How to get shift lock on iPad Roblox

Add support for mouse lock (aka shift lock) for games on Roblox’s mobile app by adding this resource to your game/experience.

I made a handy resource for Roblox developers to support “Mouse Lock” (aka “Shift Lock”) mode in their games for mobile players!


Also consider getting the Model from the Roblox website so it’s available in Studio’s toolbox and on your Roblox account!

View this post on the Roblox Developer Forum instead →

What is mouse lock (shift lock)?

How to get shift lock on iPad Roblox
Running into the sunset with shift lock on was only possible on desktop – but not anymore!

This handy feature faces your character in the direction your camera is facing, and is highly useful in with melee combat and role-play games. Roblox players who have used the mobile app have probably noticed that the “mouse lock” or “shift lock” doesn’t exist on touch-enabled devices by default. It gives the player far better control over the direction their character is facing than the keyboard or on-screen joystick.

Unfortunately, this great feature is unavailable by default on mobile Roblox. I may not be able to change that, but I can provide fellow Roblox developers with this nice little package which enables them to add it to their games and experiences!

Want your favorite Roblox game to support mobile shift lock? Send them this post! I’ve made this pack super straightforward to install.

What’s in the box?

  1. A replacement PlayerModuleLoader LocalScript for placing in StarterPlayerScripts. This overrides the one Roblox inserts by default with one that does some fiddling before it loads the entire PlayerModule.
  2. An imitation TopBar ScreenGui containing a button that toggles the lock mode. If you don’t want it, you can make your own button using the code in it! It’s just an example that I built to look nice with Roblox’s default UI.
  3. An “INSTRUCTIONS” ModuleScript for those who need the nitty-gritty.

How to enable shift lock

  1. First, insert the object into your place
    • After getting the model from the Roblox website, open the Toolbox and insert it, OR
    • Drag the downloaded model file in your filesystem onto Roblox Studio
  2. Move the PlayerModuleLoader LocalScript into StarterPlayer → StarterPlayerScripts.
  3. Put the MouseLockToggle ScreenGui inside StarterGui.
  4. Stash the original folder with the INSTRUCTIONS in ServerStorage you can find it again, just in case.
  5. That’s it! Test it out by turning on Studio’s device emulator, select a touch device and press play. You should be able to click the button to toggle mouse lock like in the video.

But how?

How to get shift lock on iPad Roblox
You probably never asked for this, but it’s there anyway

This was made possible by EgoMoose’s CameraModule API Public Override. It’s an interesting injection trick which fiddles with a part of the camera portion of the PlayerModule, which is normally locked down by the UserRemoveTheCameraApi FFlag (see above). But, by using some really clever Lua environment injection via the TransparencyController, the CameraModule is essentially tricked into thinking the flag isn’t set. Therefore, it exposes the object to the developer without needing to fork the entire PlayerModule system. Genius!

How to get shift lock on iPad Roblox, the part where the MouseLockController isn’t constructed if TouchEnabled is true.

Moreover, I noticed that the constructor for the CameraModule simply didn’t construct a MouseLockController object when running on non-TouchEnabled devices (see above). I added a small bit to the loader script that creates it manually if it got skipped over by the default code. The end result: it works exactly the same now.

Some Fine Print

  • This will probably work for a while, though changes Roblox makes to the camera and mouse-lock parts of the PlayerModule may break or cause issues.
  • I’m not liable if you break your game with this – no warranties included :–)
  • Perhaps in the future Roblox will have formal support for mouse/shift lock for touch – it’s up to you to know whether or not that has happened yet. Search #updates:announcements on the DevForum  just in case.
  • I’m also probably not going to provide support or updates for this. But, you’ve got the wonderfully talented DevForum community is at your fingertips and can help you solve your problems.


Here’s that download button again in case you don’t want to scroll up all the way:


That’s all folks! Hopefully this helps Roblox developers add a well-loved feature to their games.

– Ozzypig

To use shift lock, just go to the settings part in the Roblox app. You will find the ‘Shift Lock Switch’ option and toggle it on. Now, when you will press the ‘Shift’ key in the game, it will automatically enable shift lock.

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Shift mode is a useful little feature that allows you to experience the game through a great third-person camera viewpoint that isn’t cumbersome or sluggish. If you’re attempting to play Roblox in shift mode but it’s not working properly, here’s what you need to do. Here is how to shift lock on Roblox PC/ Mobile. So, without any further ado, let’s get started.

How to shift lock on Roblox

Only a few games support this feature and not all games have it. This is mostly used in difficult chart obby race. You can also use this in fighting or driving games.

Shift Lock is a Roblox client feature that allows players to lock the camera’s perspective with the player’s movement in a 3rd person’s perspective by pressing the shift key. In other words, the player will be in the third person and move in the first person. It is only available on PCs, Macs, and other computers.

This may be particularly handy for complex techniques like obbies or sword fighting tournaments. However, in the case of BrickBattles, it has garnered mixed reviews because some players think it is less genuine to play with than the unlocked camera mode.

