Why is my menstrual cup leaking Saalt

This article was medically fact-checked by Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist Dr. Shree Datta.

Let’s face it, there is nothing quite as annoying as a leaking menstrual cup. Leaks usually occur to newbies during their first few cycles as they get to know their body and their cup, but they can also happen (on very rare occasions) to us cup veterans too. Thankfully, menstrual cup leaks are super easy to troubleshoot, and once you’ve figured out why they occur and how to fix them – you’re set!

The 2 most common reasons your cup might be leaking are: that it hasn’t opened up properly or that it is positioned incorrectly. Not to fret! There are several practical, easy solutions to get your cup working for you leak-free, every time.

The first step is to get acquainted with your vagina so that you can visualize what you’re doing during insertion. You can check out our article on the female internal anatomy here and a detailed guide to your cervix here. Also make sure you do not have any cuts, infections, or urinary problems while using menstrual cups. Now that you’re all clued up on your lady parts, let’s see why your cup may be leaking…

1. Your cup isn’t fully open:

The most common reason for leaks is that the cup edges are still slightly folded and have not opened fully to form a seal with the vaginal walls. This is especially common with new cup users and generally just takes a little bit of practice to get the perfect insertion method down. If on first insertion your cup hasn’t opened up, here are our top tried and tested tips for getting it to pop…

Keep it Clean

Before your hands go anywhere near your nether regions, be sure to give them a proper washing to avoid introducing bacteria into your vulva and vagina.

Chill out girl!

Relax! A tight, tensed vagina is not going to be the most accommodating space for a menstrual cup and may prevent it from opening up properly. Sit, stand or squat in a position that’s comfortable for you and ideally one that opens up your vagina – one leg up on the tub is a firm fave among seasoned cup users.

Try a different fold

Next, it’s important to try out different cup folding and insertion methods to see which one works best for you (see our top folds here). We generally recommend the “half-v”, aka “punch-down” fold as it makes the cup a) more rigid, b) much smaller, and c) gives it a pointed tip for easier insertion.

Insert high!

Insert your cup higher in the vaginal canal but low enough so that you can still reach the base – you can press your finger (or thumb) on the bottom of the cup to move it higher up. Then, squeeze or press on the body or the rim of the cup a few times to help the cup pop open and form that all important seal.

Gently wiggle

This is a great little trick for getting even the most stubborn folds to pop open – once you’ve inserted your cup (high) into the vagina, gently pull or wiggle the stem downwards. You may actually feel the cup softly opening up inside as you pull it down. If you pull the cup too far down so that the stem is now sticking out, simply use your finger – or thumb – on the side or rim of the cup to push it back up higher.

Final check!

To make sure your cup has fully opened, run your finger around the cup’s body to check for any folded edges or bulges. If you pull on the cup and it doesn’t move – your seal has formed and you’re good to go! You can also clench your pelvic floor muscles to ensure the cup is correctly located. You shouldn’t be able to feel if it’s in the right place, even if mentally you keep thinking about how it’s inside of you. You’ll get used to it.

2. Your cup is positioned incorrectly ie. it’s not under your cervix

Contrary to popular belief, the cervix is not necessarily located at the top of our vaginal canal and can actually be positioned at an angle or to the side. It can also move higher and lower in the vaginal canal throughout our menstrual cycle, depending on our levels of estrogen. If the rim of your cup is not below the cervix, menstrual fluid will flow down the sides of your cup and ultimately cause leaks. So, first things first…

Locate your cervix!

As your cervix height can change throughout your cycle, it’s important to check the position during the times you’re going to use your cup – ie. your period. To do so, simply place a clean finger into your vagina and feel for a slightly firmer area of tissue – it should feel a bit like the tip of your nose. Ta da! Say hello to your cervix!

Position your cup under the cervix

Once you’ve determined where your cervix has set up camp for your period, you will know where your cup needs to be. But remember that your cervix may continue to move throughout your period so it’s handy to check its position throughout your cycle your first few times with a cup. You can wear your cup high or low in the vagina – whatever works for you!

Why is my menstrual cup leaking Saalt

Positioning your cup correctly

Angle your cup

The vaginal canal is not vertical, but angled towards the back of the body. To make sure your cup is positioned correctly, angle it towards your tailbone using your thumb on its base to tilt it in the right direction.

Make sure your cervix is not inside your cup

During your period, estrogen levels cause your cervix to lower and become more firm. If you position your cup so that it is directly on your cervix it can do two things. Firstly, it’s a bit like putting a pebble into a glass of water where the cervix takes up capacity and raises the level of fluid inside which can potentially cause leaks. Secondly, if you have a sensitive cervix the cup’s suction could cause cramping or discomfort – so make sure to try out different positions to find the right one for your body.

