A home care nurse discusses with a client when visits will occur

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Page 2

Participants Women/men Average age (SD) Age range
Older people (n = 48) 37/11 84 (8) 65–94
Total nursing staff (n = 33) 27/6 42 (11) 23–59
Nurse assistants (n = 17) 15/2 44 (10)a 24–59
Registered nurses (n = 16) 12/4 40 (11)a 23–56
Visits Average length of visits in minutes (SD) Range of length of visits in minutes  
Total (n = 196) 17 (14) 1–72
With nurse assistants (n = 99) 17 (14) 1–72
With registered nurses (n = 97) 17 (14) 1–70

  1. aMissing data on 2 nurse assistants and 2 registered nurses