What skill is most important when driving?

Driving is not intrinsically easy. Watch the morning news and you're guaranteed to see no less than four car accidents before you've even finished your coffee. Fortunately, these 10 easy-to-learn skills will turn you into the type of driver insurance companies reward, and other drivers respect. Plus, everyone should know how to properly parallel park... it really isn't that hard, people.

1. Maintaining control when a tire blows out

There are a few steps you should take if you have a sudden and violent deflation of a tire, but essentially your goal is to keep the car pointed in a straight line while you slow it down. Read up on the full procedure here.

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2. Recovering from a slide

If, mid-spin, all you see is a menacing guardrail, it’s a near certainty that you’re going to hit it. Keeping your eyes on the road, focused on where you want to be rather than on the object toward which you’re going, is paramount.

Turn the steering wheel toward where your eyes are, and keep it there. Don’t worry about how far to turn the wheel; thanks to the magic of hand-eye coordination, if your eyes are in the right place, you’ll steer to the right place.

Provided you’re not getting sideways because of an overenthusiastic use of throttle, what you need to do is accelerate carefully, which will force the car to rock back onto the rear wheels, and give the tires the added traction needed to regain control. As the car begins to straighten out, smoothly apply the brakes, and pat yourself on the back.

3. Adjust your focal point

If you think of your brain as a computer, you’ll understand that it needs time to process various pieces of information. If you’re only looking at the car in front of you, you’re not allowing your brain much time to process potential threats.

Look as far ahead as you can to give yourself as much time as possible to react. In busy traffic on a freeway, you should be focusing your eyes past the first few cars in front of you. Look between lanes if you can, and trust that your peripheral vision will alert you if the car in front slams on its brakes. That’s why you have it.

4. Braking with antilock brakes

It’s amazing that so many people don’t know what to do in an emergency while driving a car with ABS... which is nearly every modern car on the road. A lot of confusion comes from being taught how to drive by parents that grew up in a pre-antilock time, when things like modulating the pedal, pumping the brakes, and being unable to steer while braking was common. Now? Braking in an emergency involves one step: press the brake pedal down as hard as you can.

5. Driving in the rain

In light rain, all the oil on the road from other cars will ensure that the road is at its most slick. Heavier rains wash that away, but then you deal with potential hydroplaning if there’s so much water that the tires don’t come into contact with the pavement. The secret is to keep your eyes peeled for any puddles that are potentially deeper than the rest. Note any abnormally large splashes from vehicles in front of you, so you have time to prepare by either slowing down or moving over.

6. Driving in the snow

First things first: make sure your car has adequate tires for snow use. All-season tires will work for the lighter stuff, and in heavier stuff if you’re a little more careful, but if you live somewhere that has the kind of winter that traditionally involves shoveling driveways, you need to have winter tires.

The rest of snow driving is really a matter of common sense. Drive with plenty of caution, allow plenty of space for cars in front of you, and stay within your abilities.

If you try to turn and nothing happens, you’re going too fast for the conditions, and you need to straighten out the steering wheel and brake gently until you’re going slow enough to make the turn. If the car starts spinning on you mid-turn, refer to #2 on this list.

7. Be a defensive driver

Be aware of what’s going on around you, including types of vehicles and what each driver is doing (i.e. texting, driving erratically, etc.). The safest play is to assume someone is about to cause a wreck, so it’s your job to figure out where you would go once one starts to unfold. Can you duck onto the shoulder or is there a drop-off? Is there someone in the lane next to you, or can you swerve into it if need be?

8. Get a grip on road rage by taking the road less travelled

As with most other undesired behaviors, understanding road rage is the key to keeping it in check. It’s simply aggression as a means to assert dominance over strangers viewed more as large metallic objects rather than as people. And take a more decongested route—It’ll be a more relaxing drive since you’ll be worrying less about drivers, probably won’t add more than a couple of minutes to your journey, and might be a more interesting and enjoyable road anyway.

9. Operating a manual transmission

The fact that the vast majority of vehicles today are automatics doesn’t mean there will never be a time in your life when someone will count on you to drive his or her manual car. You don’t have to be a gearhead to drive a stick shift, and it’s a skill you’ll feel really good about having once you do.

10. Parallel Parking

Sure, more and more cars are capable of parking themselves with each passing year, but this is still a valuable skill to have, and it’s actually pretty easy. You just:

  • 1. Pull up until you’re almost even with the car in front of you, but not quite.
  • 2. Crank the steering wheel toward the curb, and start backing up.
  • 3. Once the rear wheel of the curb-facing side of your car is even with the street-facing side of the first car, straighten the steering wheel and continue reversing.
  • 4. When the rear wheel of the street-facing side of your car is even with the street-facing side of the other, crank the steering wheel in the opposite direction.
  • 5. Reverse until you’re parallel.
  • 6. If that doesn’t work, you’re at least close by this point, so a couple of adjustments and you should be good to go.

