive attitude and handle criticism but you could be more empathetic.

Next, lean on your resources. At Carrington, your faculty, advisors, and the Career Services department can all help you identify areas to work on so you can have a successful career in health care. We help our students gain volunteer positions and join professional organizations that can help them learn more about their chosen profession and develop soft skills. Like everything, practicing helps.

If you’re ready to pursue a fulfilling career in health care and put your natural empathy or other soft skills to good use, request more information about Carrington’s medical programs.

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[1] Empathy and quality of care https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1316134/pdf/12389763.pdf

[2] Impact of Communication in Healthcare  https://healthcarecomm.org/about-us/impact-of-communication-in-healthcare/

[3] Medical practices’ sensitivity to patients’ needs. Opportunities and practices for improvement. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12698926

[4] Risk-Adjusted Morbidity in Teaching Hospitals Correlates with Reported Levels of Communication and Collaboration on Surgical Teams but Not with Scale Measures of Teamwork Climate, Safety Climate, or Working Conditions  https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1072751507013968

[5] Burnout syndrome among critical care healthcare workers https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/52cb/1a2b57aa6a5a288b50e08222346e477a0d37.pdf

[6] Exploring workforce confidence and patient experiences: A quantitative analysis