What are the ways of communicating to clients

Whether you are focusing on how you can market to a customer or how a customer can contact a customer service member, being able to properly communicate makes a huge difference. If you can’t communicate what you are selling or how to use it, how are customers ever supposed to know what they are getting? And if they can’t get fast and easy answers to their questions, many customers will simply go somewhere else. Here are 4 methods of communicating with customers that you can follow to ensure you don’t face either of those problems.


Being able to text or chat a customer actually works well when it comes to both marketing and customer service. It is a simple and easy way to send out automated and personalized marketing messages to people while also providing a fast and easy way for customers to text you for answers to their questions. Using AI chatbot will help you get the most out of communicating with customers through text because a machine can easily send out personalized messages and respond to questions 24/7 without a real person ever having to get involved.


Emailing went out of style for a few years as texting and social media became more popular forms of communication. But it has come back in style and is extremely popular again. In fact, 63% of those surveyed said they prefer email communications with businesses over any other form of communication, putting text in second at 14%. On top of that, 59% said that they would likely make a purchase if that email included a sitewide or category wide sale. Artificial Intelligence also can help to personalize emails and determine what types of content your audience wants to see in an email.

Social Media

One way to easily stay in contact with customers, new and old, is through social media platforms. Most people turn to social media when looking for recommendations for where to go or what to buy. Plus, people are on social media all day making it easy to worm your way into an ad or two on their account. Artificial Intelligence can help identify what type of content you should be posting as well as what kinds of responses customers want from you. Make sure to engage customers with new content on your social media accounts regularly, and respond to any comments on your page as quickly as possible, so they feel validated and valued.

Phone conversations

Even with all the other methods of communication out there, phone conversations will never go away. However, all the other methods of communicating actually help since there are fewer people who call in with questions if they can get their answers in other ways. Artificial intelligence can even help here by “listening” to the conversation and giving recommendations to the customer service agent on what to say next based on the customer’s previous history with the company and how the call is going.

When you work with a big client, there’s the potential for higher-value contracts, name recognition, and steady work. Once you land that coveted contract, client relationship management will become a part of your daily routine. You’ll quickly learn that consistent, thorough, and open communication is the key to project success.

By prioritizing communication with clients, you can discuss and resolve pain points and frustrations with your before they become bigger issues. Both written and verbal communication are important skills to have. By listening closely and asking questions you can learn what your client is trying to achieve and make sure they feel heard and understood. Then, you can employ a variety of written communication tactics to keep your client informed and make sure the project stays on track.

Here are five tips for communication with clients that can help build a lasting, trusting relationship that leads to more work down the road.

1. Learn Client Needs

If you’re working for a big-name client for the first time, don’t assume that your client contact will be busy with a number of other projects. Make a point to have detailed, initial conversations. Ask all of the questions you need in order to truly understand your client’s goals and expectations for the project.

Each company you work with will be different, so make sure you have a feel for how your client likes to work. Who will be overseeing the project? Who are your points of contact and how do you get in touch with them? Is there a stakeholder who likes things done a certain way?

Based on these conversations, write and present a communication plan that dictates how you will  update progress on the project. Be sure to tailor the plan to meet your client’s specific needs and preferences. By taking the time to set expectations from the start, communication will run much more smoothly once the project kicks into high gear.

Check out: 5 Tips for Leading an Effective Project Kickoff Meeting

2. Choose Communication Tools

Part of these initial conversations should involve picking the tools that you will use for each type of communication. For example, your client may want to have a bi-weekly status meeting. Do they prefer to have that meeting over the phone or via video chat? Do they expect to receive an accompanying update with that meeting, such as a visual PowerPoint or status report describing your progress?

If you have the flexibility, it is always helpful to meet your client on their ground. While email may be your preferred mode of communication, you might work with someone who prefers a phone call. Talk to your client so you know the best way to reach them and when. And, just as you need to respect your client’s time, provide some guidelines for them as well. What hours are you available outside of an emergency request?

Check out: Top 6 Virtual Meeting Tools for Small Business Owners

3. Discuss Deadlines and Milestones

As much as you can, avoid the trap of overpromising and under delivering, especially when working with a big client. If your client feels like you aren’t meeting expectations, that can quickly become a point of contention and jeopardize your relationship.

Be proactive about communication from the start, and regularly check in to discuss your progress. Even if your client doesn’t require it, be sure to document completed milestones and take notes on each step of your process so you will be prepared to answer questions that come up. If restrictions or concerns arise, be sure to talk to your client right away so you can work through the problem and resolve it quickly.

Check out: 5 Reasons to Avoid Overselling to Clients

4. Prioritize Consistency and Quality

When working with a large client, one of your main goals is likely to land more work in the future. In order to do that, you need to not only prove your worth with a quality end product, but also form a strong and trusting relationship.

