How to get curaga kh3

Please tell me there is a way so the battle with Sephiroth will be easier

How to get curaga kh3

well, it makes the game a lot harder, thus making it funer. if people played kh2 and curaga costed only 1 MP, then maybe people would still be complaining about kh2 being too easy, when it comes to that. but i guess no other way... but then how do you get MP? is it like in kh1, where fighting gets you more MP?

or is the only solution to use ethers or pick up MP bubbles?

WHAT?! CURAGA USES ALL YOUR FREAKING MP?!?! I guess it's to balance out the fact that you have drive forms, plus the triangle commands. If anything, it'll give players a 'Devil May Cry' kind of mindset when they play (Which is not a bad thing, unless you're a player who can't finish Hard let alone Dante Must Die mode). It forces you to be more alert instead of whoring on cure magic.

Still, I don't like this change though. Increase the MP cost, certainly, but drain it all? No way.

what's the big deal?
in fact, it's way better! life gets so boring when all you do is just simply heal, heal, heal all the time! it gets way harder, and that way, it gets funner, don't you think (i mean with all the complaints from people saying that proud mode is too easy)?

It makes the game more challenging, not necessarily more fun. I mean increasing the MP cost is a good way to cut back on curaga spamming, but by draining all your MP you are pretty much shutting out the magic system of the game. IMHO, if a player is given a choice either to heal him/herself or fire off a pretty thundaga against some heartless, I'd probably bet they would heal. After all you can't cast spells if your HP is 0, can you? I think draining the guage will just frustrate gamers.

I'm not fussed, now that I give it a second thought. As long as there is a way to shortcut to items, I won't mind this too much. Just that I'll be using my munny more often instead of hoarding it back in KH1.

you can still go crazy casting out offensive magics, just make shure you do have at least 1 mp so you can still cast heal, and btw 1 mp is enough to heal your entire party back to full health!

but with me all it takes away is one MP.....I think my games screwed

yeah... so then all you do is cast offensive magic, not curaga, then when your MP is nearly out, heal the party!

i hope MP bubbles will be in the game frequently...

Well if it uses all your MP, then think of triangle moves as the opposite, cuz you can avoid a lot of attacks just by hitting triangle.

but with me all it takes away is one MP.....I think my games screwed

Are you talking about KH1 or KH2? We're talking about KH2. Are you sure it's Curaga, not any other cure spells? If it's actually Curaga in KH2, then your game must be screwed up.

but with me all it takes away is one MP.....I think my games screwed

If I was in your position, I'd replace the word 'screwed' with 'lucky'. Hmm, maybe there are different healing spells in the game? A 'normal' one target heal using X amout of MP and a mass heal draining your magic bar? I wouldn't know since I don't have too much info on the subject, correct me please...

By the way, how do you measure MP? The MP bar isn't divided into blocks (either that or I am blind)

I liked it on KH2... in KH1 you're able to use Cure like a crazyman... that is a little unfare... some battles like ansem's ultimate-form are so easy... you just go and kick his ass and when you feel bad, use cure again and again

p.s: sorry, my english is very poor =/

if you look at videos: when sora goes to the magic menu, he goes a little down and selects something. another menu pops up. in this menu, there are more than 3 options. sora selects one, and cure clovers appear above sora and the party. half of the MP is consumed (is what i saw)

maybe theres a few for the party and sora, one for the party, and maybe a weak one.

Last edited: Jan 11, 2006

if you look at videos: when sora goes to the magic menu, he goes a little down and selects something. another menu pops up. in this menu, there are more than 3 options. sora selects one, and cure clovers appear above sora and the party. half of the MP is consumed (is what i saw)

maybe theres a few for the party and sora, one for the party, and maybe a weak one.

i've ended the game 2 days ago... and in 30hours of gameplay this never happened to me... Maybe in this videos sora cast another spell and Donald or Goofy use something like Mega-Potion or Mega-Elixir...

Maybe i'm wrong...

It makes the game more challenging, not necessarily more fun. I mean increasing the MP cost is a good way to cut back on curaga spamming, but by draining all your MP you are pretty much shutting out the magic system of the game. IMHO, if a player is given a choice either to heal him/herself or fire off a pretty thundaga against some heartless, I'd probably bet they would heal. After all you can't cast spells if your HP is 0, can you? I think draining the guage will just frustrate gamers.

I'm not fussed, now that I give it a second thought. As long as there is a way to shortcut to items, I won't mind this too much. Just that I'll be using my munny more often instead of hoarding it back in KH1.

It's because cure, not matter what your HP, fully cures you it seems. 100% Cure = All MP

It's smart. Cure Spamming was WAY to easy in KH1. I mean all you had to do was put on the ability that heals MP when you get hit and you're fine.

MyInnerFred, yes, and that ability was MP Rage
MP Haste worked kinda well too...

*Grudgingly accepts* I suppose a 100% HP recovery for all your MP isn't too bad of a deal. Maybe I'm just too used to my KH1 psuedo-immortality with my double MP Rage and MP haste...then you had Goofy with his MP Gift and Donald healing me whenever I got wound nastier than a papercut... Still, I stand by my view that draining all MP for cure is detrimental for the magic system (the other magic like Aero and Firaga, I mean). In the previews and impressions I have read about KH2 there has been much talk about an improved magic system (the magic in KH1 was all but useless, the only useful magicks were Curaga, Aeroga and Graviga), it seems that having this limitation on the most important magic is really going to cut in on the action of the other magic available in the game. What I'd rather have is setting a rather large MP cost on Cure magic, ie, Cure=1 MP=small heal, Cura=2 MP=moderate heal, Curaga=3 MP=major heal. Though I do agree that 1 MP Curaga made KH1 quite easy.

/end rant

Last edited: Jan 11, 2006

*Grudgingly accepts* I suppose a 100% HP recovery for all your MP isn't too bad of a deal. Maybe I'm just too used to my KH1 psuedo-immortality with my double MP Rage and MP haste...then you had Goofy with his MP Gift and Donald healing me whenever I got wound nastier than a papercut... Still, I stand by my view that draining all MP for cure is detrimental for the magic system (the other magic like Aero and Firaga, I mean). In the previews and impressions I have read about KH2 there has been much talk about an improved magic system (the magic in KH1 was all but useless, the only useful magicks were Curaga, Aeroga and Graviga), it seems that having this limitation on the most important magic is really going to cut in on the action of the other magic available in the game. What I'd rather have is setting a rather large MP cost on Cure magic, ie, Cure=1 MP=small heal, Cura=2 MP=moderate heal, Curaga=3 MP=major heal. Though I do agree that 1 MP Curaga made KH1 quite easy.

/end rant

Well given experiences with the game, using Cure it's self is really a last resort. Honestly magic is normally useless though since the time it takes you to scroll to it & cast it is a waste when you could just hack away and destroy the enemy faster. Magic is pretty weak to, aside from the defensive ones and when against weaknesses. But like I was saying Cure is normally a last resort. Also your MP slowly builds up, unlike in KH1.

Huh? You mean there aren't any L1 shortcuts? And I know that you now have to use the control pad to navigate the menu instead of the right analog stick <-that sucks.

And it's kind of disheartening to hear that magic hasn't improved much in KH2. I always amused myself in KH1 by occasionally firing a Firaga at a Heartless while yelling out 'KAMEHAMEHA!!!'

Oh well, if anything, KH2 will get me back to my Devil May Cry groove...

Last edited: Jan 11, 2006