How to fix saggy breast after weight loss

There are fewer accomplishments to be prouder of than weight loss. Not only can losing weight help a person look and feel better overall, but there are virtually endless health benefits to be gained from weight loss. For many after weight loss patients, however, sagging skin is a frustrating side effect that keeps them from reaching their ultimate goals. Fortunately, cosmetic surgery can help. Internationally renowned board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Christopher Khorsandi and the expert team at VIP Plastic Surgery are proud to offer the most cutting-edge body contouring procedures in Las Vegas, NV to help patients complete their weight loss transformation and finally get the gorgeous physique they deserve. Learn more about the benefits of one of the most popular skin removal surgeries after weight loss – breast lift – including how it can dramatically improve your sagging breasts.

Why do I have sagging breasts after weight loss?

Virtually all women will experience physical changes in their breasts over time, whether due to pregnancy, breastfeeding, or the aging process alone. Another cause of droopy breasts is weight fluctuation. When a woman loses a fairly significant amount of weight, she may also lose fatty tissue in the breasts. When this occurs, the skin is often unable to “snap back” into shape – particularly for older women or those with poor skin elasticity – resulting in saggy, deflated breasts. Unfortunately, there is little that a woman can do to tighten breast skin or firm breast tissue on her own. For these patients, breast lift surgery may be a fantastic solution for restoring a more attractive, perkier, and more youthful breast position.

What is a breast lift?

Breast lift is a wildly popular type of body contouring surgery that involves skin removal, skin tightening, and reshaping of the breasts. The primary goal of breast lift surgery is to raise the breasts to a higher and more natural point on the chest. A breast lift also allows the surgeon to resculpt a more attractive overall breast shape, as well as adjust the position of the nipple, leaving patients feeling more youthful, feminine, and confident about their bodies.

How does a breast lift after weight loss work?

During breast lift surgery in Las Vegas, Dr. Khorsandi utilizes the most advanced techniques and technologies available to ensure stunning, long-lasting results. In most cases, breast lift surgery is performed as an outpatient procedure using general anesthesia and may take about 1 – 3 hours to complete. To begin, Dr. Khorsandi makes a careful, precise incision(s) on the breast. Depending on the nature and severity of the patient's concerns, Dr. Khorsandi will remove an appropriate amount of tissue and skin, reposition the breast, pull the remaining skin tight, and close the incision with sutures. In many cases, the nipple-areola complex will also be repositioned for a more appropriate and natural look.

Do I need a breast lift or implants?

One of the most frequently asked questions by women with drooping breasts after weight loss is whether they should have a breast lift, breast augmentation, or both. The answer can vary from patient to patient and depends on a number of personal factors, including:

  • Severity of drooping
  • Amount of excess skin
  • Degree of skin laxity
  • Desired outcome
  • Current breast size/shape

In some cases, breast augmentation with implants may actually be enough to fill the deflated breast pocket and achieve a firmer, tighter look without the need for a breast lift. However, patients with significant drooping or pronounced skin elasticity often require breast lift skin removal to achieve their desired goals. Women who are hoping to increase their breast size as well as raise the breasts may benefit most from a combination breast augmentation plus breast lift procedure. During your initial consultation for a breast lift in Las Vegas, Dr. Khorsandi will thoroughly evaluate your breasts, discuss your ideal results, and recommend a personalized surgical plan that best meets your needs.

Will fat transfer fix sagging breasts?

Fat transfer to the breast is another popular procedure that offers patients a more natural alternative to breast augmentation. During breast fat transfer, fat is harvested from one area of the body via liposuction and transferred to the breasts via injection. This obviates the need for synthetic breast implants and boasts the added benefit of a trimmer contour at the site of liposuction. Patients should keep in mind, however, that there is a limit to the amount of fat that can be transferred during this procedure, meaning patients seeking a more dramatic size increase may be better suited to breast augmentation with implants. Furthermore, fat transfer may not be enough on its own to achieve a more lifted look. For pronounced drooping or sagging, a breast lift is undoubtedly the best option.

