How to join the same server on Roblox

How to join the same server on Roblox

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Try refreshing roblox, if it doesn't work, then your friend is playing on it, simple fix is block someone on server then leave and rejoin

New Roblox parent here. So I'm confused/frustrated

My 2 kids love the Pokemon Go game, and we all would like to play on the same server. Yet it feels nearly impossible. Any server one of joins, the other 2 can't join because it's full.

If I buy a personal server, can I run the Pokemon Go game on my server?

Is there a way to join a lower population server so I could follow them, or they could follow me?

I REALLY like Roblox, much more than Minecraft, but this is very frustrating when we all can't play together.

Help and Feedback Scripting Support

Basically I am making a game where players can make game groups and other players can join that player’s specific server by clicking a button. How would I do that?

(Without being friended)


Well, it’s not really easy to perform an action like that but I can give you a path to work with.

Each server has a different property called “JobId”, it can be seen using game.JobId. This provides an unique identificator to each server, which you can then use to transport your player to that server.

You could use MessagingService to communicate with all servers and ask them if your target player is there. If so, you’ll retrieve the JobId and let the player connect to it.

Oh I see. Thanks for the fast and useful response!

If I have been helpful to you, it would really be nice if you mark my response as a solution. This way other people that have the same doubt will have an easily accessible answer to their problem.

Mhm, just testing up to make sure it solves my problem completely.

Greetings all persons!

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been kicked out of a game server because of some technical errors. That’s alright with me, but during the times when I really enjoy playing with the players in that server, it’s a huge bummer to get kicked from it. Of course, you can rejoin, however, you won’t be able to join the same server as before (the chances are very low especially for a very popular game). That can get very annoying.

As a Roblox player, I want to ensure that if any unintended kicks, accidental log-offs, or bugs within the actual game occur, the victim player can easily rejoin that same exact server with a click of a button in the menu (while their spot is reserved of course). Reserving a spot means that if the Roblox client takes a while to enter the player back into the game, no one else can join and result in a full server.

Cases Without This Feature
How to join the same server on Roblox

Say you’re playing with a friend and what do you know–the game is glitched. So, you just easily log off and play the game again knowing that it will try to put you in the same server as your friend–that is if it’s not full. Depending on the context of the gameplay itself, your friend can ask someone to (politely) leave the server or join another server with you. But regardless of what you and your friend do, it’s annoying to have your gameplay interrupted especially when it’s the “juicy bit”.

You are playing a game and you find the players on that server fun playing with. You have funny conversations and everyone’s happily playing. You wish you can friend them, but you’ve reached the player limit! Then comes along the good ol’ error (perhaps a connection problem). That’s okay! You just go to the game page to rejoin—only to realize that the chances of you joining that server is near impossible (completely impossible if it’s full).

If this feature gets added, then the above two instances and many more real ones can easily be dealt with with a click of a button. I believe that every small step taken to get closer to eradicating player dissatisfaction gets factored into something huge in the long run (including a better reputation of Roblox).

Perhaps having the button near the Resume, Leave, and Reset buttons may work, but that’s not for me to decide.

Thank you for reading my request,
and have a great time!