Why does my eye make a squishy sound

Pretty much explained in the title. I've never actually met anyone else whose eyes do this, so I'm curious as to how many others have audible blinks.

This thread is really old - I don’t know if it’s still relevant - but I HAVE EXACTLY THE SAME THING AS YOU! did you find a cure over the last 7 years for squishy eye? Mine squishes so loud it can be heard by people who aren’t even right next to me. Eurgh! And the eye breathing thing is just the same. No pain, no other symptoms - but I am so glad to have found a fellow squishy eye sufferer!

I'm 17 and for the past year and a bit, my left eye seems to be able to breathe, it makes a squishy sound when I rub it, it keeps feeling like it might be falling out, but, sometimes, my left eye also aches, waters for no reason and I feel like it is getting more blurry, more difficult to move it around and sometimes I feel like it has built up some sort of pressure. I don't usually ask about going to the doctor's or anything about things like this because usually when I do, I get told i'm just a hypochondriac and it isn't anything to worry about. I have searched through a few medical websites to see if I could figure it out, but I think I just keep scaring myself with it. Anyone got any ideas on what I should do? Baring in mind, I did have my anenoids taken out and i've had sets of grommets in my ears before, so I don't know if that's just messed up my sinuses up or what. If someone could give me some advice, it would be heavily appreciated.

Omg I read what you wrote and I think I'm experiencing close to the same thing! Well it started for me when I was 23 pregnant with my son the pressure behind my eyebrows was so bad and anything that moved in front of my face seemed to make it worse they thought it might be the pressure of being prego and said it would go away after he was born well it did not , they sent me to eye doc, nothing then I was sent to Neuro, they did cat scan, Mir and nothing so they wanted to do a spinal tap to see if I had pressure build up and those test came out inconclusive and I ended up in hospital for 2 wks with a spinal  when I got out nightspot as l I went to my Neuro to find out the results and he fricken referred me to a therapist! So I stopped seeing doctors cause I thought maybe it was in my head but I can't take it anymore! I can't enjoy anything my eyes hurt every second of the day and movement is horrible like if I'm driving and I need to use the windshield wipers I'm always agitated too and I feel bad because I snap at people do u have any of the other symptoms I talked about?

I know how you feel. My right eye is bloodshot and i have varying degrees of blurred vision which seems to come and go, with no apparent cause?  I dont have headaches or migraines, and apart from a slight swollen sensation, there is no other obvious symptoms, but when i run my finger around my top eyelid, there is a distinct "squishing" sound which can be heard not only by me, but by others listening on? I am going to the optometrist this week to see if they can offer any explanation? I am 48 and in relatively good health, and this has only come on over the past 3-4 months?

Not all the time but often when I rub my eyes, my tear ducts don't empty out and make that weird squishy noise. I'm not sure what it is. Hopefully, it isn't anything serious because it's been going on for a long time. And every morning I wake up with blood shot eyes. It's frightening. :(

Hi, I have the same type of issue going on, I have dry eye syndrome and have tear duct plugs on bottom tear ducts and on and off have the same squishiness on top eye lids right under brows that drives me crazy! It is sometimes one eye or both and sometimes it's there and sometimes it's not, but I have nasal/sinus issues too and get the pain and pressure right there as well.  It seems like the squishiness is more there when there's alot of pressure and pain there from sinus stuff not draining I guess and when I rub my eyes I hear the squishy sound like it's water there or air is trapped.  If you find out more please post it or let me know what the doctors tell you.  Thanks.

Thought Id add this to my problem if helpful in finding out whats wrong with my eye .. I have been on over the counter nasal spray for the last 10 years due to always having probelms breathing without it. Could this have anything to do with the nasal spray possibly eating away at something inside my nose / sinus area where air can be getting trapped in my upper eye lid giving me headaches a lot of pressure in that area ? How bad is this nasal spray Ive been using for so long ? When visiting the last ENT Dr trying to figure out what my problem is, he told me right away to get off of the over the counter nasal spray and put me on something called nasonex. It works great but just costs A LOT more money. Thanks!

Thank you so much. I just looked up the Oculoplastic Specialist on Wikipedia.com http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oculoplastics This is exactly what I need. Why no one else has recommended this I will never understand but I appreciate you taking the time to do so... I wish there was someone else on here who had the same problem that could relate to me and what I'm going through... It truly is a living hell and its getting worse and worse.