Take the final step in your body transformation after weight loss with breast lift surgery in Las Vegas, NV

Losing weight is an accomplishment to celebrate. Hopefully, you are now healthier, happier, and look better than ever! But if sagging skin and drooping breasts are holding you back from celebrating your success, cosmetic surgery can help. To learn more about how body contouring with Las Vegas breast lift surgery may help you finally get the gorgeous body you deserve, call the knowledgeable team at VIP Plastic Surgery to schedule your private in-office or virtual consultation with board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Christopher Khorsandi. Don’t let all of your hard work go to waste; call us today!

How to fix saggy breast after weight loss

Push ups are a great way to firm up your breasts.

Image Credit: Cecilie_Arcurs/E+/GettyImages

A common complaint many women have after weight loss is that their breasts have lost their perkiness. Weight loss in the breasts can make a woman feel less feminine, less confident and can even have an impact on her sex life. In these moments, however, it's essential to remember that the benefits of weight loss outweigh a little sag and that there are many exercises that can improve breast firmness.

To improve breast firmness after weight loss, do strength exercises targeting the pectoral muscles like the barbell bench press, free weight chest fly and push-ups.

Weight Loss and Breasts

Under the fatty breast tissue lie the pectoral muscles, which can become quite strong and toned just like any other area of the body. Sometimes, women skip working their pecs because they're either prioritizing other areas of their bodies, or they fear that doing too many chest exercises will make their upper body too "bulky." Newsflash: That's completely false! In fact, doing targeted chest exercises, particularly with heavy weights, may give you that extra perk you desire.

Note that your breast tissue itself cannot be firmed up, but by doing targeted chest exercises, you can create extra perk by building the muscles underneath.

Lift Heavy and Often

According to the Office of Women's Health, it's highly unlikely that a woman would become more muscular from lifting weights regularly because women's bodies are formulated to have more body fat and less muscle. And that's good knowledge to have because there are many benefits of lifting heavy weights including increasing your metabolism and reducing your biological age, too.

Put in the Effort

As with any other area of the body, if you want to keep it tight, you have to put in the effort. The same holds true for your breasts after weight loss.

1. Barbell Bench Press

The American Council on Exercise ranked the barbell bench press one of the top three most effective chest exercises.

  1. Sitting on the end a bench, grab hold of the barbell in both hands making sure your grip is centered and your hands are wider than shoulder distance apart.
  2. Carefully lay back and push the barbell up until your arms are straight and approximately over your nipple line. Turn your knuckles up so they are pointing toward the ceiling.
  3. Bending at the elbow, lower the barbell down until your arms are at a 90-degree bend or slightly further while still aligning the barbell over the center part of your chest.
  4. Press up in the same fashion and repeat eight to 12 reps.

2. Free Weight Chest Fly

Doing a chest fly with free weights is another effective exercise for perkier breasts. Bonus: it targets both the chest and the shoulders!

  1. Sitting on the end of a bench with two dumbbells, lay back carefully and lift the weights up until your arms are straight and the weights are above your nipple line. Do not lock or hyperextend your elbows.
  2. Rotate your wrists so that the palm side of your hands are facing one another.
  3. With your elbows softly bent, draw both of your arms out wide as you lower the weights down along your sides. Do not go beyond the height of your chest or the bench.
  4. Squeeze the arms back up to their original position, with elbows still softly bent, as though you are hugging a big exercise ball.
  5. Repeat eight to 12 reps.

3. Push-ups

Push-ups are an effective chest exercise that allows you to multitask, working your abdominals and arms, too.

  1. Starting in a proper plank position, position your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart on the floor. Modify by dropping to your knees while maintaining a straight spine.
  2. Bend your elbows out wide as you lower your entire body toward the floor. Make sure your body stays aligned in plank without sagging or lifting your hips.
  3. Drop down as far as you can without touching the ground and then press your bodyweight back up into your wide arm plank position. Don't get frustrated if you can only bend your arms slightly before pressing back up. Your range will improve as you build your chest strength.
  4. Repeat eight to 12 reps.