3. Other issues

Your menstrual cup is full

This one should be pretty self-explanatory! If your menstrual cup is full – you may experience a little leakage. Most women will not need to change their cup more than once every 8 hours, but if you have a very heavy flow you may want to change it a little more regularly or consider purchasing a higher capacity cup (like Lily Cup for example) for total peace of mind.

Your cup does not fit

When purchasing a menstrual cup it’s important to consider the company’s size guide as a cup that is too small is not going to seal properly and a cup that is too big will be difficult to open up. INTIMINA recommends that women who have not given birth or who have given birth via C-section choose Lily Cup size A and women who have given birth vaginally or who have a weak pelvic floor choose size B. You should also check your cervix height before choosing a cup as some are longer than others.

There you have it! Everything you need to know about why your cup might be leaking and exactly how to fix it. Next time you go to insert your cup, visualize what you are doing and follow some of these useful tips so you form that all-important seal, exactly where it needs to be.

If you have a problem with choosing your new period cup, check this out: Which menstrual cup to choose

Written by:

This article is written by medical professional Dr. Alice Byram, whom you can read more about at the end of the article.

If you’re struggling with menstrual cup leakage, don’t worry – we’re here to help. As with any new product, menstrual cups can take a little getting used to. And, rather than there being a problem with your actual cup, we know it’s likely that any leaks you’re experiencing will be due to one of five very common and easily solved reasons. 

To explore these common menstrual cup problems in greater depth, we’ve pulled together this article which will:

  1. Answer the all-important question "Do menstrual cups leak?"
  2. Explore the possible causes behind why your menstrual cup is leaking
  3. Suggest simple ways you can make sure that leaks are a thing of the past 

We’ve also made a short video to help explain these points in full. You can find it here.

Why does my menstrual cup keep leaking?

In-depth research by the respected medical journal, The Lancet, has found that when it comes to softcup leaking  leakage is similar or lower for menstrual cups than for disposable pads or tampons.1 So, if your menstrual cup keeps leaking, what are the five common reasons that could explain why?

1. Your menstrual cup is leaking because you're using the wrong cup size

Using a menstrual cup that's too big or too small is one of the most common reasons for leakage. 

Are you using the right menstrual cup size? Take our quiz to find out: 

Take our Quiz

Why is my menstrual cup leaking Saalt

If, for example, when you’ve got your period you’re thinking “I can feel my menstrual cup” it may be that you need to use a different cup size – or simply trim the cup’s stem to fit the shape of your body.

“The bigger cup has taken me some time to get use(d) to, and I only use it for my heavy flow day. The Ruby Cup, small size, fits me so perfectly, I tend to forget that I am on periods. I love it.” - Satu

If, after reading our sizing guide, you think you’re using the wrong sized Ruby Cup for your needs after all, just get in touch with us. Our 100% money-back guarantee means we’ll happily exchange your current cup for the different size.

"I ordered a small and a medium, because I wasn't sure what would make the most sense - it turns out it was a good choice. I use both regularly, large on the days with heavy flow because it can go ~5-6hrs, whereas the medium can fill up in ~2 on a gusher day." - MC

Want to change your Ruby Cup for a different size?

2. Your menstrual cup hasn’t popped open to create a full seal

When you insert your Ruby Cup into your vagina, it will ‘pop’ open from its folded position to regain its original shape when it reaches your cervix and create a watertight seal. 

If you’re finding that your menstrual cup won't open when it’s inside your vagina, you may need to work your fingers gently around the base of the cup to see if you can help the cup to pop into shape. 

A helpful trick to make sure your period cup’s in the right place and fully open is to rotate the cup once you’ve inserted it into your vagina.

By moving your cup slightly from left to right in this way, you can encourage the cup to pop open. Alternatively, you can try gently pushing one side of the cup with your index finger. 

If this doesn’t work, simply remove your cup and try again. It may take a few attempts to get it right, and find the menstrual cup placement that works for you, so take your time and experiment with different techniques to find the one that works for you.

How do I know if my menstrual cup is open?

To check that your Ruby Cup is in place and fully open, gently hold onto the cup’s stem and try to pull it downwards. If your cup has opened successfully and created the seal and vacuum you need for it to work, you’ll feel a slight pull.

"I was amazed at how simple it is to use (if you can insert a tampon, then there isn't much difference). After my first period, I felt like a pro (my top tip is to do a couple of squats after inserting and it'll wiggle into place and 'pop' open if it hasn't already) and in fact during over a year of use have only had one occasion where it leaked, due to being half-asleep when I cleaned/inserted it." -Jade

Related post: How to clean a menstrual cup

How do I know if my menstrual cup is sealed?

If it’s inserted properly, your menstrual cup will only move a little way before you’ll feel the pressure of the suction – and it will be very hard to remove without first breaking the seal.

