What is its acceleration 3 a scooter acquires a velocity of 36km h in 10 seconds just after the start calculate the acceleration of the scoter?

What is its acceleration 3 a scooter acquires a velocity of 36km h in 10 seconds just after the start calculate the acceleration of the scoter?

Text Solution

Solution : Case I. Here , initial velocity , `u = 0` <br> final velocity , `v = ( 36 km)/( h) = ( 36 xx 1000 m)/( 60 xx 60 s) = 10 m//s` <br> time taken , `t = 10 s , a = ?` <br> As `a = ( v - u)/( t) , a = ( 10 - 0)/( 10) = 1 m//s^(2)` <br> Case II. Here , ` u = 36 km//h = 10 m//s` <br> As the scooter stops , `v = 0 , t = 20 s: a= ? ` <br> Again ,as `a = ( v - u)/( t) , a( 0 - 10) /( 20) = - 0.5 m//s^(2)` <br> Negative value of `a` shows that the motion is retarded in case II.