Developers can deactivate the function in their own areas, which results in the notice “Set By Developer” appearing in Roblox’s in-game options menu.

Some games have a shift lock button that has been written specifically for mobile players. Tower of Hell is one of the games that have this, as are most of the difficulty chart obby games.

Let’s get started on the script; the following code will center the mouse. We make use of RunService. RenderStepped to execute it every frame to keep the mouse in the center.

Now that we’ve centered the mouse, we want the camera to be a little above and to the right of the character, similar to the Shift-Lock effect. Humanoid is used for this. CameraOffset. It will shift the camera away from the Humanoid.

Finally, and most critically, *the camera is not pointing in the direction of the mouse. This, as far as I can tell, is why most users don’t use MouseBehavior to force-enable shift lock.

However, the answer is pretty simple: simply add a BodyGyro that will rotate the Character in relation to the mouse. The character will be forced to confront the Mouse Direction as a result of this.

When you hit the play button, you should be in the “Shift lock mode” that we established. To turn it off, simply press shift lock(false).

Fix: Roblox shift lock not working

Roblox’s camera angles are clearly not its expertise, as almost everyone will agree. The camera may be a little awkward at times, which can be rather irritating when playing a few particular games. To address this issue, Roblox provides all desktop players with the option to enable shift lock mode.

The first thing you must ensure before further with your debugging of this issue is that the game you are playing supports shift mode. Many times, designers will disable shift mode since it spoils the experience that said creators are attempting to offer with their Roblox games.

It’s possible that you’ve recently begun playing a Roblox game that doesn’t support shift mode. Check to see if it still works with other games. Working with others indicates that this is the problem. If it works with no game at all, you should go to the solutions below.

Make sure your Roblox account’s movement mode is set to mouse + keyboard. This is critical if you’re attempting to get shift mode to function, as it’s the only movement mode in which the feature works flawlessly. This can be adjusted in the game’s options, and you should do it right away if you’re attempting to get shift lock to function.

After successfully changing the movement mode, you should attempt stepping into a game to see if the shift lock is functioning or not. There’s no reason to be concerned about the problem if it’s functioning now. If this isn’t enough, it’s advised that you go back to the original solution or look at the following one.

You can also try changing the camera mode to default, which will allow you to reactivate the shift lock and keep the camera in one place while playing Roblox. There are two distinct modes. The first is the original classic mode, which locks the camera in position unless manually modified.

The other option is the follow mode, which drags the camera along with your avatar, following players with each turn they make.

Even if it isn’t your favorite option, change it back to classic. When you return it to traditional mode, try using shift lock to toggle between the two styles again and see if shift lock works again. This should be more than enough to reactivate the feature.

How to use shift lock on Roblox mobile

First, go into the game in-studio, then into your player, and last into Player Scripts. Player Module can be found. You must duplicate that.

Finish that test session and copy it into this directory game.

StarterPlayer. You may alternatively follow the method of the Other Tutorial with StarterPlayerScripts (At The Bottom of this tutorial)

Next, we’ll create a leaderboard-style script that will determine if the Shift lock should be turned on or off. When a player joins, this script adds a bool value. Place the script in the Server Script Services folder.

The next step is to create a ScreenGui with a TextButton within. Also, within the Text Button, put a Script.

If they have a touch screen, the script will detect it and activate the shift lock when the button is pressed.

Finally, go to the Camera Module in the Player Module, scroll down to line 468, and click enter. Type this line, which will update every so often (We believe per frame), and if the value is true, shift lock will be enabled, else it will be disabled.


1. How to turn on shift lock on Roblox

Shift lock is a great feature in Roblox where each player may lock the camera such that the main player becomes the third player and the third player becomes the main player.

When you start hitting the Shift key, this function will activate, and you may do it on a PC, computer, or even a mobile device. Of course, this will make moving the character you’re using simpler.

First, launch Roblox on your computer. Then, once within the game, select the three-line menu in the upper left corner.

After that, go to Settings. Then, in the Shift Lock Switch section, toggle the shift lock to ON. The shift lock technique in Roblox PC has then been completed successfully.

2. How to shift lock on Roblox mobile

Shift lock may be activated in Roblox mobile as well as on Roblox PC. Open the Roblox game and log in.

Then display the vehicle, which might be a car or a motorbike. Then, on your Roblox, magnify the camera. Get aboard the car if you’ve zoomed in.

You can then exit the vehicle immediately. The shift lock technique in Roblox mobile has now been completed.

That’s all for today’s guide on How to shift lock on Roblox PC/ Mobile. Do check out all the sections and know you should know how to enable shift lock in Roblox. Till then, stay safe and follow us for more upcoming gaming coverage

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How to get shift lock on iPad Roblox

Jatin is an aspiring dentist with a keen interest in video games who likes to spend his time playing an array of different games. Other than that, he is a die-hard basketball fan who often embraces R&B music.