What is 5 16 as a decimal

The fraction 5/16 as a decimal is equal to 0.3125.

Fractions are represented in p/q, where p is the numerator and q shows the denominator. The numerator and denominator are separated by the line, which is the division symbol.

Division seems like a difficult one among all the mathematical operations, but actually, it is not that tough because there is a solution to deal with this tough problem. The Long Division method can be used to deal with such challenging problems.

Here is the complete solution to solve the given fraction, i.e., 5/16, that will produce the decimal equivalent using the method called Long Division.


First, it is important to separate the constituents of the fraction depending on the nature of their operation. When we have a fraction in p/q, the numerator is called the dividend and the denominator is known as divisor.

Dividend = 5

Divisor = 16

When we solve a fraction-based problem by the long division method, the result of the fraction in decimal form is referred to as the Quotient.

Quotient = Dividend $\div$ Divisor = 5 $\div$ 16

Now, by using the Long Division, we can solve the problem as:

What is 5 16 as a decimal

Figure 1

5/16 Long Division Method

By having a closer look at the Long Division method, the solution is seen below.

The fraction we had:

5 $\div$ 16 

As it can be seen that the denominator of 16 is greater than the numerator, which means we have to add the decimal point to the quotient first. So, by adding a decimal point, we can now multiply our dividend with 10 to proceed to our solution using the long division method.

There is a need for another term to be introduced here, which is the remaining part after the division and is referred to as the Remainder.

So here the remainder is 5, so we first add the Decimal point to the Quotient and then add the Zero to the Remainder’s right to start our first step of the method:

50 $\div$ 16 $\approx$ 3


16 x 3 = 48

This indicates that a Remainder was also generated from this division, and it is equal to 50 – 48 = 2.

So the remainder we have now from the previous step is 2, so adding zero to its right will make it 20, and this time there is no need to add the decimal point as it is already in the quotient.

20 $\div$ 16 $\approx$ 1 


16 x 1 = 16

So, after this, the Remainder is equal to 4. By bringing in another zero to its right, it becomes 40, so by solving this we get an answer in three decimal places:

40 $\div$ 16 $\approx$ 2 


16 x 2 = 32

Now the remainder is 8, with a resulting Quotient of 0.312.

Images/mathematical drawings are created with GeoGebra.

Fractions to Decimals List

What is 5 16 as a decimal

  • A fraction is the representation of the number of parts out of the whole. The fraction has two parts- the numerator and the denominator, which is separated by a line.
  • The number above the line is called the numerator and the number below the line is called the denominator.
  • Sometimes the fractions are also written in their decimal form.
  • The numerator is divided by the denominator to get the decimal form of the fraction.

Let us find the decimal form of the given fraction $$\frac{\mathbf5}{\mathbf{16}}$$ by carrying out the division.

What is 5 16 as a decimal

  • When you have a fraction in which the denominator is greater than the numerator, we start the quotient with decimal point and add 0 to the dividend.
  • Note that 0 can be added in each of the steps to the remainder to make it divisible.
  • We can continue dividing until you reach a remainder of 0.
  • The quotient is the decimal form of the fraction.
  • Converting fractions to decimals helps in adding or subtracting them easily without having to find the common denominator.

What is 5 16 as a decimal

Hence we have $$\frac{\mathbf5}{\mathbf{16}}$$ =0.4125.


Here are some common terms you should be familiar with.

  • In the fraction $$\frac56$$ , the number 5 is the dividend (our numerator)
  • The number 6 is our divisor (our denominator)

Do you want to know: what is 7/9 as a decimal fraction?

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Given Fraction is 5/16

Formula for converting fraction to decimal is Decimal = Numerator ÷ Denominator

Divide the numerator 5 by the denominator 16 i.e. 5 ÷ 16

Divide the numerator 5 by the denominator 16

The given Divisor = 16 and Dividend = 5


Quotient = 0.31250

After dividing given fraction is 5/16 = 5 ÷ 16 = 0.3125

Therefore, the fraction can be written as 0.3125