Why are cat noses wet

Owning a cat gives you plenty of opportunities to get up close and personal with their noses, from when they demand food to when they nudge you awake! You might have noticed that their snouts are often (if not always) wet and maybe even wondered if it’s normal. 

We take a look at what’s right, the reasons for all things ‘wet nose’, and help you know when you might need to visit a vet with your cat.

Reasons for wet noses in cats

A wet nose is dependent on many different environmental, health, and physical conditions. This means that whilst their nose may be dry in the morning, it could become wetter as the day progresses, with some changes more concerning than others. Here are just some of the factors at play when it comes tothe dampness of your kitty’s snout.

Why are cat noses wet


The temperature and humidity surrounding your cat will have an effect on your cat’s nose. Warmer weather usually leads to some humidity which will make their snouts wetter than usual as they’re breathing in the water particles in the air.

Cold, dry or artificial air, on the other hand, actually ends up drawing the moisture from your feline’s nose meaning that they can end up with a dry and sometimes cracked nose.


There’s no denying that cats are a little neater than their canine counterparts when it comes to eating and drinking, but sometimes they do get their noses wet in their efforts to stay hydrated. While this type of wet nose is typically short-lived and it’ll dry out rather quickly, your cat might try to get rid of the water by licking at their snout which will keep it moist a little while longer.


Another reason for your cat’s wet nose could be that they’re licking it a lot. While grooming, their noses follow the trail of their tongue, gathering the moisture which they’ve spread along their fur with their mouths. Sometimes, it’s as simple as just licking their snout with their tongue after a yawn or a yummy meal and leaving it covered in wet saliva.

Cats don’t have the ability to sweat from anywhere but through the pads of their feet so, keeping their nose wet can actually help them keep cool in warm weather. The moisture on their snout will evaporate and with it, help cool their bodies so that they don’t get too hot!


The production of tears in a cat’s eyes drains any excess fluid from the eyelids and to the nose and mouth through the nasolacrimal duct. So, if your cat is suffering from allergies or an illness you might notice that their nose is a little wetter than usual!

Upper respiratory infections

Just like humans, cats are susceptible to many types of upper respiratory infections and can develop symptoms like a runny nose and eyes when they’re not quite themselves. This may also be accompanied by coughing and sneezing all of which can lead to a wet snout.

What should I do if my cat’s nose is dry?

With so many different factors affecting the wetness of a cat’s tongue, a dry nose is usually nothing more than something to do with the change in weather or the fault of central heating. It’s when a dry nose is coupled with other symptoms or signs such as lethargy, fever, or decreased appetite that’s a possible cause of concern and it’s best to seek the advice of a vet.  

And that’s it! The next time your cat gives you a little nudge with their wet snout, you won’t have to wonder why it is wet and cold. Just remember, learning your feline friend’s normal behaviours will help you recognise any unusual signs or symptoms and ensure you can quickly get them any care or treatment they might need.

Why are cat noses wet

If you “boop” your cat’s nose and realize it’s wet, it may come as a surprise. Are cats’ noses supposed to be wet? Yes, they are. Just like dogs, cats’ noses should be wet and not dry, but the reasons behind that can be complicated.

Find out why cats’ noses should be wet, what it means if your cat’s nose is dry, and what you should do about it.

Why Are Cats’ Noses Wet?

Cats’ noses are usually wet and cool, which helps them pick up scents and determine the source – just like dogs. Scent particles stick to wet surfaces more easily, which is why it’s an evolutionary advantage to have a wet nose.

Cats have a scent gland above the roof of their mouths, the Jacobson’s organ. This organ helps them detect odors when they breathe through their mouths. Sometimes, they’ll open their mouths a little to take in the scent better, known as the flehmen response. If you’ve ever seen your cat look completely offended by a smell, you’re seeing this ability at work.

What If My Cat’s Nose is Dry?

Image Credit: JACLOU-DL, Pixabay

While cats’ noses should be wet and cool, a dry and warm nose doesn’t necessarily mean there’s a problem. If your cat recently groomed its nose, it could feel dry. Your cat’s nose may also be dry and warm if it was sunbathing outside or in a window.

In addition, some cats just have warmer or drier noses than others. Pay attention to what’s normal for your cat’s nose at different times and after different activities. Once you know what’s normal, you can identify problems.

What if My Cat Is Sick?

Contrary to popular belief, your cat’s nose moisture and temperature aren’t reliable indicators of whether it’s sick. Instead, you should pay attention to actions and behaviors, such as inappetence, lethargy, increased thirst, digestive upset, or increased vocalization.

That said, if your cat’s nose is suddenly drier and warmer than normal and stays that way, combined with other symptoms, it could indicate a fever or dehydration. Cats are notorious for having drinking problems, so it’s important to pay attention to signs of dehydration.

