How long does it take to grow a persimmon tree?

Persimmons are delicious and nutritious fruit, but they can be hard to find in stores.

Growing your persimmon tree is an easy way to have access to this tasty treat all year long.

If you're interested in growing your persimmon trees, then read on for our helpful tips.

How to Grow Persimmon Tree from Cutting?

How long does it take to grow a persimmon tree?

Cutting off a stem from the tree is not enough to ensure that you have created an exact clone of your favorite fruit.

Persimmons need water to grow roots, so it's important to make sure they are well-hydrated before taking any cuttings.

You should also take care when choosing where on the branch you want your cutting - some parts may be more susceptible than others and might die if exposed too long without sufficient water or sunlight.

I recommend plucking a persimmon branch in the fall before it falls to frostbite.

If you're looking for new growths on your shrub or tree and have never tried this technique before, now is the time.

Just cut straight down about 3 inches from where two branches meet each other.

Cut 5 - 6" long stems with sharp shears (a clean knife will work too).

Don't settle for anything shorter than that.

This should be firmly attached but not so tightly as to cause damage when taking off leaves during harvesting season later in life.

Choose semi-hardwood shoots rather than softwoods because they're more likely to root well enough if left alone overnight.

Cut off 2-inch vertical sections of the stem - on each side of it, make sure you have made one clean 1-2 inch cuts through which nutrients can flow.

Immediately place them into your preferred rooting medium (eg. potting soil) or plastic bag filled with moistened peat moss, sphagnum moss, perlite; keep an eye out for rot, so they don't dry up too quickly and shrivel before root buds form at their base beginnings when planted correctly in good quality soil/mediums such as those mentioned above.

A pot or a propagation container is placed full of your preferred rooting medium.

There are many considerations for choosing the perfect root for Persimmon trees, but there's one universal rule: make sure that they're sterile.

With this in mind, North Carolina State University recommends using perlite as an example of how you can maintain cleanliness and have drainage and aeration be taken care of at once with its lightweight particles, which give off plenty amounts oxygen through their porous structure.

Poke a hole in the container with your finger before planting the cutting to make sure there is enough space for it.

Poke more holes around and under so that water can still get through when you pour liquid into them.

Pour at least one inch of water on top, being careful not to drown or wash away any soil from underneath.

Cover tightly with clear plastic wrap or place inside a sealed container until roots develop, then transplant outside after leaves grow back.

Place under fluorescent light bulbs (or incandescent) for two hours every night during their first year indoors - this should be about 12 hours total daily sunlight plus lighting time; change frequency as needed based on growth rate.

Transplant your young persimmon plant when it develops roots and place it in a pot with potting soil.

Water thoroughly, maintain even moisture levels and harden the plant by placing it outside for several hours each day until they can tolerate full sunlight.

Once you move the plants into their permanent location outdoors, they will grow to produce yummy juice-filled fruit.

How Long does it Take to Grow a Persimmon Tree from Seed?

How long does it take to grow a persimmon tree?

The persimmon tree is a great addition to any homestead and can be grown from seed.

After transplanting the trees in autumn, make sure you give them plenty of space and mulch their roots with organic material for best results.

It may take up to 5 years before they bear fruit, but it will be worth your patience as they taste just like pumpkin pie.

How to Grow Persimmon Tree from Seed?

How long does it take to grow a persimmon tree?

One way to grow a persimmon tree is by planting seeds.

To do so, you must first remove all of its flesh and soak it in warm water for three days before rinsing under running water.

Once this process has been completed, they will need cold stratification, just like other plants that require overwintering as part of their sprouting cycle.

For three months, place your cleaned seed wrapped in a moistened paper towel inside a glass jar stored at room temperature with the lid loosened slightly--sprinkle generously when dryness occurs during storage periods if needed and replace every 2-3 weeks or more depending on atmospheric conditions (elevation/temperature).

Persimmons need to undergo cold stratification before they are planted.