Maintain consistent communication throughout the project and make sure that each time you contact your client, the reasoning behind your outreach or question is clear and to the point. Always be sure to edit emails for proper grammar and spelling, and promptly follow up when your client reaches out to you.

Check out: 11 Ways to Build and Maintain Strong Client Relationships

5. Build a Personal Connection

Staying one step ahead of your client in anticipating their needs and interests is a great way to show your added worth. For example, if you hear some industry news that could impact or inform your client’s business or the project you’re working on, send it to your client along with your insight.

Similarly, sharing your thought process through each step of the project can help keep your client feeling informed, eliminating unexpected surprises while building trust and confidence. Honesty and effort will go far—by providing your client with a positive overall experience you can build a strong relationship, boost your resume, and land more business.

Check out: 5 Customer Experience Tips for Independent Contractors

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Want to know how important good client communication is?

More than 90% of the digital marketing agencies we work with spend at least an hour a week on reporting per client.

What are the ways of communicating to clients

We’re talking about reporting. We’re not talking about account management. We’re not talking about optimizations. We’re just talking about reporting.

Allen Iverson wasn’t saying that practice was unimportant to his role as the face of the Philadelphia 76ers franchise, and I’m not saying that reporting is unimportant to your role as the manager of your clients’ online advertising accounts.

What I am saying is that you’d better be getting as much as you can out of all the time you spend on reporting—by ensuring that you’re communicating the value your agency is really providing to each client.

So how do you communicate with clients and customers—the right way? To help you do just that, I sat down with three of WordStream’s in-house account management experts. Holly Niemiec, Scott Mesite, and Mike Emiliani each work on our marketing services team driving positive returns on their clients’ investments each and every month. I spoke with each of them about what it takes to communicate with clients effectively. In the end, we were able to boil down their insights to these five essential pillars of client communication:

  1. Transparency
  2. Empathy
  3. Self-awareness
  4. Context
  5. Flexibility

Let’s look at each of these qualities in turn and explore how they fit together to yield healthier relationships with your clients.

1. Transparency

We’ll start with transparency, quite simply, because it’s the most important pillar on this list. If your communication with your clients is nothing else, it should be transparent.

“You always, always, always have to tell your clients like it is,” Mike told me. “It doesn’t matter whether you’ve got good news or bad news. Tell them what they need to know, and tell them when they need to know it.”

The importance of transparency is two-fold. Primarily, you need to be transparent because you’re partially responsible for the success of somebody else’s business. You can never forget that you’re spending someone else’s hard-earned money. They deserve to know what it’s yielding—and, perhaps more importantly, what it’s not yielding.

What are the ways of communicating to clients

Something to talk about.

Secondarily, transparency is crucial because it gives you more security in the long run. “Bad stuff will always make its way back to the person who’s responsible,” says Mike. “If you make a mistake, get it out in the open as soon as possible. You’ll be better off for it.”

The good news: It’s not hard to be transparent. “When you’re going over performance metrics,” advises Scott, “share your screen with the client. If you let them see exactly what you’re seeing, you won’t even give yourself the opportunity to be opaque.”

Although a complete list of marketing buzzwords would make a CVS receipt look like a stick of peppermint gum made for ants, there’s one in particular that you’ll often hear in the context of account management: granular. It’s typically used to describe well-structured ad groups, but it’s relevant to the topic of transparency, too.

“You shouldn’t simply show your clients how much you’re spending at the account level,” Holly told me. “You should walk them through what you’re spending on different initiatives at specific points in the marketing funnel. Be thorough. Make it a conversation.”

2. Empathy

There’s an amazing It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia scene in which Dennis asks Mac if he remembers feelings. “Dennis, I have feelings every single day of my life,” he responds. “Do you—do you not have feelings?”

Although nobody should ever aspire to be an Always Sunny character, if you’re going to emulate one of the two men featured in that scene, it should be Mac. Having empathy for your clients is one of the most crucial parts of being an account manager.

“If you think of yourself as an external contractor, everybody’s worse off,” says Holly. “You should consider yourself a legitimate part of the team at every business you serve. You’ll feel more engaged by the work you’re doing and you’ll drive better results for your clients.”

Why? Because thinking of yourself as a member of your clients’ teams forces you to put yourself in their shoes, and putting yourself in their shoes enables you to more closely align with their ultimate goal: to grow their businesses.

What are the ways of communicating to clients

Performance data is more than just numbers in a spreadsheet.

Another reason to actively understand your clients’ perspectives is that doing so will inform how you communicate results to them. “I have some really involved, hands-on clients, but a lot of them just want a bird’s-eye view of performance,” Scott told me. “I know how busy running their businesses keeps them. I don’t want them to have to think about digital marketing.”