Conversely, an overly wet nose can also spell trouble. If your cat’s nose is wetter than normal, it could be because of discharge that indicates a respiratory infection, allergies, or other health conditions. This may be accompanied by wheezing or congestion. If you notice any of these symptoms, call your veterinarian for an exam.

Sunburns on Cats’ Noses

Cats like to sunbathe, and the hairless nose can be at risk of sunburn. This is more common in light-skinned cats with pink noses. If your cat has dryness, swelling, redness, and flaky skin on its nose, it could have a sunburn.

Here are some ways you can prevent sunburn on your cat’s nose:

  • Keep curtains and blinds closed on sunny days or prevent sunbathing.
  • Keep your cat out of rooms that get a lot of sunshine on hot, bright days.
  • Put some cat-safe sunscreen on your cat’s nose. Consult with your veterinarian about your best options and how often you should apply it.


Cats’ noses are usually wet and cool, allowing them to pick up scents in their environment. While a dry, warm nose doesn’t always mean something’s wrong, it’s good to pay attention to what’s normal for your cat and address any problems that arise.

Featured Image Credit: miezekieze, Pixabay

Cute little cat noses — who doesn’t love ‘em? Nothing can feel sweeter than a kitty rubbing his face against you, nose first. Like humans, some of the cats’ bodily functions may vary by individual. This is true of the feline nose. Some people think an excessively dry or wet cat nose indicates illness — but this is a myth.

You see, some cats have naturally drier noses than others, and most cats’ nose temperatures and moisture levels vary throughout the day. As a result, one of the best ways for us humans to decide whether or not to worry is to know what “state of the nose” is normal for our kitties.

Why are cat noses wet
What is that wet cat nose trying to tell you? Photography ©1001slide | Getty Images.

Why are cats’ noses wet?

The skin around the nostril openings is called the rhinarium, and the sweat glands on the rhinarium create moisture. The interior tear duct also creates drainage that contributes to a wet nose. Humans sweat in order to regulate our body temperature and a cat can use his nose’s moisture — through evaporation — to achieve the same result.

Cats are fastidious groomers and, by licking, automatically add a layer of moisture to the nose. Saliva may dry quickly, but it is one of the reasons behind a wet cat nose.

A wet cat nose may also occur due to something else simple — the water bowl. A still bowl of clean, clear water may cause some cats difficulty in determining the depth of the liquid. While going for that drink, kitty may inadvertently dip his snout into the bowl, leaving him with a telltale wet nose.

A wet cat nose vs. a dry cat nose

A dry cat nose is just as common as a wet cat nose, and is usually no cause for alarm. If a cat spends a large chunk of time in direct sunlight, a dry nose might result. This happens to us humans while sunbathing our skin as well! A dry cat nose can also pop up if a cat spends a lot of time near a non-solar heat source like a fireplace or a heating vent.

What else could affect a wet cat nose vs. a dry cat nose?

A nose’s moisture levels are additionally affected by the level of humidity in the air. This is especially true during the winter months in many locations.

The primary reason a cat would present with an overly dry or cracked nose skin is dehydration, which is caused by decreased water intake or increased fluid loss. See your vet if you think your cat is dehydrated. Other signs of dehydration in cats include:

When is a wet cat nose a cause for concern, and how do we treat it?

Cat expert and certified veterinary journalist, Ingrid King, says, “Even though people seem to think that a wet nose is a sign of health [and] a dry, warm nose is a sign of sickness, that’s actually not true. Cats’ body temperature is naturally higher than humans, so most of the time, a cat will feel warm to the touch.”

“A cat’s nose may go back and forth between being wet and dry several times a day, depending on the cat’s activity,” Ingrid continues.“Did your cat just eat or groom herself? Her nose will be wet. Has she been lying in the sun, or is the air in your house extremely dry? Her nose will be dry. The only way your cat’s nose will be an indicator of her health is if you notice anything abnormal, such as flaking skin, lumps and bumps, or a runny nose.”

Is it a wet nose — or a runny nose?

A runny nose, unlike a wet cat nose, can be a cause for concern and should checked out by a veterinarian to rule out illnesses like upper respiratory infections (URIs). A variety of bacterial and viral infections can cause URIs, including feline herpesvirus and feline chlamydia bacteria.

Common symptoms of URIs are:

  • Excessively runny nose
  • Sniffling and sneezing
  • Watery, red eyes
  • Bubbly, colored nasal discharge

A runny nose could also signal an allergy and, with a thorough discussion of symptoms and daily surroundings with a veterinarian, could result from simple changes in food, litter or other environmental factors.

The final word on a wet cat nose

Again, a healthy cat nose usually shifts between states of moisture and dryness throughout the day. It’s important to be aware of your cat’s “normals” to be on top of any deviations — whether we’re talking a wet cat nose or anything else. A sudden change in moisture levels, with accompanying symptoms, could indicate illness, and a vet should investigate.

Thumbnail: Photography © Sparkle | iStock / Getty Images.

Read more about cat health and care on Catster.com: