What is the name of the town from which george and lennie are fleeing when the story opens?

Of Mice and Men

What is the story's setting?

The story's setting is in California in the 1930s.

small, intelligent, short-tempered but a loving and devoted friend, complains that taking care of Lennie makes his life much harder, terse and impatient at times, but he never strays from his primary purpose of protecting Lennie.

One of the least dynamic characters of the story. He undergoes no significant changes, development, or growth throughout the story and remains exactly as the reader encounters him in the opening pages. Simply put, he loves to pet soft things, is blindly d

Old handyman, only one useful hand, has an old dog, the swamper

boss's son, married only two weeks and is a boxer. Becomes increasingly meaner throughout story.

Considered a troublemaker, temptress. She doesn't like her life. Preys on other peoples weaknesses like Lennie, Candy, and Crooks.

lively, sharp witted, African American stable hand, has crooked back, lonely, mistreated, negative, bitter, wants to join men on their "dream" farm.

What do nearly all of the characters, including George, Lennie, Candy, Crooks, and Curley's wife, admit, at one time or another?

At one time or another almost all of the characters admitted to having a profound sense of loneliness and isolation.
Each desires the comfort of a friend, but will settle for the attentive ear of a stranger.

What do almost all of the characters in this story dream about?

Almost all of the characters of this story dream about having a different life.

How does George characterize Curley's wife?

He sees her as a troublemaker and as no good.

How does Lennie characterize Curley's wife?

Lennie thinks she is "purty" and George warns Lennie to stay away from her.

What does the "dream" farm symbolize?

The "dream" farm symbolizes a free and peaceful life.
It represents the possibility of freedom, self-reliance, and protection from the cruelties of the world.

What is the name of the town from which George and Lennie are fleeing when the story opens?

What excites Lennie most about his dream life with George?

Tending to the rabbits is what excites Lennie most about his dream life with George.

Why is Candy unable to imagine getting rid of his old dog?

Candy is unable to imagine getting rid of his old dog because he has had him since he was a puppy and they are each other's family.

Why does Carlson insist on shooting Candy's dog?

Carlson insist on shooting Candy's dog because Carlson believes the dog is too smelly, old, and decrepit.

What is Old Susy's place?

Who discovers Curley's dead wife?

Who cared for Lennie before George?

Of Mice and Men is set in which decade?

What does Curley's wife offer to let Lennie touch?

To whom does Candy look for advice before allowing Carlson to shoot his dog and this person decided the dog's fate?

How did Crooks get his name?

Before George meets Lennie in the woods in the final scene, what does he take?

What does George say to Lennie before shooting him?

He tells Lennie the story of their farm.

After killing Curley's wife, which of the following pairs does Lennie imagine appears to chastise his behavior?

Aunt Clara and a giant rabbit

Whom do Lennie and George agree to let live on their farm?

Disappointed with her life, Curley's wife wonders where she would be if she had followed her dreams and become what?

What does "live off the fatta of the lan'" mean?

The men will have their own place and provide for themselves using their garden and animals. They won't need to rely on others in order to live.

He is the prince of the ranch, the person everyone listens to and respects. He is more of a boss to the men and his word is gold. Ageless.

Powerful, big stomached man-worker on the ranch. He doesn't like Candy's dog and wants the dog gone. Shoots Candy's dog. Has the gun (luger)

What are 4 lies George tells when arriving on the ranch?

-He and Lennie are cousins-Lennie got kicked in the head by a horse-The job in Weed was finished

-The bus let them off 10 miles out

What does Lennie want on his beans?

In chapter 1, what does Lennie have in his pocket?

What game do all the men play outside the bunkhouse?

Who is the first person George and Lennie meet on the ranch?

How many puppies did Slim's dog have?

How many dogs did Slim drown?

What does Slim give to Lennie?

Where did Curley and his wife meet?

Which 4 main characters appear in chapter 4? (in order of appearance)

Crooks, Lennie, Candy, Curley's wife

What happened to Candy's hand?

he got it caught in a machine on the ranch

How do George, Lennie, and Candy think they can actually fulfill their dream?

Candy got $250 for being injured on the farm and if they combine all their monthly earnings, they can get the farm from the old couple who need to sell it to pay for an operation.

Where was George in chapter 4 when Lennie was in Crooks's room?

Where was George when Lennie killed the puppy and Curley's wife?

With whom does Lennie fight and what happens to that person?

Curley starts picking on Lennie and Lennie ends up crushing his hand.

What is Curley supposed to say happened to his hand when people asked?

That he got it caught in a machine.

in the barn, his "own room" next to the animals

Who is the 4th person that wants to help out on the new farm when Lennie, George, and Candy secure the land?

Who finds Lennie and the dead puppy in the barn?

Lennie grabbed a girl's dress, she said he hurt her, and the guys run them off the land.

Who wrote "Of Mice and Men"?

Where was Steinbeck born?

Where did he go to school/college?

How many wives did he have?

How many kids did Steinbeck have?

What are Steinbeck's wives names?

What are Steinbeck's kids names?

Who was Steinbeck's best friend? What does he do for a living?

Ed Ricketts, marine biologist

What is Steinbeck's dog's name?

Where did Steinbeck's life end?

For which novel did Steinbeck win the Pulitzer Prize?

What job did Steinbeck have in WWII?

What is another award that Steinbeck won other than the Pulitzer Prize?

Where does the book "Of Mice and Men" start?

A few miles south of Soledad by the Salinas River