“I have done yoga shoulder stands and vigorous exercise wearing the cup and have not had any leaks. In the early days I did get a couple of very minor leaks due (to) my insertion not being quite right and the cup not fully unfurling but these days I’ve got it sussed and I’ve had no problems.” -B

A helpful tip for successful period cup insertion is to run your finger around the edge of the cup and see if you can feel a crease. If you can feel a crease, this will be what’s preventing the cup from opening fully and creating the vacuum you need. To solve this, try folding your cup in a different way, see our menstrual cup folding guide for more tips on folding your cup.

Why is my menstrual cup leaking Saalt

How do you break the suction on a menstrual cup?

To break the suction on your Ruby Cup and check if it needs to be emptied, the secret is in the pinch.

Unlike a tampon, where you would pull the string to remove the tampon from your vagina, with a menstrual cup, you simply pinch the base of the cup itself to break the seal. Then you can remove your cup and empty its contents into the toilet.

Do you have an IUD or coil fitted?

We know from experience that if your IUD’s strings sit on the rim of your menstrual cup, they can get in the way and prevent the suction you need from forming, which can cause your cup to leak.

If you do use a coil or IUD with your menstrual cup, you can ask your gynecologist to shorten its strings so they can hang directly into your menstrual cup. This will allow the suction you need to form and creates a watertight seal, which means you won’t leak. 

“I totally adore Ruby Cups. They have the best fit for the many brands I've tried, being more soft and flexible with a wider circle. It doesn't leak at all and is amazingly comfortable." - Holly

3. Your menstrual cup is leaking because it’s overflowing

If you have a very heavy period, you may be experiencing menstrual cup leaking because your Ruby Cup is overflowing.

That’s because, even though our Medium Ruby Cup has three times the capacity of a super tampon (34ml vs. 10ml), you may lose more blood over a few hours than your cup can hold – and, chances are, your menstrual cup is full.

For this reason, on the days when your flow is very heavy, you might find yourself with a full menstrual cup. On the days when this happens, we recommend that you check your cup to see if it needs to emptying every 4-6 hours.

“I've had the Ruby Cup for some years now and, what a game-changer. I have had heavy clotting and issues using tampons and pads because the clots would cause leaks. At my desk job, just sitting there, I would have panicked, tight-legged, sprints to the restroom. With the Ruby Cup, that doesn't happen!” -Vickie
“Ruby is the 4th cup I’ve tried and my absolute favorite hands down. The only time I had an issue with leaking was on my heaviest day and I had overflown the cup so not even the cups fault.” -Preston 

Why is my menstrual cup leaking Saalt

If you find that your cup is overflowing and you’re not already using a Ruby Cup Medium, you might want to consider changing from the Small Ruby Cup to our larger size. 

Why is my menstrual cup leaking Saalt

Related Post: The 7 Best Menstrual Cups for Heavy Flow (No Leaks!)

4. Your cervix has shifted, and your cup isn’t in the right position

The human body is a wonderful thing. Did you know that, during menstruation, your levels of estrogen fall, which can cause your cervix to change position?

And that, as you shed your uterine lining and your period starts, your cervix also swells and opens slightly to let the blood flow out more easily?

Not only that, but your vagina may also tilt a little to one side – or even move downwards. Fascinating, isn’t it?

It can also explain why you may be experiencing soft cup leaks or your menstrual cup leaking at night – even though your Ruby Cup isn’t full. This is because your menstrual fluid is flowing down the sides of your cup, instead of into it.

That could be because you’re trying to insert your menstrual cup in the same high position as you would have inserted a tampon, but we’ve found that your cup will work best if it's positioned a little lower down in your vagina and inserted in a horizontal, rather than a vertical, direction – in line with your vaginal passage.

To solve leaks that happen because of this reason, try to place your Ruby Cup below your cervix – and not next to it.

“Of course, it takes a couple of cycles to get used to the procedure but really it's worth it, you just have to hang in there and don't get frustrated with any occurring leaks (it happens the first times, but nothing dire!) If anyone is considering making the switch, you should definitely try it.” -Cassandra Dallou

You can check your menstrual cup placement by running your finger around your cup and feeling if your cervix is outside it. If it is, simply remove your cup and try again. By allowing your Ruby Cup to pop open further down in your vagina, you can reduce the risk of the cup opening next to the cervix instead of below it.

And, if your cup starts to leak a few hours after insertion but you find when you remove it that it’s just half full, this can be because your cervix is sitting inside your cup, displacing the liquid and causing it to overflow. 

If this happens, try a lower insertion of your cup – or empty it a little more often while your flow is at its heaviest.

Why is my menstrual cup leaking Saalt

5. Your bowel movements are causing ‘short leaks’

It’s not unusual to be constipated or to have diarrhoea during the first few days of your period, and it can be helpful to know that your bowel movements can also alter your menstrual cup’s position a little too. It’s also useful to know that it’s common to experience a menstrual cup leak when you go to the toilet for a poo.

