Why astrology is dangerous

We see all kinds of people around us. But the kinds who believe in astrology is what we are concerned about. Have you met people who justify behaviors because they belong to a particular zodiac sign? Oh, mysterious? He must be a scorpion.


How much can you rely on astrology really?

Well you either will believe in it or you won’t but here are some rock solid reasons for you to not believe in astrology and its vagueness.

1. Astrology has no solid evidence for whatever it says.

According to astrologers, change in the motion of planets will have a change in your personality but then there so many planets other than the known ones that have been found by NASA. Remember Kepler-186f that NASA confirmed? It is the same size as the Earth that exists in the habitable zone of stars other than our sun.

Why astrology is dangerous


2. There are more than one type of astrology. Heard of Chinese, Burmese, Tibetan,  Electional, Horay, Western horoscopes? That is exactly!


3. The astrologers will make you believe what you want to believe. If the astrologer is telling you you've had tough times in the past, you'll automatically think of all the hardships you’ve been through. It is all psychological.


4. Most astrologers are con men. A lot of people have experienced that a few can be bribed and you can make them say whatever you want in exchange for money.


5. Every astrologer will have a different view. So if you believe in astrology, meet different astrologers.


6. Only because you belong to the same zodiac signs doesn't necessarily mean that you are all the same. Aren’t we all different individuals? I’ have met many Capricorns in my life, however, some  I found to exactly opposite of the other. Where one is very loyal while the other is someone for whom loyalty doesn’t even exist. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});

Why astrology is dangerous


7. Reading what is going to happen all the time can also influence your actions and can make things worse for you. 


8. It also leads to stereotyping. "Oh god, you are so sensitive, you must be a Cancerian."You know how to balance things, such a Libran trait." 


9. Astrology is like an addiction. Once you start believing in it, you will find yourself dependent on it.


10. Believing in your stars could make you believe less in yourself and that can do more harm.


11. The ups and downs in our lives are constant and reading and going by astrology won't solve a thing. 


Why astrology is dangerous

Horoscopes. For some of us, horoscopes are an important source of information about ourselves and our futures. For others, it’s the section of our newspaper or Cosmo magazine that we skip. But whatever your stance is on horoscopes, it’s important to understand that their place lies firmly in the land of…

Psychologists talk to WebMD about the mental health implications of reading horoscopes.

Medically Reviewed by Louise Chang, MD

Birthdays Jan. 1 to Dec. 31)
Strengthen your relationships, learn how to manage stress, and stop wasting time reading horoscopes, advises clinical psychologist and author Terence Sandbek, PhD. "One of the hallmarks of mental and emotional maturity is being able to run your own life and make your own decisions," he tells WebMD. He suggests time spent on horoscopes could be better spent on tools with a real record of helping people improve their lives.

For some people, horoscopes are a source of harmless fun. "I read it, but I don't follow it," says Michelle Lucas of Miami. "It's just for entertainment. It doesn't make or break my day."

For others, it's a matter of habit. Every morning, Ann Edwards of Lenoir, N.C., reads the local newspaper. The horoscope is always there, right next to some of her favorite features. Edwards tells WebMD she doesn't think much of astrology, but she plays along. "I'll tell my kids, 'Today is a nine for you' just for fun. I don't tell them if it's a five."

But for many people, horoscopes have a deeper meaning. First-year teacher Janice Holmes says she consults her horoscope "to answer questions, like how my day will be."

"Horoscopes tend to have a bias toward positive things," says Stuart Vyse, PhD, author of Believing in Magic: The Psychology of Superstition. "There isn't a lot of negative material in them. That might be comforting to people."

Vyse, who is a professor of psychology at Connecticut College, tells WebMD that horoscopes are "a one-size-fits-everybody enterprise" - they're written for everyone who shares your birthday, plus or minus a couple of weeks. But he says horoscopes can still provide a "sense of comfort" because people tend to focus on the parts that are relevant to their own lives.

Adriana Freitas, a marketing manager in Miami, says she enjoys the "hit-or-miss" nature of reading her horoscope. "Sometimes I get lucky and what is written turns out to be true," she tells WebMD. "Sometimes it matches my day and sometimes not. When it [matches] it's funny and I might cut it out."

Psychologists call this "confirmation bias." People will latch onto sections of a horoscope that confirm or support their beliefs and ignore the rest. Vyse says this practice may have a psychological benefit. "To the extent that reading your horoscope gives a sense of order or meaning to your life, that would be a positive thing. The problem is there's no scientific basis to the horoscope, so I think acting on it is not a good thing."

Sandbek says he's concerned that people who regularly consult their horoscopes are looking for guidance, not comfort. "Most people who read horoscopes or go to psychics do so because they want information about themselves or what they should do," he tells WebMD.

Holmes says she pays special attention to her horoscope "when I'm curious about something or when something is changing. It helps explain what's going on."

Sandbek says people may be more likely to read their horoscope during times of change or personal trauma "because it seems like life is spun out of control. People need a sense of being in control."

Vyse agrees. "When they don't have a sense of control, people will engage in activities that give them even a false sense of control. We call this the 'illusion of control.'" Horoscopes create this illusion by hinting - even vaguely - at what a person should do or expect in the near future.

Vyse says this is one reason some women turn to their horoscope for clues about their love life. "Women are the more passive participants in the establishment of a relationship. I hope this is changing, but men are usually the ones who ask the women out. There's a sense that women don't feel they're in charge or have much control over finding a mate."

Whether you're looking for love or managing your budget, Vyse says horoscopes become problematic if they have a significant influence on your behavior.

Holmes tells WebMD she sometimes makes financial decisions based on her horoscope. "If my horoscope recommends I slow down my spending for a couple of weeks, I do."

Other followers rely on astrology when making difficult decisions about their health. A New York woman who asked not to be named says she consults her astrologer before scheduling surgery. "I absolutely believe in it."

Vyse says this is taking the illusion of control too far. He says it may be fun to base "unimportant decisions" on your horoscope, but that's where to draw the line. "It's never a good idea to make an important decision based on your horoscope. You might as well flip a coin."

"It can be downright damaging," Sandbek says, "because the information people get from a horoscope is random at best." He adds that depending on astrology during challenging times can inhibit personal growth by interfering with your ability to make wise decisions.

Although Vyse doesn't recommend acting on your horoscope, he says doing so may yield positive results by boosting your confidence. "There is a benefit to being confident; you can perform better." But he and Sandbek agree there are more reliable ways to build self-esteem.

"If a person has to take random information to make themselves feel good, it's not a healthy way to feel good about themselves," Sandbek says. "We have a lot of technology and resources to make people's lives better. One way is to strengthen a person's support system, strengthen their relationships with others" and weed out bad relationships.

Other useful tools are stress management techniques and cognitive-behavioral therapy, which can help people feel more in control of their lives. Sandbek also recommends looking for self-help books "that walk you through the steps to making wise decisions and feeling more confident."

Vyse says the key to building confidence is the same whether you are a student or an executive. Instead of reading horoscopes, "people should spend their time preparing, studying, and rehearsing for whatever it is they're doing. There's nothing that prepares you better than practice."

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