What ratio must water be mixed with milk to gain 16 2 by 3% on selling the mixture at cost price?

In this case we get the answer just by converting gain to fraction that's the ratio

19. In what ratio must water be mixed with milk to gain $16\dfrac{2}{3}\%$ on selling the mixture at cost price?
A. 1 : 4B. 6 : 1
C. 1 : 6D. 4 : 1

Answer: Option C


Let CP of 1 litre milk = Rs.1SP of 1 litre mixture = CP of 1 litre milk = Rs.1Gain $=16\dfrac{2}{3}\%=\dfrac{50}{3}\%$CP of 1 litre mixture $=\dfrac{100}{\left(100 + \text{Gain}\% \right)}× \text{SP}$

$=\dfrac{100}{\left(100+\dfrac{50}{3}\right)}× 1=\dfrac{100}{\left(\dfrac{350}{3}\right)}\\=\dfrac{300}{350}=\dfrac{6}{7}$

By rule of alligation,
CP of 1 litre waterCP of 1 litre milk
CP of 1 litre mixture

Quantity of water : Quantity of milk $=\dfrac{1}{7}:\dfrac{6}{7}=1:6$

Let c.p. of milk = re 1, then

s.p. of Mixture =  c.p. of milk = re 1

given gain= 50/3%

gain amount = 50/3% of 1 = 50/300 = 1/6

We know that,

C.P. of Mixture = S.p. of mixture - gain on mixture

                       = 1 -  1/6 = 5/6

Now require ratio = d-m : m-c

                             1-5/6 : 5/6 - 0

                             1/6 : 5/6


so, I think Your answer is wrong. 

Let c.p. of milk = re 1, then<p>s.p. of Mixture =  c.p. of milk = re 1</p><p>given gain= 50/3%</p><p>gain amount = 50/3% of 1 = 50/300 = 1/6</p><p>We know that,</p><p>C.P. of Mixture = S.p. of mixture - gain on mixture</p><p>                       = 1 -  1/6 = 5/6</p><p>Now require ratio = d-m : m-c</p><p>                             1-5/6 : 5/6 - 0</p><p>                             1/6 : 5/6</p><p>                             1:5.</p><p>so, I think Your answer is wrong. </p>

still i am not understanding what u did ajay

still i am not understanding what u did ajay

Dear Ajay,The answer given is right. Let me explain where u went wrong. C.P. of Mixture is not 5/6You calculated the gain amount as 50/3% of 1 = 50/300 = 1/6 which is wrongThe gain has to be calculated on the CP of the mixture as we are selling the mixture.Hence  you can not consider it as 50/3% of 1 as the 1 is the CP of 1 litre milk, not the CP of 1 litre mixture)

Hence, to get the answer,  you need to find out the CP of the mixture from the SP of the mixture and the gain%

Dear Ajay,The answer given is right. Let me explain where u went wrong. C.P. of Mixture is not 5/6You calculated the gain amount as 50/3% of 1 = 50/300 = 1/6 which is wrongThe gain has to be calculated on the CP of the mixture as we are selling the mixture.Hence  you can not consider it as 50/3% of 1 as the 1 is the CP of 1 litre milk, not the CP of 1 litre mixture)<p>Hence, to get the answer,  you need to find out the CP of the mixture from the SP of the mixture and the gain%</p>

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What ratio must water be mixed with milk to gain 16 2 by 3% on selling the mixture at cost price?
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