Unlike tampons, though, your Ruby Cup won’t pop out when you poo – but what might happen, especially if your cup is already quite full, is that it might overflow.

You’ll know if this has happened if you see menstrual blood on your toilet paper when you wipe. This kind of ‘leak’ is caused by the muscular pressure of your bowel movement, rather than a problem with your cup.

Related Post: Tampons vs Menstrual Cups: Which Is the Right Choice for You?

6. You have strong pelvic floor muscles

If you find that your menstrual cup always leaks, it could be that your pelvic floor muscles are very strong. Strong pelvic floor muscles are important and have many positive health benefits – but if you’re thinking, “why is my soft cup leaking?” every time you get your period, it may be because your pelvic floor is squeezing the walls of your menstrual cup. This is the equivalent to you pinching it just before removal.

This muscular ‘pinch’ can cause the seal between your vaginal walls and the rim of the cup to break and allow your period cup to overflow – especially if it’s already quite full.

If this is happening to you, we recommend that you try a menstrual cup that’s a bit firmer.

In terms of firmness, Ruby Cup is in the medium range, which makes it a good ‘all-rounder’ for most people with periods and an easy menstrual cup for first-time users. But if you have powerful pelvic floor muscles and our silicone softcup is leaking for you, you might be better off with a firmer menstrual cup.

There are lots of helpful menstrual cup user groups online where you’ll be able to find information on other, firmer menstrual cups. These firmer cups may be better suited to your body. 


Why do period cups leak? 

There could be various reasons for leaking cups such as:

  • Your cup is not the optimal size for you.
  • The cup hasn’t popped open or formed the seal.
  • Your cup is already full.

But biological factors can also contribute to leaking. Strong pelvic floor muscles can pinch the cup, breaking its seal. Or a bowel movement may push your cup slightly out of place.

Why does my menstrual cup keep leaking at night?

Your menstrual cup may be leaking at night because estrogen levels fall during your menstrual cycle, your cervix swells and shifts, allowing for better blood passage out of the body. Your vagina may also lower and shift as well. 

To prevent night leaks, try positioning your cup lower in your vagina, instead of next to your cervix.   

What should I do if my menstrual cup is leaking?

If your cup is leaking, make sure your cup is positioned properly and popped open, creating suction. Also, try a different size or firmer cup. If it's a "fake leak'', a mixture of residue blood in your vagina and excess water from a rinsed cup, wipe the vaginal area before and after cup reinsertion. For more details, watch this video.

One final tip on menstrual cups and leaking… 

If you notice a leak just after you’ve emptied your menstrual cup, it may be a ‘fake’ or ‘wiping leak’.

Fake leaks can happen during the heavier days of your period, just after you’ve emptied, rinsed and reinserted your menstrual cup. This is because there may be leftover water droplets on the outside of your cup, which can mix with some menstrual fluid from the walls of your vagina during your period cup insertion.

You’ll know if this has happened if you see a smudge in your underwear the next time you go to the toilet.

“I’ve been using my ruby cup for the better part of three years now! I have a generally heavy flow, and love that I don’t need to use the washroom every hour with this. I did have a few leaks in the beginning while getting used to the cup, but nothing that a panty liner couldn’t help with.” -Anna

To prevent a fake leak, take a little time to dry yourself with toilet paper after you’ve inserted your freshly-rinsed menstrual cup. 

The end of menstrual cup leakage

We hope this guide has been helpful – and that you understand why you may have been experiencing leaks – and how to stop them. The Lancet found that leakage is similar or lower for menstrual cups than for disposable pads or tampons.which is great news for people with periods who want to save money, protect the environment, and enjoy more freedom while they menstruate.

We want you to enjoy using your Ruby Cup – and to feel safe and protected from leaks at all times. If you’ve been leaking while you’ve been wearing your Ruby Cup – may we suggest that – as a first step – you try a different size? 

It’s quick and easy to do. And, with our 100% money-back guarantee, you have the peace of mind that you can exchange your cup within 120 days of purchase.

Why is my menstrual cup leaking Saalt

Date last reviewed: October 2021


 Reviewed by Dr Alice Byram Bsc Med & Surg UMA MA Hons MML Cantab

Dr Alice Byram was born in England to a French-British family. Following on from a degree in Spanish from the University of Cambridge, she went to Spain to study medicine. On her return to the UK, she worked in Emergency Medicine for several years before recently returning to Barcelona. 

1Van Eijk AM, Zulaika G, Lenchner M, et al. Menstrual cup use, leakage, acceptability, safety, and availability: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Lancet Public Health. 2019;4(8):e376–e393. doi:10.1016/S2468-2667(19)30111-2