What is the least painful dental procedure

Root canals have a long history of being viewed as the most painful and negative dental procedure. Inaccurate information or fear-mongering over others’ experiences may have given them a bad reputation. Here are some facts and myths about root canals to ease your fears.

Myth: A root canal is one of the most painful dental procedures around.


In the past, root canals have carried this reputation but with all of the advancements in technology including better anesthesia, root canals are actually no more painful than getting a filling. Root canals themselves do not cause pain; rather the pain is caused by inflammation of the pulp chamber where the nerve is located inside the tooth.

Myth: After a root canal you can expect pain to go away immediately.


Pain will likely significantly diminish after the procedure. However, it is normal for the tooth to be sensitive for the first few days and pain killers can help. Mild pain, especially while chewing, may last for a few weeks.

Myth: Root canals require several appointments.


This actually depends on the severity of the problem. Typically the procedure lasts between one to three hours and can be done in one or two visits. If there is no infection or complications, the entire procedure can be done in one single appointment.

Myth: A tooth extraction is better than a root canal.


Saving your natural teeth is always the best option. A root canal is a much more cost-effective solution and in many cases root canal treated teeth last a lifetime.

Myth: You only need a root canal if you’re experiencing pain.


This is not always true. Many teeth that need root canal therapy will not cause pain. Regular checkups with your dentist can determine if you need a root canal treatment.

If you still have questions or concerns about root canals don’t hesitate to give us a call.

When most of us hear the word DENTIST, a shiver runs down our spine and the thought of the dreaded drill and pain makes us run in the opposite direction. For a long period of time pain and dentistry have been associated together and have made a great team, but the time has finally come for them to part ways.

Welcome to the Modern World of Painless Dentistry.

With the advent of new technology, knowledge and latest equipment, dentistry has become almost pain free. We could even go to the extent of stating that if a Dentist in this era of modern dentistry is causing significant pain and discomfort to their patients, they are performing imperfect dentistry.

For those who may not be aware, Dentistry has various branches and specialties. There are specialist dentists who have their expertise in these various fields which include but are not limited to pediatric patients, oral surgery, root canal procedures, orthodontics and so on.

A good dentist should be aware of their limitations and should not hesitate in referring the patients to the concerned specialist as and when needed. This ensures superior quality of dental care as well emphasis our point resulting in minimum discomfort to the patient.

Most of us consider Root Canal Treatment to be a torture and relate it with severe pain and discomfort.  But to our delight, in this new world of dental care, a root canal procedure when performed by a skilled dentist is almost painless and can even be completed in a single visit depending on the case.

It is performed under local anesthesia, using the latest equipment which include the Apex Locator (which tells us the exact extent of the root canal reducing the need for unnecessary x-rays), High magnification using loupes or a microscope and latest rotary instruments to achieve the perfect Root Canal Treatment.

Even the administration of Local anesthesia is painless now, with the advent of the latest delivery system using extremely thin needles at very low speed. The pre application of a topical spray or jelly makes the procedure even more comfortable.

For sensitive patients Local Anesthesia, could be administered even for   general dental procedures such as a restoration (filling) or deep cleaning.  The idea is to make the entire dental treatment as comfortable for the patient as possible.

Nowadays, people are extremely conscious about their physical appearance and desire the perfect set of teeth and that million dollar smile.

Good news is that now it is easily possible to achieve this goal by orthodontics or aesthetic dentistry.

In the years gone by, Orthodontics meant fixing a persons smile and aligning the teeth in position using unaesthetic wires and metal.

 The modern world of dentistry offers the option of invisible aligners (Invisalign). These are transparent plastic aligners which are custom made according to the patient’s dental architecture and treatment plan. The patients are able to witness the final result by computer simulation and planning before the treatment is begun.

Once the aligners are fabricated, the patients are advised to wear them for certain duration to achieve the desired results.

In cases where the time is limited or the patient does not desire orthodontic intervention or wish to wait for months to achieve the desired smile it brings us to - The World of Aesthetic Dentistry and Smile Designing.

  Smile Designing involves

  •  Assessing a patients smile and aesthetic demands
  • Taking a set of pictures and models
  • Creating the desired smile design using computer imaging and wax up
  • Then transferring this new smile onto the patients existing set of teeth for the patient and the dentist to judge and make the necessary alterations.

This transferring of the newly designed smile onto the patients existing unaltered teeth is known as a mock up or trial smile.

The greatest advantage of this mock up is that the patient can decide at this stage if they like the new smile design, make the necessary changes or even refuse to go ahead with the treatment plan.

Once the patient is satisfied with the new smile design, thin layers of ceramic veneers are fabricated and cemented on the existing teeth after minimal tooth preparation.

The desired smile can be achieved in a span of a few days to weeks.

To conclude, in this Modern world of Dentistry, superior quality and perfect dental care can be achieved with minimal discomfort if the latest technology and knowledge are incorporated

So no need to run away from your dentist anymore, just make sure you know which one to go to.

What is the least painful dental procedure

Tooth pain can make life difficult for anyone. Unfortunately, the procedures needed to keep mouths healthy can also cause short-term pain. The good news is that most patients can avoid the most painful dental procedures and high prices by taking care of their teeth and gums daily.

The Most Painful Dental Procedures

Most trips to the dentist don’t cause any discomfort. Some procedures, however, can cause pain. Luckily, today’s dentists have local anesthetics that can make the experience easier for you. Still, patients may feel some discomfort when they undergo procedures such as:

  • Root canals
  • Crowns
  • Dental implants
  • Gum tissue grafts

How to Avoid Painful Dental Procedures

Even though dentists have anesthetics that make dental procedures less painful, patients should follow good hygiene so they can avoid difficult procedures.

People can often avoid root canals, dental implants, crowns and gum tissue grafts by keeping up with a basic dental hygiene plan that includes:

  • Brushing teeth for two minutes (30 seconds per quadrant) at least twice per day
  • Flossing to remove debris and bacteria that get stuck between teeth
  • Going to the dentist at least twice a year for professional cleanings and inspections

Following a perfect hygiene regimen can’t guarantee that patients never need to undergo painful dental procedures. The better care they give their teeth, though, the less likely it is that they will need the most painful procedures. Going to the dentist regularly usually means that patients can avoid procedures that cause pain.

Save Money With a Dental Discount Plan

People without dental insurance may think that they can’t afford to visit the dentist twice a year for cleanings. Getting a dental discount plan makes regular visits inexpensive. With DentalSave, many patients find that they can reduce their dental costs by 25 percent to 50 percent.

Individuals who sign up for DentalSave memberships only pay $99 per year (or $9.99 per month). Having other family members join helps save even more money, since dual memberships cost $165 per year (or $14.95 per month). Family plans cost just $199 per year (or $17.95 per month).

Each plan makes sure that patients never pay full price for dental services again.

Patients can avoid the anxiety and discomfort of the most painful dental procedures by getting DentalSave memberships that make it affordable to receive regular cleanings.

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