Aaron Miller is the Rides editor for Supercompressor, and can be found on Twitter. He practices the focal point concept religiously.

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Developing good driving skills and habits is imperative to ensuring your safety, and the safety of other road users.

The longevity of your driving life relies heavily upon your actions and attitude while on the road. In today’s blog post, we will outline the qualities of a good driver and the factors to be aware of when considering how to improve driving habits.

Qualities of a good driver

What skill is most important when driving?

Sticking to the speed limit

One of the main (and obvious) qualities of a good driver is knowing how to stick to the speed limit. Road accidents are often caused by people who fail to stick to the speed limit, and therefore cannot adequately control the vehicle to avoid a dangerous situation. This is particularly evident over holiday periods. So be sure to always drive to the conditions and and any variables that are in play – even if you are running late for that family lunch or important work meeting. Your safety and life, ALWAYS takes priority.

Keeping a safe distance

The attitude of a good driver can also be measured by the distance left between their car, and the car in front of them. It is important to leave a 2-3 second gap between ourselves and the car in front of us. This is because it will give you ample time to stop your car (and avoid hitting the car in front of you) should they, for whatever reason, have to come to a sudden stop. If you have maintained a safe distance – you and your vehicle should be able to avoid an accident. Tailgating can also cause the driver in front of you to become nervous and make silly driving actions, which can be incredibly dangerous. Keeping a safe distance is certainly a good driving skill to possess.

Always indicating and checking blind spots

It is incredibly frustrating and dangerous when a fellow road user fails to indicate before merging into your lane, or cuts you off because they have failed to check their blind spot correctly, if at all. These near misses are unnecessary and many accidents are caused by drivers who have not developed good driving qualities for life. It is very important to always indicate when turning or changing lanes. Don’t forget to also indicate when pulling out of a parking spot. Checking your blind spots are also imperative to ensuring safe merging.

Possessing defensive driving skills

One of the most important qualities of a good driver is possessing defensive driving skills. This usually comes with experience, and entails being able to anticipate the actions of other road users. Things such as observation, hazard perception and accident avoidance are all critical skills which mark a great driver. Our Drive For Life System ensures that you develop these necessary skills so you can learn to become a confident and safe driver for life! It is a combination of all the required driving skills that are needed for longevity on the roads, plus some additional attitude and awareness skills that transform you into a proactive driver.

Parking with precision

Getting from A to B is great, but knowing what to do once you’re there is even better! Parking can sometimes be the last thing a student learns during their driving lessons but it is such an integral skill to possess. Whether its reverse parallel parking, or just parking between the lines at the local supermarket, knowing how to do so correctly is indicative of good driving skills. Parking unsafely might mean that your vehicle causes a hazard to other road users, so be sure to refine and perfect this skill.

Need help in developing good driving qualities? Explore our learn to drive packages for East Melbourne today.

Learn good driving skills and habits

Good driving habits list

What skill is most important when driving?

Did you know that it is actually illegal for P Platers to use their phones as a GPS while driving? Even once you’re off your P’s, you are unable to touch your phone while your keys are still in the ignition. Get into the habit of popping your phone into your bag or glove box so this distraction can be securely stored away until you’ve reached your destination.

Loud music can also serve as a big distraction, particularly when you’re inexperienced and new to driving. Get into the habit of driving with the music at an adequate volume so you can still enjoy your tunes without the danger of your musical solo debut taking priority over the road ahead!

It may seem obvious but people still need to be reminded about the importance of putting on their seatbelt. Many fatalities are caused by road users who have been thrown from the vehicle at the time of an accident, due to not being buckled up. Unnecessary deaths can be prevented by wearing your seatbelt and this is a good driving habit to possess, not only when you’re driving – but also as a passenger.

If you’re feeling fatigued, unwell or sick – have a safety net – a good friend or family member you can call on to come and pick you up, or take you to where you need to go. It’s not worth the risk to yourself or other drivers on the road. Develop a healthy habit of asking for help when needed, and return the favour if your friend ever needs a lift. If nobody is available to help – call an Uber or a cab. These options are far safer than falling asleep at the wheel. The same options can be used if you have been drinking!

  • Turn on headlights in poor visibility conditions

Driving through a dark tunnel? Is it pouring rain and hail outside? Can’t see 150m in front of you? Turn on those headlights! A good habit of a skilled driver is using those headlights in conditions which present poor visibility. Make sure you develop this habit to ensure your safety, and increase your visibility to other road users. If you can’t see well in those kinds of conditions, other drivers likely can’t see you without your lights on either!

These are some of the essential driving skills and habits we teach our students in their driving lessons. For more information about how we nurture good drivers for life, read our story here.