Which transition best connects the student’s ideas?

Transition signals are linking words or phrases that connect your ideas and add cohesion to your writing. They signpost or indicate to the reader the relationships between sentences and between paragraphs, making it easier for the reader to understand your ideas. We use a variety of transition signals to fulfil a number of functions. Some of these functions include: to show the order or sequence of events; to indicate that a new idea or an example will follow; to show that a contrasting idea will be presented, or to signal a summary or a conclusion.

How are transition signals useful?

Transition signals will:

•     make it easier for the reader to follow your ideas.

•     create powerful links between sentences and paragraphs to improve the flow of information across the whole text. The result is that the writing is smoother.

•     help to carry over a thought from one sentence to another, from one idea to another or from one paragraph to another.

How are transition signals used?

•     Transition signals are usually placed at the start of sentences; however, they may also appear in the middle or end of sentences.

•     A transition signal, or the clause introduced by a transition signal, is usually separated from the rest of the sentence by commas.

•     You DO NOT need to use transition signals in every sentence in a paragraph; however, good use of transition words will help to make the relationship between the ideas in your writing clear and logical.

Which transition signals can I use?

Before choosing a particular transition signal to use, be sure you understand its meaning and usage completely and be sure that it's the right match for the logic in your paper. Transition signals all have different meanings, nuances, and connotations.

•     To introduce an example:


in this case

to illustrate

for instance

for example

one example of this is

to demonstrate

on this occasion

•     To introduce an opposite idea or show exception:


in contrast

on the other hand



in spite of




even though




one could also say


•     To show agreement:


in accordance with

•     To introduce an additional idea:


as well as

in addition





equally important



one could also say


and then

•     To indicate sequence or order, or logically divide an idea:









at this point

followed by



at this time






and then

•     To indicate time:





at this point


prior to



at this time







•     To compare:



just like

another way to view this

by comparison

balanced against




•     To contrast:

a different view is

even so



balanced against

in contrast




on the contrary




on the other hand

differing from

•     To show cause and effect:

and so



as a consequence

as a result

for this reason



•     To summarise or conclude:

as a result

in conclusion


as shown

in other words



in summary

to conclude


on the whole

to summarise


summing up


in brief


The example below illustrates how transition signals can be used to improve the quality of a piece of writing. Note how the ideas flow more smoothly and the logical relationships between the ideas are expressed clearly.

At HELPS, we endeavour to support UTS students in a number of ways. First, we offer 15-minute ‘drop in’ sessions with a HELPS Advisor. Making an appointment for these sessions is not necessary. Here, students can gain assistance with their academic writing and presentation skills. Specifically, students may ask for assistance with: understanding an assignment question; understanding assessment criteria; clarifying an assignment type (e.g. what’s a literature review?); planning for an assignment; strategies for effective reading/note-taking skills; and obtaining information from self-study resources. During this time, the HELPS Advisor may refer students for a longer, 40-minute consultation. Students cannot, however, book one-to-one advice sessions online; only a HELPS Advisor can do that.

Getting one-to-one advice is an opportunity for an in-depth discussion with a HELPS Advisor in relation to your specific needs on an assessment. For example, you may require assistance preparing for an oral presentation. Alternatively, you may ask a HELPS Advisor to discuss a draft of an assignment to ensure that you have addressed the assessment criteria. While HELPS Advisors cannot edit your work, they can point out persistent errors in your text and show you how to correct these. In other words, they can help you to edit your own work. 

In brief, there are many ways that HELPS can support UTS students. Students are encouraged to drop by the HELPS office which is situated in Building 1, level 5, room 25.


The Learning Centre 2013, Transition signals in writing, UNSW, viewed 20 September 2013,
< https://student.unsw.edu.au/transition-signals-writing>.

Unilearning 2000, Transition signals, UOW, viewed 20 September 2013,
<The UniLearning website is no longer available>.

Transition signals are useful in achieving good cohesion and coherence in your writing. This page gives information on what transition signals are, the grammar of transition signals, and different types of transition signals. There is also an example essay at the end in which you can highlight the different types of transition signal, as well as some exercises to help you practice this area.

Transition signals, along with repeated words and reference words, are one of the main ways to achieve good cohesion and coherence in your writing. They are therefore a way to help ensure that your ideas and sentences cohere or 'stick together'. Transition signals are used to signal relationships between ideas in your writing. For example, the transition signal 'for example' is used to give examples, while the word 'while' is used to show a contrast. In addition, there are phrases like 'in addition' for adding new ideas. Likewise there are words such as 'likewise' to connect similar ideas.

Broadly speaking, transition signals can be divided into three types:

Sentence connectors are used to connect two sentences together. They are joined by a full-stop (period) or semi-colon, and are followed by a comma. The following are examples of sentence connectors.

Clause connectors are used to connect two clauses together to form one sentence. They are joined by a comma. The following are examples of clause connectors.

Other connectors follow different grammar patterns. Many are followed by noun phrases. Some are verbs and should therefore be used as verbs in a sentence. The following are examples of other connectors.

