Why can t cats drink milk

We all know that kittens drink milk, but can cats drink milk once they're weaned? We’ve been seeing felines indulging in milk on TV for years, so it comes as no surprise that many cat parents believe that their pets need milk in order to be healthy. The truth is, regardless of how tasty milk might be to your feline friend, it can do more harm than good.

In this article, we’re discussing why cats shouldn’t drink milk, whether they can safely consume other dairy products and more.

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Pro Tip: If your feline companion snacks on something they shouldn’t, pet insurance is one way you can make sure they get the professional help they need along with a financial helping hand for vet bills.

Is milk healthy for cats?

When we’re talking about feeding milk to cats, most of us refer to cow’s milk. Cow’s milk isn’t healthy for cats as it doesn’t provide all the nutrients your feline friend requires, especially if it's consumed in place of a balanced meal.

Most cats are lactose intolerant as they don’t have the enzyme lactase needed to digest the sugar in milk called lactose. This means that drinking milk can cause similar symptoms as in lactose-intolerant humans: diarrhea, vomiting, and abdominal pain.

Milk also contains high amounts of fat and if consumed in large amounts, it can lead to weight gain and upset your cat’s stomach.

Can kittens drink milk?

Just like adult cats, kittens should not consume cow’s milk. Kittens drink their mother’s milk until the mother weans them gradually, sometimes as early as four weeks old. By about eight to ten weeks of age, kittens are eating solid foods and lose the ability to digest the sugar found in milk.

The only time you might need to feed milk to kittens is if you have to bottle-feed them. Even then, you should steer clear from cow’s milk and only give specific kitten milk which has the right balance of nutrients.

Why can t cats drink milk

What types of milk can cats drink?

If you want to treat your feline friend to some milk, the best option is to buy special cat milk from the pet store or the supermarket. These products usually contain a lot less lactose or are completely lactose-free, so they reduce the likelihood of cats getting sick from drinking milk. However, the fat content is still high, so you should only offer special cat milk as an occasional treat and in small quantity.

Can cats drink goat milk?

Goat milk might be a better option than cow’s milk as it contains less lactose and is easier to digest, even for lactose-intolerant cats. It should be noted though that while goat’s milk has less lactose than cow’s milk, there’s still enough to affect your cat negatively.

Goat’s milk is also lower in fat than cow’s milk but again, it still contains fat and should be given in limited amounts. You can buy skimmed and partially skimmed goat’s milk to reduce the fat content.

Can cats drink almond milk?

Almond milk is safe for cats if fed in small amounts because almonds are non-toxic to felines. As with the other types of milk, the main concern with cats drinking almond milk is the high-calorie content. An average 10-pound feline needs about 200 calories per day and a single cup of almond milk has about 100 calories!

In addition, some types of almond milk are sweetened, i.e. they contain added sugars that can lead to obesity and tooth decay. Artificial sweeteners like xylitol should also be avoided because the compound is highly toxic to cats.

Can cats drink soy milk?

Soy is also safe for cats and is actually found in many commercial cat foods as a source of protein. However, soy is one of the top food allergens in many pets which is why soy milk shouldn’t be given to cats with food allergies.

The Bottom Line:

Milk isn’t toxic to cats, but if you decide to offer it, do so in moderation. A couple of sips at the bottom of the bowl should be enough. If your cat drinks milk and shows symptoms of a stomach upset, it’s probably a sign that they are intolerant and should not be fed milk again. If these symptoms persist, take your cat to the vet.

Why can t cats drink milk

What can cats drink instead of milk?

Cats need plenty of water, which is very important for promoting optimal organ function. Water helps your feline friend regulate body temperature, eliminate waste, digest food, lubricate tissues, and prevent dehydration.

To encourage your kitty to drink water, try placing several bowls around the house or consider purchasing a kitty fountain as many cats like flowing water. Another great way to ensure that your pet is drinking enough water is by feeding them wet canned food. Cats are generally not very keen on drinking water, so wet food is excellent for keeping them hydrated.

Besides water, cats can also safely consume bone broth and tuna juice. Bone broth has many health benefits for cats including improved digestion and liver health. When it comes to tuna juice, be sure to opt for tuna in water since too much oil can cause stomach upset, and watch out for the salt content.