Dear Squishy, I wonder if you have floppy eyelid syndrome.

Since you've been to so many doctors already, I'd try seeing an oculoplastic specialist at a university ophthalmology program. There are other possible abnormalities of your lacrimal system which they would have most experience with.

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Why does my eye make a squishy sound

With review and feedback from CEENTA ophthalmologist Payal Patel, MD (Monroe)

Have you ever rubbed your eye and heard a squeak? For some people, this is a very common issue.

Why is my eye squeaking?

First, a little background on your eye’s structure is necessary. Tears are produced in the lacrimal glands and drain into the puncta, the tiny holes in your eyelids. Your tears drain from your puncta, through your lacrimal sac, and into your nose via the nasolacrimal duct. This is why your nose sometimes runs when you cry.

Why is this important? Well, sometimes air gets into the lacrimal sac via the nasolacrimal duct, and when you rub your eyes, the air is pushed out through the puncta. The squeak you hear is that air escaping.

Avoid rubbing your eyes

Rubbing your eyes excessively isn’t good for them, as you may hurt your cornea.

Why does my eye make a squishy sound

“Many people are struggling with symptoms of achiness, foreign body sensation, red eyes, watery eyes, and transient blurred vision,” CEENTA ophthalmologist Payal Patel, MD, said. “These can often be related to an underlying issue of dry eye syndrome. Dry eye is very common but also can be very uncomfortable. I recommend seeing an eye doctor if you are having one or more of these symptoms to help treat your eyes and make your day easier.”

If you have any condition that causes you to rub your eyes excessively – such as allergies or dry eye – schedule an appointment with a CEENTA doctor. They will help ensure you don’t have to rub your eyes or hear that squeak.

This blog is for informational purposes only. For specific medical questions, please consult your doctor. You can now schedule an appointment online with Dr. Patel or any of our nearly 50 eye doctors in North and South Carolina. You can also schedule through myCEENTAchart or by calling 704-295-3000.

If you’ve ever been tired and started rubbing your eyes, you may have heard a “squeak, squeak” sound. What about when you can’t stand those itchy eyes from your seasonal allergies that are starting to “spring up,” and you rub, rub, rub those eyes to feel better? Squeaking eyes are nothing new, but they may still catch you off guard at times. 

You may have thought, what?! Why does my eye make that noise when I rub it? So, what is actually happening when your eye makes that sound? Is something wrong? Is it normal? Let’s find out more.

Why Eyes Squeak When Rubbing?

Our tears escape through small holes in our eyelids, also called puncta. This can happen when we cry from our body reacting to an allergy or just when we’re tired. Occasionally, the air is pushed through the area in the nasal cavity and lacrimal sac (the tear-producing gland) and out through the puncta, causing that funny squeaking sound you hear when you rub your eyes. It’s all coming from your tears and air! Interesting, right? 

Can Eyes Squeak by Themselves?

Typically, eyes don’t really squeak on their own without the presence of tears and air being quickly forced out of a small area. However, if you are concerned about continued eye squeaking being a symptom of something more, it’s essential to see your eye doctor as soon as possible. There is probably nothing to worry about, but it’s always better to get things checked out and make sure your eyes and vision stay healthy and strong. After all, you’re going to need them for a long while yet!

Is It Okay to Rub Your Eyes?

You really shouldn’t ever be rubbing your eyes at all. But it feels SO GOOD, right? While it’s natural to want to wipe or massage your eyes a little when they’re tired or irritated, it’s easy to give yourself an eye infection unknowingly, especially while at work or out and about, running errands. Dirty hands and eyes are not a great mix!

Besides introducing bacteria into your eye with rubbing, you can also run the risk of scratching your cornea or lens. The result can be untreatable vision loss or, in time, a nasty infection. Something that seems so natural can really cause quite a bit of harm if you do it too much or too hard. 

If you have sore eyes, try splashing them with cool water or take a break and allow yourself to close your eyes for a few minutes and give them a proper recharge.

When to Call an Eye Specialist

If you find yourself rubbing your eyes consistently, finding out the root cause is essential. There could be vision issues, allergies to blame, dry eyes, or a serious eye condition that needs to be properly treated. 

If you are experiencing eye pain, headaches, redness, light sensitivity, and an added need for eye rubbing, schedule an eye exam today.