What if I by drawing a diagram if the median and altitude of an isosceles triangle can be same?

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Last updated at Sept. 10, 2018 by

What if I by drawing a diagram if the median and altitude of an isosceles triangle can be same?
What if I by drawing a diagram if the median and altitude of an isosceles triangle can be same?
What if I by drawing a diagram if the median and altitude of an isosceles triangle can be same?
What if I by drawing a diagram if the median and altitude of an isosceles triangle can be same?

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Ex 6.1, 3 Verify by drawing a diagram if the median and altitude of an isosceles triangle can be same.First, Let’s construct an isosceles triangle ABC of base BC = 6 cm and equal sides AB = AC = 8 cm Steps of construction 1. Draw line BC = 6 cm 2. We need to make AB and BC as 8 cm. Taking B as center, and opening compass to 8 cm, we draw an arc. Now, taking C as center, opening compass to 8 cm, we draw another arc 3. Where both arcs intersect is point A Join AB and AC Now, We know that Mid point of BC is at 3 cm. Let’s call it D. Hence, AD is the median of isosceles ∆ABC Now, When we measure ∠ADC by a protector the angle is 90° Which means AD ⊥ BC ∴ AD is median and altitude of isosceles ∆ABC

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Verify by drawing a diagram if the median and altitude of an isosceles triangle can be same.

Draw rough sketches for the following:

(a) In ΔABC, BE is a median.

(b) In ΔPQR, PQ and PR are altitudes of the triangle.

(c) In ΔXYZ, YL is an altitude in the exterior of the triangle.

In ΔPQR, D is the mid-point of

What if I by drawing a diagram if the median and altitude of an isosceles triangle can be same?

What if I by drawing a diagram if the median and altitude of an isosceles triangle can be same?
is __________.

PD is __________.

Is QM = MR?

What if I by drawing a diagram if the median and altitude of an isosceles triangle can be same?


Verify by drawing a diagram if the median and altitude of an isosceles triangle can be same.

Draw rough sketches for the following:

(a) In ΔABC, BE is a median.

(b) In ΔPQR, PQ and PR are altitudes of the triangle.

(c) In ΔXYZ, YL is an altitude in the exterior of the triangle.

In ΔPQR, D is the mid-point of

What if I by drawing a diagram if the median and altitude of an isosceles triangle can be same?

What if I by drawing a diagram if the median and altitude of an isosceles triangle can be same?
is __________.

PD is __________.

Is QM = MR?

What if I by drawing a diagram if the median and altitude of an isosceles triangle can be same?

Question 3 Verify by drawing a diagram if the median and altitude of an isosceles triangle can be same.

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