On the other hand, there are certain drinks that cats should never consume, such as alcohol, caffeinated drinks, and sugary drinks.

While it may seem quite unlikely that a cat would try to drink alcohol, they might be tempted to try a beverage that includes cream or milk. A few sips shouldn’t cause any harm, but if your cat drinks a significant quantity of alcohol, they might suffer alcohol poisoning.

When it comes to caffeine, cats are more sensitive to it than humans. According to VCA Animal Hospitals, “While taking a sip of hot coffee or iced tea probably will not adversely affect most pets, ingestion of one or two caffeine pills can be fatal for small dogs and cats.”

Sugary drinks like fruit juices, especially store-bought ones, can quickly lead to obesity or even contribute to diabetes.

Pro Tip: When it comes to feline diabetes, early detection and proper vet care are crucial. The right pet insurance plan will allow you to give your kitty the best possible care. Knowing that you don’t have to worry about unexpected vet bills can take a load off of your mind and enable you to focus on your pet’s well-being.

Can cats have dairy products?

Sometimes, cats that can’t tolerate milk might have no issues with other dairy products, so some cats can eat cheese, yogurt, ice cream, and butter. This is because different forms of dairy contain different amounts of lactose. Products like ice cream and yogurt are often diluted with other things like water. Foods like yogurt and cheese might also be cultured, which means that microorganisms have digested a portion of the lactose.

Although many people believe that milk is good for cats, the reality is that it's a myth. Unfortunately, milk is not the healthiest beverage for felines. In fact, it can cause a series of ailments, including an upset stomach, cramps, and severe diarrhea. A large majority of cats are lactose intolerant and/or become dehydrated when they are fed cow's milk.

While your kitten may seem perfectly content lapping up a bowl of milk, it's not good for him or her. In many ways, milk can become your kitten's "comfort food" that is reminiscent of their mother's milk. However, being a good kitten parent means not making this a part of your feline's regular diet.

No matter how you cut it, milk does not contain the essential nutrients cats need to grow. Too much milk can even displace their appetites for meat-based diets and cause nutritionally-deficient diseases. Additionally, one of the most common reasons milk isn't recommended for adult cats is that many of them have problems digesting it.

Most cats lack the enzyme lactase, which helps them digest the lactose in milk. When undigested, lactose makes its way through the cat's digestive system and takes in water from the intestines. Simply put, lactose can't pass through the intestinal wall into the bloodstream very easily. In addition, cats are susceptible to gut bacteria that can cause painful gases and diarrhea.

If your cat's not throwing up or having diarrhea, he or she can consume whole, skim, or lactose-free milk in small quantities. Some experts advise that cream is better than regular milk because it has less lactose than whole or skims milk. 

Several lactose-free milk substitutes for cats have developed over the years, including CatSip and CatSure. CatSip is real Grade A milk from a dairy that's been specially developed to lessen the risk of digestive problems in cats. CatSure, on the other hand, is a definitive, balanced liquid nutritional meal that allows cats to make the best of their golden years. It includes high-quality protein and amino acids for healthy living and is made particularly for adult and senior cats. Both products can be purchased online, in several large grocery stores, and in most pet supply stores. If your cat enjoys milk, these milk alternatives will most likely please him or her.

If your cat drinks milk and suffers from regular bouts of diarrhea, the result could be fatal. This is most commonly found in kittens because it causes dehydration. Instead of milk, simply give your cat what it really needs: clean water. Water is necessary on a regular basis to help cats stay hydrated.

If your cat doesn't seem to be drinking enough water, it may be that he or she is consuming wet food. The moisture content of the food is often enough to suffice. However, if your cat is eating dry food and not getting enough water, you can try getting your cat to drink from a spigot or fountain, as the running water often entices them.


  • What milk is good for cats?

    Lactose-free milk made especially for cats. (Please note, drinking this special milk does not guarantee that your cat will not have an unpleasant reaction. For this reason, do not feed it to kittens.)

  • Why is milk not good for cats?

    Because most cats are lactose intolerant, and milk contains lactose.

  • Is coconut milk good for cats?

    While very small amounts won't hurt your cats, coconut milk contains high amounts of fat and oil that your kitty doesn't need in its diet.