This means that the seed needs to stay in the refrigerator for 4-6 weeks so that natural germination takes place and soil microbes survive.

After this step has been completed, you will want to plant one of these seeds 2" deep into sterile potting soil that lives in warm environments with at least 70-degree temperatures.

Bright, indirect sunlight is needed for best results, and evenly moist soil should be maintained to prevent rot.

Once the danger of frost has passed, move your potted persimmon out to an area with more direct light but a sheltered location that will keep them safe from strong winds or heavy rains if they are not hardened off properly first.

Water weekly, so as long as you maintain moderate moisture levels (not soggy), it's ok if the top inch of soil dries between waterings.

Persimmon trees take 3-5 years to produce fruit, so be patient.

You can get the plants transplanted into your homestead orchard either in October after a soaking rain has passed or early November before it gets too cold out, and there is plenty of space allotted for them (20 square feet per tree).

After planting, spread an organic mulch around their base as they won't want a lot of water due to how dry our land usually is during this time.

Can Persimmon Trees Grow in Pots?

How long does it take to grow a persimmon tree?

Persimmons are an excellent fruit for the winter.

They can be grown in a pot and overwintered indoors to ensure fresh produce during those cold months.

When planting your tree, make sure you choose one that will work best with your climate zone, as not all persimmon trees grow well outside of their specific region (zone).

If possible, repotting every other year is recommended so the roots do not become too crowded within the container; it also allows for more air circulation around them, preventing mold from growing because there's less water retention on topsoil on potting mix/mediums.

The best time to plant a persimmon tree in a container is when the outdoor temperatures are warm, and there's no chance of frost.

When choosing a pot, you'll need one that can accommodate its current root system with room for growth.

To make sure your new friend has adequate drainage holes, be certain it uses containers made from either plastic or clay pots as these allow water to drain out more easily than other materials such as metal pots which tend not to have any ventilation openings at all, meaning they could end up trapping moisture inside instead.

Finding the perfect balance of watering your tree takes some finesse.

Too little, and they dry out, too much, and you get root rot.

If it feels like there is an inch or so left before touching the soil with a finger when poking into the potting mix, give them more water.

It is always important to provide enough room for the roots of your tree.

If they are restricted, it may limit growth and fruit production.

When potting up a persimmon tree, you should start with something small that will still be manageable as the plant grows larger- about 7 gallons or 10-gallon size container would work well at first.

Keep in mind that most people need 20+ gallon containers when their trees become too large to manage indoors during the winter months.

Do You Need 2 Persimmon Trees to Produce Fruit?

How long does it take to grow a persimmon tree?

Persimmon trees are an excellent choice for garden enthusiasts to add vibrant color in fall and tasty fruit during winter.

Varieties of Diospyros virginiana require two trees to grow, but if you only have room for one tree, there are still various options available.

Where do Persimmon Trees Grow Best?

How long does it take to grow a persimmon tree?

The American persimmon is a type of fruit tree that can be grown in any zone 4-9 and is hardy to temperatures as low as -25 F.

They're native from Florida up through New England.

Still, they have also been popularized by being used in wines on top of desserts.

The Asian persimmons do best when planted at zero degrees Fahrenheit or lower because it's their natural environment.

You should look for them near nurseries specializing in less common plants like nuts and fruits if you want one growing close to your home.

When Should Persimmon Trees be Planted?

How long does it take to grow a persimmon tree?

To properly grow a persimmon tree near your house, it is best to plant the seed before winter ends or in early spring.

For this process to be successful, you need to make sure that there are no chances of frost and dig a hole three times as large as the root ball deep enough so that both will have ample room to expand without hitting anything else underground.


Growing a persimmon tree is not an easy task; however, we have provided some methods below that may help you get started.

If you are looking for more information about growing this fruit and would like to speak with our team of experts at the nursery, contact us today.

We look forward to hearing from you soon.


How long does it take to grow a persimmon tree?