Indeed, that distinction between running a business and mastering digital marketing is at the core of the third pillar.

3. Self-awareness

Of all the pillars of effective client communication, this is probably the one that’s most lacking in everyday life—at least as far as I can tell. Recently, a woman sitting next to me on the commuter rail spilled some of her oatmeal on my pants. If you’re wondering whether she apologized, rest assured that she did not. She didn’t even notice that it had happened, actually. Now that’s a serious lack of self-awareness.

(No—I didn’t say anything to her about it. I’m a painfully passive person. I’m not working on it.)

What are the ways of communicating to clients

In the context of communicating with a client, self-awareness means distinguishing and recognizing the roles you each play. This, like being transparent, is pretty straightforward.

Your client runs their business. You run their online advertising accounts. That’s it.

It’s crucial that you both let this distinction inform how you interact with one another. “You’re never going to know your clients’ businesses or industries as well as they do,” says Holly. “Even though you’re the digital marketing expert in the relationship, the fact of the matter is that you’re going to have to defer to their judgements sometimes.”

Mike was keen to point out to me, however, that there’s a big difference between deferring to clients’ judgements and letting clients get into the weeds of their accounts: “As much as I respect my clients’ smarts when it comes to their businesses and their businesses’ positions in the market, I think it’s for the best that they limit the amount of tinkering they do.”

The consensus: While making it clear that you’re the account manager, open the door for collaboration and new ideas. Scott put this best, I think: “I listen to what they have to say and let their insights inform my strategies.”

4. Context

Contextualization is all about framing the challenge or question you’re facing within the bigger picture. This came up on two different instances over the course of my conversations with Holly, Scott, and Mike.

The first instance pertains to how you should respond when a client is frustrated with something that’s out of your control. Both Mike and Scott raised this point as a tangent to our discussions of self-awareness. “As an account manager, there’s only so much you can do for your clients,” explained Scott. “Sometimes, they’re going to come after you for problems that you have absolutely no control over.”

So, how do you deal with that? “You have to contextualize the problem,” Mike says. “Don’t deflect, and don’t get defensive. After you’ve validated their frustration, try your best to frame the problem in its broader context.”

What are the ways of communicating to clients

Offer ads can only do so much for a brick-and-mortar. Via Adweek.

To be more specific, if a client is frustrated because a new experiment has yet to show returns, Holly suggests that you emphasize the long-run: “Ebbs and flows are inherent to digital marketing. Nothing happens overnight. You and your clients have to be on the same page as far as everyone’s expectations go.”

The other instance pertains to seasonality. If monthly or quarterly performance takes an unexpected turn for the worse, Scott recommends framing the problem in a historical context. “By using a year-over-year performance comparison rather than the more typical month-over-month comparison,” he told me, “you can make sense of below-average performance.”

5. Flexibility

The fifth and final key to communicating with clients in a healthy, effective manner is your ability to adjust to different personality types. Some of your clients will treat you like a friend—taking interest in your personal life and expecting you to reciprocate. Others will be strictly business—wanting nothing more than for you to stop talking about your unremarkable child’s baseball team and start telling them what they need to know.

What are the ways of communicating to clients

Holly, Mike, and Scott each tied this subject back to the importance of behaving as if you’re a member of your clients’ teams. “Sure—every client is different,” says Holly. “But, generally speaking, the more personal engagement you have with one another, the better sense you’ll have of the relationship’s health.”

Mike does, however, recommend keeping things natural: “You can’t force a client relationship to go one way or another. If they want to open up, they’ll open up. If they don’t, they won’t. You just have to be flexible.”

Clients are not only different in terms of how much—if at all—they want to be your friend; they’re also different in terms of how much they want to know about their accounts. Again, flexibility is essential to your success.

“Some of my clients are totally happy with a high-level review of account performance,” says Scott. “Others want me to zoom in on specific campaigns and metrics. No matter what, you have to give the client what they want.”

Approaching client communication strategically

Communicating with clients can feel like a daunting, disconnected task. After all, a Venn diagram with Grouping Keywords on one side and Talking to Humans on the other side doesn’t have much of a middle section.

Nonetheless, your efficacy as a digital marketing account manager—and even the success of your agency—rests in large part on your ability to report and collaborate effectively. If you can’t implement the tips and insights provided by Holly, Scott, and Mike, you’re going to struggle to retain clients. In turn, you’ll struggle to win the referrals that agencies so commonly rely on.

Alternatively, if you take the steps to be more transparent, empathetic, self-aware, contextually minded, and flexible, you’ll start noticing an improvement in your client relationships in no time.