Below are examples of different types of transition signals. They are divided by type, and sub-divided according to grammar. More information on some of these is given in relevant essay sections. You can also check out the second YouTube video on the EAP Foundation YouTube channel, which looks at types in more detail, with example sentences.

Sentence connectors

  • also
  • besides
  • furthermore
  • in addition
  • moreover
  • additionally


  • another (+ noun)
  • an additional (+ noun)

For more on comparison signals, see the compare and contrast essays section.

Sentence connectors

  • likewise
  • similarly
  • equally
  • in the same way

Clause connectors

  • and
  • both... and
  • not only... but also
  • neither... nor
  • just as


  • as... as
  • like/alike
  • just like
  • to be similar to
  • to be alike
  • to be similar

For more on contrast signals, see the compare and contrast essays section.

Sentence connectors

  • however
  • in contrast
  • in/by comparison
  • on the other hand

Clause connectors


  • compared to/with
  • to be different (from)
  • to be dissimilar
  • to be unlike
  • to differ (from)

Concession transitions show an unexpected result. They are similar to but not the same as contrast transitions. E.g. Although the sun was shining, he took an umbrella to work. [The sun shining means taking an umbrella is unexpected.]

Sentence connectors

  • however
  • nevertheless
  • nonetheless
  • still

Clause connectors

  • but
  • yet
  • although
  • even though
  • though


  • despite (+ noun)
  • in spite of (+ noun)

For more on cause signals, see the cause and effect essays section.

Sentence connectors

Clause connectors


  • to result from
  • to be the result of
  • due to
  • because of
  • to be the effect of
  • to be the consequence of
  • as a result of
  • as a consequence of

For more on effect signals, see the cause and effect essays section.

Sentence connectors

  • as a result
  • as a consequence
  • consequently
  • hence
  • thus
  • therefore


  • to result in
  • to cause
  • to have an effect on
  • to affect
  • the cause of
  • the reason for

Sentence connectors

  • for example
  • for instance
  • in this case


  • such as (+ noun)
  • like
  • an example of (+ noun)
  • to demonstrate

Sentence connectors

  • first, second, etc.
  • first of all
  • then
  • next
  • now
  • then
  • soon
  • last
  • finally
  • previously
  • meanwhile
  • gradually
  • after that
  • since
  • then

Clause connectors

  • after
  • as
  • as soon as
  • before
  • since
  • until
  • when
  • while


  • the first, the second
  • the next, the last, the final
  • before (lunch etc.)
  • after (the war etc.)
  • since (1970 etc.)
  • in the year (2000 etc.)

Sentence connectors

  • above all
  • first and foremost
  • more/most importantly
  • primarily


  • a more important
  • the most important
  • the second most significant
  • the primary

Sentence connectors

Clause connectors

Sentence connectors

  • that is
  • in other words
  • specifically

Sentence connectors

  • in fact
  • indeed
  • of course
  • clearly

Sentence connectors

  • all in all
  • in brief
  • in conclusion
  • in short
  • in summary


  • to summarise
  • to conclude
  • It is clear that...
  • We can see that...
  • The evidence suggests...
  • These examples show...

Below is an example essay. It is the one used in the persuasion essay section. Click on the different areas (in the shaded boxes to the right) to highlight the different types of transition signal in this essay.

Title: Consider whether human activity has made the world a better place.












History shows that human beings have come a long way from where they started. They have developed new technologies which means that everybody can enjoy luxuries they never previously imagined. However, the technologies that are temporarily making this world a better place to live could well prove to be an ultimate disaster due to, among other things, the creation of nuclear weapons, increasing pollution, and loss of animal species.

The biggest threat to the earth caused by modern human activity comes from the creation of nuclear weapons. Although it cannot be denied that countries have to defend themselves, the kind of weapons that some of them currently possess are far in excess of what is needed for defence. If these weapons were used, they could lead to the destruction of the entire planet.

Another harm caused by human activity to this earth is pollution. People have become reliant on modern technology, which can have adverse effects on the environment. For example, reliance on cars causes air and noise pollution. Even seemingly innocent devices, such as computers and mobile phones, use electricity, most of which is produced from coal-burning power stations, which further adds to environmental pollution. If we do not curb our direct and indirect use of fossil fuels, the harm to the environment may be catastrophic.

Animals are an important feature of this earth and the past decades have witnessed the extinction of a considerable number of animal species. This is the consequence of human encroachment on wildlife habitats, for example deforestation to expand human cities. Some may argue that such loss of species is natural and has occurred throughout earth's history. However, the current rate of species loss far exceeds normal levels, and is threatening to become a mass extinction event.

In summary, there is no doubt that current human activities such as the creation of nuclear weapons, pollution, and destruction of wildlife, are harmful to the earth. It is important for us to see not only the short-term effects of our actions, but their long-term effects as well. Otherwise, human activities will be just another step towards destruction.

Transition signals














Which transition best connects the student’s ideas?

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Which transition best connects the student’s ideas?

Below is a checklist for transition signals. Use it to check your own writing, or get a peer (another student) to help you.